Targ de Sarbatori / Holiday Market

Ultima reteta a anului 2011: Rasol de vita – varianta mea / Last recipe for 2011: Osso bucco – my style

Daca inca nu v-ati hotarat ce sa pregatiti pentru Revelion am sa vin eu cu o idee. Putina carne de vita dupa atata porc nu strica!
Reteta nu este spectaculoasa si nici complicata. Este exact ceea ce-mi place cel mai mult: simplu si delicios.
De ce aveti nevoie? Pai nu de prea multe ingrediente. Pentru doua persoane va trebui sa aveti:
– 2 felii de rasol de vita cu os
– 1 lingura de ulei
– 1 litru de vin rose
– 500 g fasole verde
– hrean
– 300 g iaurt de oaie
– sare
– piper
If you haven’t decided yet what to prepare for New Year’s Eve I have an idea. A little beef after so much pork should be very suitable!
The recipe is not spectacular, nor complicated. This is exactly what I love most: simple and delicious.
What you’ll need? Well, not too many ingredients. For two people you should have:
– 2 slices of osso bucco with bone
– 1 tablespoon of oil
– 1 liter of rose wine
– 500 g green beans
– horseradish
– 300 g sheep yogurt
– salt
– pepper
Feliile de rasol se spala si se scurg bine. Pregatim o tigaie pe care o vom unge cu ulei, de preferinta care sa aiba un strat antiaderent.The slices of osso bucco will be washed and well drained. We will prepare a pan which will be greased with oil. The pan should have an non adherent layer.

Bucatile de carne se rumenesc pe ambele parti. Ele trebuie supravegheate atent pentru ca rumenirea sa se faca uniform.
Pieces of meat will be tempered on both sides. They should be closely monitored to temper uniformly on both sides.

Cand carnea s-a rumenit, tigaia se ia de pe foc si se adauga piper, sare si vinul. Apoi se acopera cu un capac si se pune la foc mic. Carnea va fierbe in vin dupa care se va carameliza usor cand acesta va scadea.
When the meat is tempered, the pas is taken aside and we will add pepper, salt and the wine. Then the pan is covered with a lid and put back on the stove at low heat. The meat will boil in wine and after that it will be caramelized when there’s no more wine.

Apoi se prepara sosul de hrean. Se rade prin razatoarea mica si se amesteca bine cu iaurt pana cand devine cremos. Unii il prefera ca si sos cald, asemanator cu bechamel. Eu cred ca e mai potrivit sa il fac simplu, cu iaurt si sa renunt la smantana care este destul de grea.
Fasolea verde se fierbe cu putina sare si se scurge bine de apa. Daca va place puteti adauga putin ulei si sare sau alte condimente, insa nu foarte aromate. Gusturile pregnante trebuie sa fie cel al carnii si al sosului de hrean.
Apoi pregatim farfuriile pentru a servi mancarea cat este calda.
Then we’ll  prepare the horseradish sauce. Grate the horseradish to the small grater, add yogurt and mix well until it becomes creamy. Some prefer it as warm sauce, like bechamel. I think it’s best to make it simple, with yogurt and  not with sour cream which is quite heavy.
Green beans will be boiled with salt water and drained well. If you like you can add a some oil and salt or other spices, but not very flavorful. The powerful tastes should be that of meat and horseradish sauce.
 Then prepare plates to serve the food warm.

Va multumesc pentru ca mi-ati fost alaturi si in anul 2011, chiar daca uneori nu am fost prezenta atat de mult pe cat mi-as fi dorit.
Sper ca anul ce vine sa va aduca multa sanatate, bucurie si liniste in suflete! La multi ani!

Thank you for being with me in 2011, even though sometimes I was not present here as much as I would have liked.
I hope that next year will bring you health, joy and peace in your souls! Happy New Year!

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