Preparate cu amestec de carne / Mix of minced meat

Tomate galbene umplute/Stuffed yellow tomatoes

Probabil ca va intrebati pe unde umblu. Stiu, sunt destul de ocupata in aceasta perioada si nu am apucat sa postez atat de multe retete cate as fi vrut.
Azi este o zi speciala. Am atins pragul de 100 de membri care urmaresc blogul, pe Google. Ultimul membru venit, cel cu numarul 100, este Ioana. Lor li se mai adauga cei ce ma urmaresc de pe Networked Blogs, Facebook si Foodbuzz.
Va multumesc tuturor pentru ca imi apreciati munca! Am sa ma straduiesc sa nu va dezamagesc.
Probably you’re wondering where I am. I know, I’m quite busy at this time and I didn’t managed to post so many recipes as I wanted.
Today is a special day. We reached 100 members who follow the blog, on Google. Last member that came at number 100, is Ioana. To them I’ll add the ones that  follow me on Networked Blogs, Facebook and Foodbuzz. 
Thank you all because you appreciate my work! I’ll try not to disappoint you.

Azi am sa va povestesc putin despre o reteta extrem de simpla si tare gustoasa. Si cum este sezonul tomatelor m-am gandit ca probabil vreti si voi sa gatiti rosii/tomate umplute.
Iata ce am folosit:
– 10-12 tomate
– 500 g carne tocata amestec (vita si porc)
-2 oua
-frunze de busuioc
Today I’ll tell you a little about a very simple and very tasty recipe. Because it’s tomatoes’ season I thought you probably want to cook stuffed tomatoes
Here’s what I used:
– 10 to 12 tomatoes
– 500 g minced meat mixture (beef and pork)
-2 eggs
-basil leaves

Am primit de la prietena mea Simona niste tomate extraordinare. Sunt perfecte pentru umplut deoarece sunt carnoase insa miezul este destul de mic si nu trebuie scobite mult. 

Veti mai auzi de minunata recolta a Simonei de anul acesta, chiar foarte curand!
I received from my friend Simona some great tomatoes. They are perfect for stuffing because they are flashy but the core is quite small and I didn’t hollow so much.
You’ll hear more about Simona’s the wonderful harvest from this year, very soon!

Spalam bine rosiile, le taiem un capacel si scobim cu ajutorul unei lingurite. 
We’ll wash the tomatoes, we’ll cut them a little cap and we’ll hollow with a teaspoon.

Dupa ce am terminat de pregatit rosiile, ne apucam sa pregatim umplutura.
Carnea tocata se pune intr-o tigaie. Nu adaugati ulei deoarece carnea va lasa propriul suc si putina grasime.
After we finished preparing the tomatoes, we’ll prepare the filling.
Minced meat will be placed in a pan. Do not add oil as the meat will leave its own juice and fat.

Adaugam cimbrul, frunzele de busuioc tocate si sarea. Amestecam compozitia si punem tigaia pe foc. Temperatura nu trebuie sa fie mare; vom fixa intensitatea flacarii la minim. Amestecam incet compozitia timp de 5-10 minute dupa care luam tigaia de pe foc.
Add thyme, chopped basil leaves and salt. Mix composition and put the pan on the stove. Temperature mustn’t be very high; we set the flame at minimum. Mix gently  the composition for 5-10 minutes  and after take the pan off the stove.

Compozitia se lasa la racit timp de 15 minute. Apoi adaugam cele doua oua si omogenizam. In sfarsit ne putem apuca sa umplem rosiile!
The composition will be left to cool off for 15 minutes. Then add two eggs and blend. Finally we get to fill the tomatoes!

Rosiile umplute se asaza frumos intr-un vas termorezistent. Daca doriti puneti si capacelele pe care le-am decupat mai devreme.
Se adauga apa pana la jumatatea vasului si se acopera cu un capac. Apoi punem vasul in cuptor si lasam rosiile umplute sa fiarba la foc mic o ora si jumatate (sau mai putin-in functie de cuptor).
Stuffed tomatoes will be arranged nicely in a baking dish. If you want you can put  the caps that we cut earlier on.
Add water to half of the dish and cover with a lid. Then put the dish in the oven and let the stuffed tomatoes to boil  over low heat for an hour and a half (or less, depending on oven).

Cand sunt gata fie preparati un sos usor de rosii, ceapa si busuioc sau le serviti cu un pic de smantana, asa cum am facut si noi.
When our stuffed tomatoes are ready, prepare a light sauce with tomato, onion and basil or serve them with a little sour cream, as we did.

Daca va plac rosiile umplute, cele clasice cu orez, puteti sa modificati putin reteta. Insa nu renuntati la cimbru si busuioc-dau un gust atat de bun! 
Pofta buna!
If you like the traditional stuffed tomatoes with rice, you can change the recipe a bit. But do not give up the thyme and basil, they give such a good taste!

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