Desert / Dessert

Tort Ginseng Coffee / Ginseng Coffee cake

Este nevoie sa va spun ca m-a innebunit acest tort? :))
M-am declarat fana pentru totdeauna a cafelei. Imi plac aromele fine, cele puternice, cafeaua gourmet, cafeaua proaspat prajita…dar care nu-mi place?!
Mi-am propus de ceva vreme sa pregatesc o pagina in care sa va prezint dulciuri pe care sa le serviti alaturi de cafea sau care sa contina cafea. Iata ca s-a ivit momentul. Azi va prezint prima reteta. 🙂

Ingrediente blat:
– 6 oua
– 6 lingurite zahar brun
– 3 linguri cacao neagra
– 7 linguri de faina
– 10 g praf de copt
– 1 lingura ulei floarea soarelui

Ingrediente umplutura:
– 300 g gem de zmeura
– 500 g mascarpone
– 4 linguri zahar pudra
– 3 linguri de cafea macinata cu ginseng

Ingrediente sirop:
– 250 ml cafea (preparata din aceeasi cafea cu ginseng)
– 3 linguri zahar brun

Do I have to tell you that this cake got me crazy? :))
I’m one of coffee’s forever declared fans. I like delicate flavors, the powerful ones, gourmet coffee, fresh roasted coffee…but which one I don’t like?!
I planned to prepare a page dedicated dedicated to the presentation of sweets which can be served near a coffee or that contain coffee. So that time came. Today I will present you my very first recipe from this page. 🙂
Ingredients for sponge cake: 
– 6 eggs
– 6 teaspoons of brown sugar
– 3 tablespoons of dark cocoa
– 7 tablespoons flour
– 10 g baking powder
– 1 tablespoon sunflower oil
Ingredients for filling:
– 300 g raspberry jam
– 500 g mascarpone
– 4 tablespoons of powdered sugar
– 3 tablespoons of roasted and minced ginseng coffee
Ingredients for syrup:
– 250 ml coffee (prepared with the same coffee with ginseng)
– 3 tablespoons brown sugar

Se separa albusurile si se mixeaza. Se adauga apoi zaharul brun si se mixeaza in continuare pana obtinem o spuma care nu curge.

We’ll separate the egg whites and we mix. We’ll add the sugar and we’ll mix until we’ll obtain a foam that doesn’t flow.

Se adauga galbenusurile si se amesteca.

Egg yolks will be added and mixed with the meringue.

Se adauga cacao, praf de copt, ulei si faina si se mixeaza. Compozitia se pune intr-o forma de copt si se pune in cuptorul preincalzit. Se testeaza daca blatul este copt cu ajutorul unei scobitori (in cazul meu coacerea a durat cam 15 minute).

We put cocoa, baking powder, sunflower oil and flour and we mix. The composition will be put into a cake pan and will be introduced in the preheated oven. We will test if the sponge cake is baked with a toothpick (in my case the baking took about 15 minutes).

Se prepara siropul din cafea facuta la filtru si zahar brun. Dupa ce blatul s-a racit peste acesta se pune siropul si gemul de zmeura.

Next step is to prepare the syrup with coffee and brown sugar. After the sponge cake is cooled off we’ll put the syrup the raspberry jam on it.

E timpul sa preparam crema de cafea. Poate ca va intrebati ce gust va avea cu acea cafea macinata in ea. Ei bine nu trebuie sa va faceti probleme deoarece cafeaua proaspat prajita si macinata este putin crocanta. Fiind crocanta si aromata, nu asa fin macinata, vom obtine o textura interesanta a cremei.
Punem mascarpone (sau o alta crema de branza dulce), zaharul pudra si cafeaua cu ginseng. Mixam si e gata! Asezam crema peste stratul de gem, decoram tortul cu cacao si boabe de cafea si e gata pentru a fi servit!

So it’s time to prepare the coffee cream. Maybe you wonder what taste it will have with that minced coffee in it. Well, there’s no need to worry because the fresh roasted and minced coffee is a little bit crispy. Being crispy and flavored, not so fine minced, we’ll have a very interesting texture for this cream. 
We’ll put mascarpone (or any other sweet cream of cheese), powdered sugar and ginseng coffee. We’ll mix and that’s it! We’ll put the cream over the jam layer, we’ll decorate the cake with cocoa and coffee beans and it’s ready to be served!

Nu este nevoie sa va povestesc prea multe despre acest tort si gustul lui. Fotografiile o fac mult mai bine ca mine! :))
Imi doresc sa incerc multe tipuri de cafea; pe masura ce voi face acest lucru am sa va povestesc si voua despre ele.
Cafeaua cu ginseng a fost o alegere foarte inspirata. Aroma, gustul si energia pe care le da aceasta cafea merita efortul de a o cauta!

It won’t be necessary to tell you too many things about this cake and it’s taste. The pictures tell you much better than I do! :))
I want to try many types of coffee; as soon as I’ll try them I will tell you.

Ginseng coffee was a very inspired choice. The flavor, taste and energy given by this coffee deserves the effort deposed for searching it!

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