Desert / Dessert

Trandafiri cu absint / Absinthe roses

Nu stiu cata lume stie ce este absintul. Asa ca am sa va povestesc putin despre aceasta bautura.
Absintul este o bautura alcoolica tare, de cca 70 de grade, preparata din frunze de pelin, anason, fenicul si alte plante aromatice.In doze mari aceasta bautura este toxica.
Deoarece s-a constatat ca in urma consumului de absint creste agresivitatea, putand duce pana la crima, si se poate ajunge chiar la o stare de nebunie, productia si consumul de absint au fost interzise in mai multe tari din Europa si SUA.
In urma unor studii s-a constatat că nu substantele din absint produceau simptomele incriminate, ci consumul excesiv al acestei bauturi. Efectele nu difera, de fapt, de alcoolismul provocat de consumul in exces al altor bauturi alcoolice. Ca urmare, a fost ridicata interdictia de fabricare si comercializare in Europa (Wikipedia).
Probabil ca va intrebati de ce am ales sa prepar un desert cu absint. Ei bine, a fost o surpriza pentru sotul meu care este fan steampunk.
I don’t know how many of you know what absinthe is. So I will tell you few things about this drink.
Absinthe is historically described as a distilled, highly alcoholic (45–74% ABV / 90-148 proof) beverage. It is an anise-flavoured spirit derived from botanicals, including the flowers and leaves of Artemisia absinthium (a.k.a. “grande wormwood”), together with green anise, sweet fennel, and other medicinal and culinary herbs. Absinthe traditionally has a natural green colour but may also be colourless. It is commonly referred to in historical literature as “la fée verte” (the green fairy).
Although it is sometimes mistakenly referred to as a liqueur, absinthe is not traditionally bottled with added sugar, and is therefore classified as a spirit. Absinthe is traditionally bottled at a high level of alcohol by volume, but is normally diluted with water prior to being consumed.
Absinthe has often been portrayed as a dangerously addictive psychoactive drug. By 1915, absinthe had been banned in the United States and in much of Europe. Although absinthe was vilified, it has not been demonstrated to be any more dangerous than ordinary spirits. Any psychoactive properties attributed to absinthe, apart from that of the alcohol, have been much exaggerated. (Wikipedia)
Maybe you’re wondering why I chose to prepare a dessert with absinthe. Well, it was a surprise for my husband who’s a big steampunk fan.

Ce ingrediente  am folosit? Nu prea multe.

80 ml apa
80 ml absint
10 g gelatina
6 biscuiti cu unt
4 lg lapte
150 g cioco neagra
What ingredients I used? Not too many.
80 ml water
80 ml absinthe
10 g gelatin
6 butter biscuits
4 tablespoons of milk
150 g black chocolate
Gelatina se hidrateaza 80 ml de apa si se incalzeste putin. Atentie – gelatina se distruge prin fierbere.
Apoi peste gelatina calduta se va pune absintul si se amesteca bine.
The gelatin will be hydrated with 80 ml of water and warmed. Be careful – gelatin will be destroyed if it’s boiled. Put absinthe over the warm gelatin and stir.
Amestecul de gelatina si absint se toarna in forme de silicon si se dau la frigider.
Gelatin and absinthe composition will be poured in silicon forms and put in the fridge.
Biscuitii se sfarma cu o furculita si se amesteca intr-un bol impreuna cu laptele. Se formeaza o pasta care se pune peste jeleul de absint si se niveleaza. Formele se pun inapoi in frigider si se lasa 2 ore. Apoi se topeste ciocolata si se adauga si aceasta in forme.
Peste o ora veti putea servi trandafirii, nu inainte de a-i desprinde cu grija din forma.
Biscuits will be smashed with a fork and mixed in a bowl with milk. A paste will be formed that will be put  over absinthe jelly and leveled. Forms are put back in refrigerator and left for 2 hours. Then melt the chocolate and add it into shape.
After an hour you can serve the roses, not before taking them out from the form carefully.
Sper ca v-au placut trandafirii mei! Pofta buna!
I hope you like my roses! Bon appétit!

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