Carne de vita / Beef

Varza cu muschi de vita si mamaliguta/ Cabbage with beef and polenta

Mi-am propus sa promovez mancarea si ceramica din Romania. Nu pot sa afirm ca sunt patrioata dar trebuie sa recunosc faptul ca iubesc bucataria romaneasca si respect traditiile tarii in care m-am nascut si traiesc.
Romania nu inseamna numai ce se vede la televizor. In goana dupa senzational se uita sa se mentioneze lucrurile care ar merita intr-adevar sa fie spuse. Nu, nu am sa tin un discurs! Vreau pur si simplu sa arat lumii ca imi place diversitatea, ca ador sa incerc tot felul de retete inedite din toata lumea dar uneori imi place sa gatesc asa cum gatea strabunica mea, o femeie simpla si o bucatareasa desavarsita.
Am ales o reteta comuna pentru noi dar care mie imi place foarte mult: varza cu muschi de vita si mamaliguta.


– 1 varza (aproximativ 1kg)
– 500 g muschi de vita
– 1 ardei gras rosu
– 4 fire de ceapa verde
– 2 morcovi
– 3 linguri de ulei de floarea soarelui
– 200 ml suc de rosii sau 3 rosii
– frunze de dafin
– piper boabe
– cimbru
– sare

Ingrediente mamaliguta

– 200 g malai
– 750 ml apa
– 1 lingura de ulei
– sare

I’m proposing to promote the Romanian food and ceramics. I can’t say that I’m a patriot but I must admit that I love Romanian food and I respect the traditions of the country in which I was born, raised and I still live in. 
Romania it’s not just what is showed on TV. Chasing the sensational everybody forgets to mention the things which really worth to be said. No, I won’t have a speech! I just want to show to the world that I like diversity, that I adore to try all kinds of new and exquisite recipes from the whole world but sometimes I like to cook like great grandma used to cook, although she was a simple woman and a great cook.
I chose a simple common recipe that I really love: cabbage with beef and polenta.
– 1 cabbage (weighting 1 kg)
– 500 g beef fillet
– 1 red bell pepper
– 4 young onions 
– 2 carrots
– 3 spoons of sunflower oil
– 200 ml of tomato juice or 3 tomatoes
– bay leaves 
– savory
– peppercorns
– salt
Ingredients for polenta
– 200 g of cornmeal
– 750 ml of water
– 1 spoon of sunflower oil
– salt

Carnea de vita se fierbe separat dupa care se taie in bucatele mici. Se vor taia marunt si ardeiul, ceapa, morcovul si rosiile (daca nu folositi suc de rosii). Eu folosesc numai suc de rosii facut in casa iar cand nu am pun rosii tocate marunt. Carnea si legumele se pun intr-o cratita impreuna cu uleiul si se calesc cca 3-4 minute. Apoi se adauga varza si se toarna apa cat sa o acopere. Vom adauga sucul de rosii si toate celelalte ingrediente si le lasam sa fiarba impreuna. Timpul de fierbere difera in functie de tipul de varza. Este posibil sa fie necesara completarea cu apa in timpul fierberii.
Mancarea este gata atunci cand varza este fiarta iar sosul format a scazut.

The beef is boiled separately and after is chopped in small pieces. We will also chop finely  the bell pepper, the onion, the carrots and tomatoes (if we don’t use tomato juice). I’m using only homemade tomato juice and when I don’t have I put tomatoes finely chopped. The meat and the vegetables are put into a pan with the oil and are tempered for 3-4 minutes. After that we will add the cabbage and water (the water only covers the cabbage).
We will add the tomato juice and all the other ingredients and we will let them boil together. Time of boiling varies with the type of the cabbage that we are using. It might be necessary to add water while the ingredients are being boiled. 

The dish is ready when the cabbage is boiled and we don’t have too much sauce.

Prepararea mamaligutei este simpla. Se pune la fiert apa intr-o craticioara impreuna cu sarea si uleiul. Cand fierbe adaugam malaiul in ploaie amestecand energic pentru a nu se forma cocoloase. Daca nu va descurcati exista o solutie simpla prin care eliminam cocoloasele: cu mixerul. Stiu, stiu…toata lumea rade de mine cand spun ca am facut candva mamaliguta cu ajutorul mixerului!
Si iata ce a iesit. Noi am servit cu palinca si ardei iute.

The preparation o polenta is quite easy. We put the water, the oil and the salt into a pan and we boil them. When the water is boiling we will add the cornmeal easily, just like a rain. While we are adding the cornmeal we are also mixing the ingredients fast for not having cornmeal balls. If you will have cornmeal balls you can use the mixer. I know, I know…Everybody laughed when I told them that I used the mixer when I prepared polenta a while ago!
Take a look at  my cabbage. We served this dish with palinca (Romanian spirit) and with hot pepper. You must try this combination!

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