Tort cu piersici si mango / Apricots and mango cake
De Paste am gatit mai multe retete pentru care am avut nevoie decat de galbenusuri. In final am ramas cu 10 albusuri pe care ar fi trebuit sa le arunc. Asa cum ma stiti, eu nu prea fac risipa. Am cautat in zadar o reteta care sa fie si gustoasa, si usor de facut si care sa se faca numai cu albusuri. Asa ca m-am vazut nevoita sa imi inventez propria-mi reteta de tort.
Am vrut un tort racoros si nu prea dulce. Asa mi-a venit ideea acestui tort cu fructe.
Iata ce ingrediente am folosit:
-10 albusuri
-10 linguri de zahar
-9 linguri de faina
-10 g praf de copt
– vanilie
-4 oua
-5 linguri de zahar
-200 g unt
-1 cutie de compot de piersici (720g)
-1 mango
-500 ml frisca lichida
For Easter I cooked several recipes for which I needed only egg yolks. Finally I had 10 egg whites that I didn’t want to throw away. As you know me, I don’t like to waste the food. I searched in vain for a recipe that was tasty, and easy to bake and which had to be made only with egg whites. So I had to invent my own recipe for cake.
I wanted a fresh cake and not too sweet. So I came up this cake with fruits.
Here are the ingredients:
-10 egg whites
-10 tablespoons of sugar
-9 tablespoons of flour
-10 g of baking powder
-4 eggs
-5 tablespoons of sugar
-200 g butter
-1 can of peaches (720g)
-1 mango
-500 ml whipped cream
Blatul seamana cu unul clasic. Singura diferenta este ca nu adaugam galbenusuri.
Albusurile se bat spuma dupa care adaugam zaharul. Se mixeaza pana cand se obtine o spuma tare, care nu se desprinde de pe paletele mixerului. Este momentul in care se adauga faina, praful de copt si vanilia si se mixeaza pana la omogenizarea compozitiei.
Aceasta se pune intr-o forma de copt pudrata cu faina si se introduce in cuptorul preincalzit. Se coace la foc potrivit timp de aproximativ 15-20 de minute.
The spongecake is like a classic one. The only difference is that it hasn’t egg yolks.
Mix the egg whites then add sugar. Then mix until you’ll get a hard foam, which doesn’t shed from the mixer’s blades. That’s when you have to add the flour, baking powder and vanilla and mix until the composition is homogenized.
Put the composition into a baking tin powdered with flour and place it in the preheated oven. Bake at medium heat for about 15-20 minutes.
Cand blatul s-a copt se scoate si se lasa la racit pe un gratar timp de o ora.
When the spongecake is baked take it out of the oven an let it cool off on a grill.
Intre timp am pregatit crema. Pentru inceput puneti o oala cu apa la fiert. Da, ati ghicit – crema se face la bain marie.
Meanwhile I prepared the cream. For start put a dish with water on the stove to boil. Yes, you already guessed – the cream will be made at bain marie.
Am amestecat ouale cu zaharul intr-un bol de inox. Cand apa a inceput sa fiarba puneti bolul de inox deasupra oalei si amestecati in continuu. Si fiti atenti sa nu va ardeti!
Cand crema a devenit vascoasa este momentul sa luati bolul de pe oala cu apa fierbinte si sa o lasati sa se racoreasca 15-20 de minute.
I stirred the eggs with sugar in a stainless steel bowl. When the water begun to boil put the bowl on the dish with boiling water and mix continuously. Pay attention – it burns !
When the cream became viscous it’s the time to take away the bowl a let the cream to cool off for 15-20 minutes.
Untul moale se mixeaza pana cand devine spuma. Apoi se adauga treptat crema care intre timp s-a racit.
Soft butter will be mixed until it becomes a foam. Then add the cream which is cold now gradually.
Piersicile se strecoara si se taie in bucatele mici. Si mango se va taia in bucati cat mai mici; el trebuie sa fie foarte copt si zemos.
Nu aruncati siropul de la compot deoarece il veti folosi pentru a insiropa blatul.
Eu am preferat sa pasez fructele in crema cu un mixer vertical deoarece am vrut o crema fina si care sa intre in blat. Crema rezultata a fost putin mai moale, perfecta pentru ce am vrut eu. Daca va place mai mult cu bucatelele de fructe mai mari cu siguranta va fi si asa minunat!
Apricots will be put in a strainer so that the syrup to be eliminated. Then cut them in small pieces. You’ll cut also mango in small pieces; you should know that mango has to be ripe.
Don’t throw the syrup because you’ll need to put on the spongecake.
I preferred to mix the fruits with the cream in order to obtain a smooth cream, that had to be absorbed in the spongecake. My cream was mild, perfect for what I wanted. If you would like the pieces to be bigger it’s no problem, the cake will be just perfect!
Am taiat blatul in trei felii egale si am pus crema intre ele, nu inainte de a le insiropa.
I cut the spongecake in three equal pieces and I put cream between them, but not before putting some syrup.
Pentru a imbraca tortul am folosit frisca preparata din 500 ml de smantana dulce.
To cover the cake I used whipped cream, preapared of 500 ml of sweet cream.
Si daca va intrebati ce este OZN-ul din mijloc am sa va spun ca asa se intampla atunci cand te chinuie talentul. Rau, foarte rau!
M-am plictisit teribil cand am intins frisca si la sfarsit am pus-o cum a dat Domnul, in mijlocul tortului. Apoi, ca un copil rau, m-am jucat cu un bat pentru frigarui. Ba am pus si colorant, ca sa ma distrez putin 🙂 Asa a iesit un soi de hibiscus (mai stilizat, asa)
If you’re wondering what’s that UFO in the middle of my cake I will tell you that this happens when your talent struggles. Bad, real bad!
I was very bored of laying the whipped cream and in the end I put it in a big pile, in the middle of my cake. Then, just like a bad kid, I played a little bit with a wooden skewer. I put also some color, to play more 🙂 This way I obtained a hibiscus (well, a stylized one).
Serviti tortul a doua zi. Va fi minunat!
Serve the cake the next day. It will be amazing!
Pofta buna!
Bon Appétit!