Desert / Dessert

Tort cu nuca si smantana / Walnut and fresh cream cake

Dupa atatea muraturi si sosuri mai vine si randul unui desert :). Si cum e toamna si mie imi place sa gatesc mancare de sezon, pentru azi am ales o reteta pe cat de simpla pe atat de gustoasa.
Tortul cu nuca si smantana se numara printre preferatele mele. Imi place mai ales atunci cand il fac cu nuci proaspete, de anul acesta.
Eu am facut un minitort dar reteta pe care o am este pentru un tort de dimensiuni normale si am sa o scriu pe aceea.

Ingrediente blat:
– 7 oua
– 8 linguri de faina
– 1 lingura ulei
– 7 linguri zahar
– 10 g praf de copt
– vanilie

Ingrediente crema :
– 500 g nuca macinata
– 300 g smantana
– 200 g zahar pudra
– 40 g cafea solubila (optional)
After so many pickles and sauces finally we have a dessert :). Because in autumn I like to cook seasonal dishes, for today I chose a simple and tasty recipe.
Walnut and cream cake is one of my favorite desserts. I like to bake this cake when I have fresh walnuts, from this year’s crop.
I baked a minicake but the recipe is for a cake with normal dimensions, so I will write that one.
Ingredients for sponge cake:
– 7 eggs
– 8 tablespoons of flour
– 1 tablespoon of sunflower oil
– 7 tablespoons of sugar
– 10 g baking powder
– vanilla
Ingredients for cream:
– 500 g minced walnuts
– 300 g fresh cream
– 200 g powdered sugar
– 40 g soluble coffee (optional)

Separam albusurile de galbenusuri. Se mixeaza bine pana cand obtinem o spuma dupa care adaugam zaharul. Se mixeaza impreuna spuma si zaharul.
We separate the eggwhites. We mix very well until we obtain a foam in which we add the sugar. We mix the foam with the sugar until we’ll obtain a meringue.

Galbenusurile se amesteca impreuna cu uleiul si se adauga peste spuma obtinuta din albusuri. Se mixeaza toate acestea dupa care vom adauga vanilia, praful de copt si faina. Vom mixa foarte bine pentru a omogeniza compozitia.
The eggyolks will be mixed with the oil and added in the bowl, togheter with the meringue. We mix all these together. After, we will add vanilla, baking powder and flour. We’ll mix them very well to obtain a homogenous composition. 

Compozitia se pune intr-o forma de copt tapetata cu faina. Se introduce in cuptorul preincalzit si se coace la temperatura medie pana cand blatul devine auriu (sau trece testul scobitorii).
Blatul se lasa la racorit. Intre timp vom prepara crema amestecand toate ingredientele (in afara de cafeaua solubila). Crema obtinuta se imparte in doua. Jumatate din cantitate se va folosi pentru a umple blatul si cealalta jumatate se va amesteca impreuna cu 40 g de cafea solubila pentru a prepara crema ce va acoperi tortul.
Blatul se taie in doua si se umple cu crema. Apoi il vom acoperi cu acea crema de nuca si cafea solubila si il vom decora cu nuca si bomboane sau cum doriti.
Iata un tort simplu de facut si foarte placut de catre cei ce prefera nucile.
The composition for sponge cake will be put in a cake pan. We will put the cake pan into the preheated oven and we bake  the sponge cake at medium temperature until it gets a nice gold color (or it passes the stick’s test).
The sponge cake will be left to cool off. Meanwhile we will prepare the cream by mixing all the ingredients togheter (for the moment we will not add the soluble coffee). We will use half of the quantity to fill the sponge cake and half will be mixed with 40 g of soluble coffee and used to cover the cake.
The sponge cake will be cut in two pieces and filled with cream. After that it will be covered with that walnut and soluble coffee cream and decorated with minced walnuts and candies or however you prefer.
Here is a cake easy to bake which is loved by the ones who like walnuts.

Acum ca m-am rasfatat cu un desert atat de savuros cred ca e cazul sa intru din nou in bucatarie. Cine stie ce idei imi mai vin?!

Now because I spoiled myself with such delight I think it’s time to go back in the kitcken. Who knows what ideas I’ll have?!

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