Friptura suculenta de oaie cu sos de porto, sharon si fructul pasiunii/Juicy mutton roast with porto, sharon and passion fruit sauce
Zilele acestea m-am framantat mult. Am citit, am experimentat si am cautat ingrediente, uneori cu succes, alteori deznadajduitor. Nu vreau sa va fac prea curiosi si am sa va spun care a fost motivul. M-am hotarat sa particip la concursul organizat de Philips si Gustos – “Gatesc sanatos pentru concursul Philips AirFryer de pe”.
Am cochetat pe rand cu preparatele vegetariene, raw, cu peste, pui si vita. Dar parca nici unul dintre ele nu era ceea ce cautam. Si ce credeti ca am ales? Carne de oaie.
Probabil ca ati ridicat deja spranceana si va intrebati de ce am ales un tip de carne atat de blamat de catre noi romanii.
Ei bine, carnea de oaie se incadreaza in categoria alimentelor complete. Ea contine o larga varietate de aminoacizi, majoritatea vitaminelor si aproape toate mineralele necesare organismului. Aminoacizi continuti de carnea de oaie sunt extrem de rar intalniti in lumea animala, ca si unele minerale precum cobaltul si manganul. O dieta care contine carne de oaie conduce la reducerea riscului de infarct, imbunatatirea calitatii somnului, reducerea vitezei de imbatranire a creierului.
Fructele folosite pentru sos si vinul contin antioxidanti, foarte importanti pentru sanatatea noastra.
These days I’ve lamented a lot. I read, experienced and searched ingredients, sometimes successfully, sometimes without hope. I don’t want to make you too curious and I’ll tell you the reason for doing all these things. I decided to participate in the contest organized by Philips and Gustos – “Healthy cooking with Philips AirFryer competition on”.
I oscillated between vegetarian dishes, raw, fish, chicken and beef. But none of them were what I was looking. What do you think I chose? Mutton.
You probably already raised your eyebrow and wonder why I chose a type of meat so blamed by us, the Romanians.
Well, mutton is considered a complete category of food. It contains a variety of aminoacids, most vitamins and almost all minerals needed by our body. The aminoacids contained by mutton are extremely rare in the animal world, as well as some minerals such as cobalt and magnesium A diet containing mutton will reduce the risk of heart attack, improve sleep quality, slowing the aging of brain.
The fruits used for sauce and wine contain antioxidants, very important for our health.
Iata ce ingrediente am folosit (pentru 6 portii).
-2 kg pulpa de oaie
-4 linguri ulei
-600 ml vin rose sau alb
-sare grunjoasa
-300 ml vin porto tawny
-2 fructe sharon
-2 maracuja (fructul pasiunii)
Piure de cartofi
-3-4 cartofi
-30 g unt
Piure de morcovi
-4 morcovi
-20 g unt
Here are the ingredients I used (for 6 servings)
-2 kg mutton leg
-4 tablespoons oil
-600 ml wine or white rose
-coarse salt
-300 ml wine tawny port
-2 sharon fruits
-2 maracuja (passion fruits)
Mashed potatoes
-3 – 4 potatoes
-30 g butter
Mashed carrots
-4 carrots
-20 g butter
Pulpa de oaie se degreseaza. Se scot pe rand toate pielitele si toata grasimea. Carnea se freaca apoi cu sarea grunjoasa.
Intr-o tigaie se adauga cele patru linguri de ulei si se pune pe foc. Cand uleiul este incins, se pune carnea care se va intoarce pe fiecare parte si se va lasa maxim 3 minute (deci in total 6 minute pentru intreaga bucata).
Degrease the mutton pulp. Take off all the grease and tissues. The meat is then rubbed with coarse salt.
Add four tablespoons of oil in a pan and put it on the stove. When the oil is hot put the meat in the pan and turn it on each side and will leave it within 3 minutes (so a total of 6 minutes for the entire piece of meat).
Puneti apoi bucata de carne intr-un vas ceramic, adaugati vinul rose sau alb si cuisoarele. Acoperiti vasul cu un capac sau folie de aluminiu si introduceti-l in cuptorul preincalzit. Pentru inceput vom gati friptura la foc iute timp de 10 minute. Dupa cele 10 minute, focul se regleaza la minim. Friptura se va pregati la foc mic aproximativ o ora si jumatate.
Pentru a obtine o friptura suculenta, eu am folosit un termometru special pentru friptura. Acesta indica temperatura la care carnea este bine facuta (well made)-in cazul carnii de oaie fiind 82 grade C. Familia mea prefera friptura medium rare in mod normal asa ca temperatura maxima la care a ajuns carnea a fost de aproximativ 75 de grade Celsius.
Temperatura carnii se ia in zona in care bucata are grosimea cea mai mare, tija termometrului netrebuind sa atinga niciodata osul.
Dupa ce friptura s-a facut, vasul se scoate din cuptor. Carnea se va lasa timp de 10 minute inainte de a fi taiata si servita pentru a lasa in vas toata zeama care este in exces.
Then place the piece of meat in a ceramic pot, add rose or white wine and cloves. Cover the dish with a lid or aluminum foil and put it in the preheated oven. For start, we’ll cook the roast at high heat for 10 minutes. After 10 minutes, the fire is adjusted to a minimum. Prepare roast on low heat for about an hour and a half.
To get a juicy roast, I used a special thermometer for steak. It indicates the temperature at which the meat is well done, for mutton being 82 degrees C. My family prefers medium rare steak, so normally the maximum temperature reached was almost 75 meat degrees.
Meat temperature is taken where the piece is thickest, never ever touching the bone with the thermometer.
After the roast was done, remove the dish from oven. Meat will be left in the pot for 10 minutes before being cut and served in order to let the juices to settle down.
Dupa ce friptura este gata, ne apucam sa pregatim sosul si piureurile.
Legumele se curata, se spala si se fierb separat in apa cu sare. Apoi se paseaza si se amesteca cu unt si lapte sau numai cu unt (dupa caz).
Odata pregatite si piureurile, ne ocupam de sos. Fructele sharon se taie in cubulete si se pun intr-o craticioara. Peste acestea se adauga cei 300 ml de vin porto. Sosul se fierbe timp de 10-15 minute pentru a permite fructelor sa se inmoaie, insa sa nu devina pasta, iar vinului de porto sa se reduca. Cand sosul este fiert, craticioara se ia de pe foc. Dupa 2-3 minute adaugam miezul crud al fructelor pasiunii si amestecam. Sosul va avea un gust dulce acrisor, deosebit de aromat, cu bucati de fructe sharon si seminte crocante de fructul pasiunii. Intr-un cuvant, delicios!
Taiati friptura in felii dupa care aranjati farfuriile. Aveti grija sa mentineti mancarea calda! Serviti alaturi de un vin rosu sec.
After the roast is ready, we’ll start to prepare the sauce and purees.
Peel the vegetables, wash and boil them separately in salted water. Then mash them and mix with butter and milk or butter only (as applicable).
Once the purees are prepared, we’ll boil the sauce. Sharon fruits are cut into cubes and placed in a saucepan. Add the 300 ml port wine in the dish, over the sharon fruits pieces. Simmer the sauce for 15 minutes to allow the fruit to soften, but do not become paste and to port wine to reduce. When the sauce is cooked, take the pan aside. After 2-3 minutes add the raw passion fruit and mix. Sauce will taste sweet and sour, very aromatic, with sharon fruit pieces and crunchy passion fruit seeds. In a word, delicious!
Cut steak into slices and then arrange the plates. Make sure to keep food warm! Serve with dry red wine.
Pofta buna!
Bon appétit!