Trick or treat!
Si cum decoratiunile nu puteau lipsi am creat niste dovleci fiorosi. đ
Ingrediente blat:
– 7 oua
– 7 linguri de zahar
– 8 linguri faina
– 1 lingurita ulei
– 10 g praf de copt
– esenta de cafea
Ingrediente crema:
– 200 g frisca
– 1 lingura amidon
– 200 g ciocolata neagra
– 2 linguri zahar pudra
Ingrediente decoratiuni:
– 4 lingurite miere de albine
– lapte praf (cat cuprinde pentru a obtine o compozitie elastica)
– colorant alimentar
– 200 g glazura de ciocolata neagra Dr. Oetker
So it’s Halloween day already. Although in Romania it’s a borrowed holiday and I don’t celebrate it , I wished to be able to make you a nice present. So I baked a lovely chocolate sponge cake.
And of course, I made some decorations. Evil pumpkins!
– 7 eggsÂ
– 7 tablespoons of sugar
– 8 tablespoons of flour
– 1 tablespoon sunflower oil
– 10g baking powder
– coffee essence
– 200 g whipping cream
– 1 tablespoon of starch
– 200 g black chocolate
– 2 tablespoons of powdered sugar
– 4 teaspoons of honey
– dry milk (as much as we need in order to obtain an elastic composition)
– colorants for icing
– 200 g dark chocolate glaze
Incepem cu decoratiunile. Amestecam mierea cu putin colorant alimentar.
We will start with the decorations. We will mix honey with icing color.
Apoi adaugam lapte praf pana cand obtinem o pasta elastica. Daca pasta este prea tare ea nu va putea fi prelucrata. Cantitatea exacta de lapte praf nu poate fi estimata deoarece difera in functie de ce fel de lapte praf folosim.
We will add dry milk until we’ll obtain an elastic paste. If the paste is to hard we won’t be able to work with it. The exact quantity of dry milk can’t be estimated because it’s different each time because we might be using a other type of milk or from other producers.
Se modeleaza cum dorim dupa care se pun intr-un loc rece sau in frigider pana cand tortul este gata.
We will model  the decorations as we wish and after we will put them in a cold place or in  fridge until the cake will be finished.
Pregatim blatul de tort. Separam albusurile si le batem spuma impreuna cu zaharul.
We will prepare the sponge cake. We will separate the egg whites and we mix them well with the sugar.
Se adauga galbenusurile, uleiul, praful de copt si esenta de cafea si se mixeaza bine. Apoi adaugam faina si mixam.
We will add the egg yolks, sunflower oil, baking powder and coffee essence and we mix well. After, we will add the flour and we mix.
Compozitia se pune intr-o forma pentru blat si se pune in cuptorul preincalzit. Se lasa pana cand trece testul scobitorii.
The composition will be put into a baking pan and will be put into the preheated oven. We will let the pan in the oven until the sponge cake will pass the stick test.
Frisca se mixeaza impreuna cu zaharul pudra si cu amidonul si se da la rece.
Whipped cream will be mixed with the powdered sugar and the starch and will be put in the fridge.
Frisca se amesteca bine cu ciocolata topita la bain mairie obtinandu-se o crema delicioasa. Se umple tortul cu crema, se toarna glazura de ciocolata si se decoreaza. Si gata! đ
Whipped cream will be mixed with warm chocolate (melted at bain mairie) and we’ll obtain a delicious filling cream. We will fill the sponge cake with the filling cream, we put the chocolate glaze, we decorate it. And that’s it! đ
Am sa revin cat de curand cu mai multe explicatii cu privire la pasta de lapte praf si tehnica decorarii cu aceasta. Aceste decoratiuni au fost primele facute de manutele mele. Sper sa mai urmeze altele mult mai reusite!
Deci, cum ramane: trick or treat??? :))
I will come back later with more explanations about the dry milk paste and the technique of decoration with this type of paste. Those decorations were my first ones. I hope I will have some more, but more nicer!
So, how it’s gonna be: trick or treat??? :))