Desert / Dessert

Tort Joffre – varianta mea Joffre cake – my way

M-am gandit ca dupa absenta asta lunga ar trebui sa revin cu o reteta spectaculoasa. Nu stiu daca va impresioneaza ciocolata si alunele dar eu tot vreau sa incerc 🙂
Unii dintre voi s-au gandit ca am abandonat blogul, altii ca am disparut de pe fata pamantului (hm, you wish!). De fapt am renovat. Si DA! Am o noua bucatarie, un cuptor pe care sper ca voi reusi sa-l folosesc la adevarata lui capacitate, o masina de spalat vase pe care deja o consider prietena mea de suflet :))
Acum e musai sa va dau reteta mea de tort Joffre. Am gasit acum cateva luni o reteta pe forumul Arta culinara. Am adaptat-o gustului meu si ingredientelor de care dispuneam si a rezultat un tort care va fi vedeta la noi in casa ori de cate ori vrem ceva decadent.
Ingrediente blat:
– 4 oua
– 4 linguri de zahar
– 2 linguri de faina
– 2 linguri de cacao
– 10 g praf de copt
– vanilie
Ingrediente crema:
– 500 g ciocolata neagra
– 500 ml smantana pentru gatit (32% grasime)
– 150 g alune de padure
– ciocolata neagra

I thought that after this long absence I should return with a spectacular recipe. I don’t know if you will be impressed by chocolate and peanuts but I still want to try 🙂
Some of you thought I abandoned the blog, others that I disappeared from earth (hm, you wish!). I actually refurbished. And YES! I have a new kitchen, an oven which I hope I will be able to use it to its true capacity, a dishwasher which is already  my very best friend :))
It is a must to give you my recipe of Joffre cake. I found a recipe a few months ago on Arta culinara- an culinary forum. I adapted it to my taste and available ingredients and the result is a cake that will be the star in our house whenever we want something decadent.
Ingredients for dough:
– 4 eggs
-4 tablespoons of sugar
– 2 tablespoons of flour
– 2 tablespoons of cocoa
– 10 g baking powder
– vanilla
Cream ingredients:
– 500 g dark chocolate
– 500 ml cooking milk cream (32% fat)
– 150 g hazelnuts
– dark chocolate

Blatul este unul simplu, care nu necesita multe ingrediente sau timp.
The spongecake is a simple one, doesn’t need many ingredients or time.

Albusurile se separa de galbenusuri si se mixeaza pana rezulta spuma. Se adauga zaharul si se mixeaza in continuare pana la obtinerea spumei dense care nu se desprinde de pe paletele mixerului.
Apoi se adauga galbenusurile, vanilia, praful de copt, faina si cacao. Se mixeaza pana cand obtinem o compozitie omogena.
Separate egg whites and mix until you’ll get foam. Add the sugar and continue mixing until obtaining dense foam that doesn’t drop off the mixer blades.
Then add egg yolks, vanilla, baking powder, flour and cocoa. Mix until you’ll get a homogeneous composition.

Puneti compozitia intr-o forma de copt pudrata cu faina si puneti-o in cuptorul preincalzit. Blatul se coace timp de 15 minute la temperatura medie. Pentru a testa blatul daca este copt folositi o scobitoare.
Place composition in a baking tin powdered with flour and put it in the preheated oven. Bake the cake for 15 minutes at medium temperature. To test if the cake is backed use a toothpick.

Prepararea cremei se face la bain marie. Se pune pe foc un vas cu apa. Cand incepe sa clocoteasca fixam un al doilea vas in care avem ciocolata rupta in bucatele si smantana. Se amesteca bine pana cand ciocolata se topeste si se formeaza o crema omogena. Cream’s preparation is made at the bain marie. Put a pot of water on the fire. When it starts to boil fix a second vessel where we have the chocolate broken into pieces and cream. Stir well until the chocolate melts and forms a homogeneous cream.

Alunele se prajesc intr-o tigaie cu invelis teflonat si se taie in bucati mari.
Peanuts will be fried in a pan with teflon coating and cut into large pieces.

Blatul se taie in doua. Prima bucata se aseaza in forma detasabila. Apoi se pune crema care intre timp s-a racorit si alune. In final se adauga a doua bucata de blat si se apasa usor. Forma detasabila se acopera cu folie de plastic si se pune in frigider pana a doua zi (sau macar 4-5 ore). Se decoreaza dupa cum doriti, inainte de servire.
Cut the dough in half. The first piece is placed in a detachable form. Then place the cream which meanwhile cooled off  and peanuts. Finally add the second piece of dough and press gently. Put on the detachable form a cover of plastic wrap and place it in the refrigerator until the next day (or at least 4-5 hours). Decorate it as desired, before serving.

Sper sa va placa 🙂 Pofta buna!
I hope you’ll like it 🙂 Bon appétit!

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