Bombonerie/ Candies

Trufe cu migdale si ciocolata / Almond and chocolate truffles

Este inceput de martie. In curand doamnele vor sarbatori ca in fiecare an Ziua Femeii.
Este singura zi din an in care veti zari prietene, mame, colege sarbatorind. Printre ele veti mai zari poate, cativa domni. Sa nu vi se para ciudat! Am cunoscut trei astfel de domni care sarbatoreau in fiecare an impreuna cu doamnele. Da, erau nascuti de “Ziua femeii”. Ei erau capabili sa simta cel mai bine ce inseamna aceasta sarbatoare! Unul dintre acesti domni mi-a marcat viata si mi-a ghidat pasii.
Asadar, acest post este dedicat acelui domn deosebit si tuturor femeilor care vor sarbatori ,ca in fiecare an, Ziua Femeii.
Iata de ce avem nevoie:

          –  5 oua

       – 5 linguri zahar
-5 linguri faina
–  10 g praf de copt
– 10 g bourbon vanilla

          –100 g migdale

           -150 g unt

            – 250 g ciocolata neagra

          – bombonele decor

March just begun. Soon the ladies from my country will celebrate as in every year International Women’s Day .
It’s the day from year when you can see only friends, mothers, colleagues celebrating. Among them you’ll see maybe, few gentlemen. Don’t think that it’s weird! I met three gentlemen like those ones. They were celebrating in every year with the ladies. Yes, they were born on 8th of March. They were capable to feel the best what this day means! One of those gentlemen had a big role in my life and guided me for a long period.
So, this post is for him and for all the women that will celebrate on 8th of March.
What we need:
 Sponge cake
–  5 eggs
        – 5 tablespoons of sugar
        –  5 tablespoons of flour
       –  10 g baking powder
        – 10 g bourbon vanilla
         -100 g almonds
        – 150 g butter
        –  250 g black chocolate
        – candies to decorate 

 Am facut un blat simplu ca si cel de aici.
Daca doriti, puteti adauga 1-2 picaturi de colorant rosu sau suc de sfecla pentru da culoare blatului.

I made a simple sponge cake like the one from here.
If you want, you can add 1-2 drops of red color or beet juice to give color to you sponge cake.

Dupa ce blatul s-a racit, se faramiteaza cu robotul sau cu o furculita. Se adauga migdalele rasnite si se amesteca.

After the sponge cake cooled off, we’ll crumble it with the kitchen robot or with a fork. We’ll add the grinded  almonds and we’ll mix.

Adaugam untul topit si omogenizam.

We’ll put the melted butter and we’ll homogenize. 

Formam bilute din compozitie si le asezam pe o farfurie. Dupa ce am terminat de format bilele, punem farfuria in frigider timp de 20 de minute.
We’ll form small balls of composition and we’ll put them on a plate. After we’ve finished forming the balls, we’ll put the plate in the fridge for 20 minutes.


Topim ciocolata intr-o craticioara, la bain marie. Vom scoate cate 3-4 bilute din frigider pe care le vom baga in ciocolata calduta pe rand, cu o lingura. Se scot pe o farfurie pe care am pus hartie de copt si presaram bombonele, migdale sau ce dorim. Se baga apoi in frigider. Procedeul se repeta pentru toate trufele.
Se vor tine in frigider cel putin 30 de minute inainte de servire.

We melt the chocolate in a pan, in bain marie. We’ll take out of the fridge 3-4 balls and we’ll dip them, one by one, in chocolate with a tablespoon. We’ll take them out of the pan on a plate on which we put baking paper and we spread candies, almonds or what we wish. After that we’ll put them in the fridge. This procedures will be repeated for all the truffles. 
We will keep them in the fridge at least 30 before serving. 

Acesta a fost micul meu cadou pentru voi! Sa aveti o primavara frumoasa!
This was my present for you! Have a wonderful spring!

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