Desert / Dessert

Valentine’s Cupcakes

Briose, muffins, cupcakes, eu una le iubesc pe toate! 🙂
De data asta tot cu iubirea avem treaba. Ii iubim sau ne iubesc, sarbatorim pe 14 sau pe 24 februarie, e mai putin important. Ceea ce cred ca este intr-adevar important este sa le aratam inca o data ca a iubi este minunat 🙂
Imi plac aceste sarbatori. Pentru mine perioada care urmeaza dupa Craciun si Revelion este atat de mohorata si apasatoare incat numai putin roz si ceva dulce ma salveaza de la depresie sigura :))
Asa ca am hotarat sa ma pregatesc si anul acesta cum trebuie. Am pregatit niste cupcakes absolut delicioase!
Brioches, muffins, cupcakes, I love them all! 🙂
This time we’ll have to deal again with our favorite subject, love. We love or they love us, we celebrate on 14th or 24th of February, is less important. What I think is really important is to show them again that the love is wonderful 🙂
I love the holidays. For me the period that comes after Christmas and New Year is so overwhelming that only some pink and something sweet will save me from depression :))
So I decided this year to prepare myself properly for this holiday. We baked some absolutely delicious cupcakes!

Ce am folosit?
– 6 oua
– 10 linguri de faina
– 6 linguri de zahar
– 50 g unt
– 100 ml lapte
– 10 g praf de copt
– vanilie
– 50 g picaturi de ciocolata neagra
– 150 g prune uscate
– 2 albusuri de ou
– 200 g zahar pudra
– 150 g unt
– vanilie sau extract de migdale
– 1 picatura de colorant rosu (optional)
What did I used?
– 6 eggs
– 10 tablespoons of flour
– 6 tablespoons of sugar
– 50 g butter
– 100 ml milk
– 10 g baking powder
– vanilla
– 50 g drops of dark chocolate
– 150 g dried plums
– 2 egg whites
– 200 g powdered sugar
– 150 g butter
– vanilla or almond extract
– 1 drop of food pigment (optional)
Se bat ouale. Apoi adaugam unt moale, zaharul si laptele si omogenizam. Se adauga apoi faina in ploaie si se amesteca cu telul sau cu mixerul. Vanilia si praful de copt se pun la sfarsit si se amesteca bine.
Beat the eggs. Then add the soft butter, sugar and milk and mix. Add the flour and stir with whisk or mixer. Vanilla and baking powder will be put in the end and mixed well.
In final se taie prunele in bucatele mici si se adauga impreuna cu picaturile de ciocolata in compozitia de cupcakes.
Finally plums will be cut into small pieces and will be added along with drops of chocolate in the cupcakes composition.
Compozitia se pune in forme insa acestea se vor umple numai in proportie de 2/3 deoarece trebuie sa le lasam spatiu sa creasca.
Composition is poured in forms, but they will be filled only at a rate of 2/3 because you need to leave space to grow a little bit.
Cat timp coaceti cupcakes puteti pregati crema. Albusurile se bat spuma impreuna cu zaharul pudra. Cand spuma nu se mai desprinde de pe paletele mixerului adaugam untul moale (nu foarte moale si in nici un caz topit). Se mixeaza la viteza mare pana la obtinerea unei creme. Se pune extractul (eu am pus de migdale) si colorantul si se omogenizeaza.
While you bake cupcakes you can prepare the cream. Mix the egg whites with powdered sugar. When foam  is not falling from the mixer blades add soft butter (not too soft or melted). Then mix at high speed to obtain a cream. Put the vanilla or almond extract (I used almonds) and coloring and mix.
Puneti crema cu o lingurita sau un pos si decorati cu bombonele sau cu ce doriti voi 🙂
Put the cream with a spoon or decorating bag and decorate with candies or what you want 🙂

Sper ca v-am dat o idee buna de cadou 🙂
Spor la treaba!
I hope I have given you a good idea for a gift 🙂
Good luck with your baking!

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