Zucotto cu merisoare / Zucotto with cranberries
Ne apropiem incet de inchiderea Targului de Sarbatori. Sper ca v-a placut ideea si ca retetele de acolo v-au fost de ajutor si v-au inspirat. Chiar mi-ar placea sa stiu parerea voastra despre aceasta idee a mea.
Vreau sa stiti ca numai cateva din retetele prezentate in acea sectiune au fost facute pentru Craciun. Restul au fost selectate si incercate inainte, pentru ca voi sa gasiti aici o sursa de inspiratie. Ramane de vazut daca am reusit.
Azi am sa va prezint Zucotto. A fost un mare succes – dovada este graba in care am facut fotografiile, intre doua ture de musafiri.
Vreau sa stiti ca numai cateva din retetele prezentate in acea sectiune au fost facute pentru Craciun. Restul au fost selectate si incercate inainte, pentru ca voi sa gasiti aici o sursa de inspiratie. Ramane de vazut daca am reusit.
Azi am sa va prezint Zucotto. A fost un mare succes – dovada este graba in care am facut fotografiile, intre doua ture de musafiri.
Ingrediente blat:
– 6 oua
– 6 linguri zahar
– 7 linguri faina
– vanilie
-7 g praf de copt
Ingrediente umplutura:
– 500 ml smantana dulce
– 100 g zahar pudra
– 300 g merisoare
– vanilie
– 20 g gelatina
Ingrediente sirop si glazura:
– 250 ml cherry
– 2 linguri apa
– 200 g ciocolata neagra
– bomboane pentru decor
We’re slowly getting closer of Holiday’s Market end. I hope that you liked the idea and the recipes from there helped you and inspired you. I would love to know your opinion about my idea.
I want you to know that only some recipes that I presented you in that section were made by me for Christmas. The rest of them were selected and tried earlier, so that you could find here a source of inspiration. We will see if I succeeded.
Today I will present you Zucotto. I was a great success – the proof is the rush in which I made the photos, between two visits of my guests.
Ingredients for sponge cake:
– 6eggs
– 6 tablespoons of sugar
– 7 tablespoons of flour
– vanilla
– 7 g baking powder
Ingredients for filling:
– 500 ml whipping cream
– 100 g powdered sugar
– 300 g cranberries
– vanilla
– 20 g gelatin
Ingredients for syrup and glaze:
– 250 ml cherry
– 2 tablespoons of water
– 200 g black chocolate
– chocolate candies for decor
Blatul este unul obisnuit. Un pandispan ca si cel de aici . Se respecta toate indicatiile de acolo. Singura diferenta consta in forma in care vom coace acest pandispan. Eu am folosit o tava dreptunghiulara cu dimensiunile de 30/50 cm.
This sponge cake is a simple one. It’s just like the one from here. To bake it you only have to follow the instructions from there. The only difference is the form of the tray that we have to use to bake the sponge cake. I used a rectangular tray with the dimensions of 30/50 cm.
Blatul rece se va taia in triunghiuri. Suprafata blatului meu a fost putin lipicioasa; nu va faceti probleme deoarece nu va afecta aspectul final. 🙂
The cold sponge cake will be cut in triangles. My sponge cake’s surface was a little bit sticky; no need to worry because it won’t affect the final aspect of our cake. 🙂
Intr-un bol de dimensiuni mari se pune folie alimentara. Se asaza bucatile de blat care se vor imbina perfect datorita formei in care au fost taiate. Se insiropeaza bine cu sherry.
In a big bowl we will put alimentary plastic film. We will arrange the sponge cake slices. They will fit very well because of their form. After that we will put the syrup on the slices.
Gelatina se va inmuia in 20 ml de apa. Apoi se vor pune merisoarele intr-o craticioara. Eu nu am adaugat nici zahar, nici apa deoarece merisoarele au fost conservate in sirop. Am incalzit putin dupa care am adaugat gelatina. Am amestecat incet pentru a omogeniza. Atentie! Aceasta compozitie nu se fierbe, ci doar se incalzeste. Gelatina se distruge prin fierbere.
We will moist the gelatin in 20 ml of water. After, we will put the cranberries into a small pan. I didn’t add sugar or water because my cranberries were canned with syrup. I warmed them a little and I put the moistened gelatin in the pan. I mixed slowly to homogenize. Attention! This composition shouldn’t be boiled, we only have to warm it. The gelatin will be destroyed if we boil it.
Smantana dulce se mixeaza impreuna cu zaharul pudra si vanilia pana cand obtinem frisca. Aceasta frisca se va prepara inainte de a incalzi merisoarele si gelatina. Ea se tine in frigider pana cand compozitia calduta cu merisoare si gelatina se va adauga peste ea. Odata adaugate merisoarele se amesteca bine si se toarna in castron, peste blat.
Whipping cream will be mixed with powdered sugar and vanilla until we’ll obtain whipped cream. This whipped cream will be prepared before we warm the composition of cranberries and gelatin. Whipped cream will be kept in the fridge until we’ll mix it with the warm composition of cranberries and the gelatin. We mix them well and we’ll add the obtained composition in the bowl, on the sponge cake slices.
Deasupra se adauga triunghiuri de blat, fara a presa. Castronul se pune in frigider pentru cel putin 6 ore sau de pe o zi pe alta.
Apoi se rastoarna pe un platou si se imbraca in crema, frisca, ciocolata topita sau zahar pudra si cacao. Se orneaza asa cum dorim.
On top we’ll put triangles of sponge cake without pressing. The bowl will be put in the fridge for at least 6 hours or until the next day.
We’ll put it on a big plate and we’ll decorate it with buttercream, whipped cream, chocolate or powdered sugar and cocoa. We can put on it any decorations we like.
Nu am o felie pe care sa v-o arat. Din pacate cele doua fotografii cu felia au fost foarte miscate. V-am spus ca graba a fost mare…
Dar am un detaliu al sectiunii! 🙂
I don’t have a slice to show you. Unfortunately the two pictures made with the slice were blurred. I told that I was in a great hurry…
But I have a section’s detail! 🙂
Sper ca lipsa pozei cu felia nu v-a suparat prea tare. A fost foarte gustos si a disparut subit! :))
I hope that the miss of slice’s picture didn’t upset you too much. It was so tasty that it suddenly disappeared! :))