Targ de Sarbatori / Holiday Market

Tiramisu cu fructe de padure, compot de mango si Teacher’s/ Tiramisu with berries, mango compote and Teacher’s

Anul acesta nu voi reusi sa imi fac pregatirile asa cum as fi vrut eu, adica sa incep cu mai multe zile inainte. Asa ca m-am gandit ca si unii dintre voi au aceeasi problema.
Cum timpul limitat ne pune cele mai mari probleme atunci cand alegem meniul, cred ca e bine sa va sugerez o reteta usoara, rapida si care va fi pe placul tuturor.
Am pregatit zilele trecute o reteta de tiramisu ceva mai speciala: cu fructe de padure, compot de mango si Teacher’s. Puteti sa inlocuiti whiskey cu alt tip de bautura daca nu va place sau daca aveti copilasi.

– 36 de piscoturi (3 pachete)
– 500 g mascarpone
– 4 galbenusuri
– 4 linguri de zahar pudra
– vanilie
– 100 ml Teacher’s
– 500 g fructe de padure
– 400 g compot de mango (1 cutie)
This year I will not be able to make my preparations as I would have liked, because I wanted to start several days before. So I thought that some of you have the same problem.
Because we have limited time the biggest problem is when we are choosing the menu, so I think it’s better to suggest an easy recipe, fast and that everyone likes.
I prepared a recipe for tiramisu the other day, somehow special: with berries, mango compote and Teacher’s. You can replace whiskey with another type of drink if you don’t like it or if you have little children.

– 36 Savioardi biscuits (3 packs)
– 500 g mascarpone
– 4 egg yolks
– 4 tablespoons powdered sugar
– vanilla
– 100 ml Teacher’s
– 500 g berries
– 400 g mango compote (1 can)

Pentru inceput vom prepara crema. Cele patru galbenusuri se mixeaza impreuna cu zaharul pudra si vanilia pana cand obtinem o pasta deschisa la culoare. Apoi adaugam mascarpone si mixam in continuare pana la obtinerea unei creme omogene.
First we will prepare the cream. The four yolks will be mixed with powdered sugar and vanilla until we’ll obtain a pale yellow paste. Then add the mascarpone and continue mixing until you’ll have a homogeneous cream.
Ca sa terminam crema mai trebuie sa adaugam whiskey.
To finish the cream we only have to add the whiskey.
Dupa ce crema a fost pusa la frigider incepem sa ne ocupam de celelalte ingrediente.
Punem fructele de padure la scurs intr-o strecuratoare. Apoi desfacem cutia de compot de mango, scoatem fructele si pastram siropul intr-o farfurie adanca.
After the cream was made we will put it in the refrigerator and we will begin to deal with other ingredients.
We will put the berries in a colander to drain. Then open the box of mango compote, take out the fruits and put the syrup in a deep dish.
Pentru tiramisu stiti ca trebuie sa folosim un vas cu pereti inalti, nu? In mod normal se pune folie alimentara in vas pentru ca asezarea pe tava de prezentare sa fie mai usoara dar si pentru ca forma sa fie usor de modelat. Ei bine, eu am considerat ca e mai bine sa pun aluminiu. Sa nu faceti ca mine! Folositi folia de plastic pentru ca e mult mai practica. Aluminiul se rupe si este inestetic atunci cand ramane pe bucatile de prajitura ale invitatilor.
For tiramisu you know that we must use a dish with high walls, right? Normally I put tiramisu in plastic foil when placing in the dish because is easier to put the cake on the tray of presentation when is ready to be served but also because the shape can be easily molded. Well, I considered it’s better to use aluminum. Don’t do it! Use plastic wrap because it is more practical. Aluminum breaks and is so unpleasant to have pieces of aluminium left on guests’ cakes.
Se aseaza piscoturi inmuiate in siropul de la compot. Peste piscoturi se pune jumatate din cantitatea de fructe de padure si crema. Nu lasati piscoturile sa absoarba prea mult sirop pentru ca se vor inmuia prea mult.
Put the savioardi soaked in syrup. Over the savioardis put half of the quantity of berries and cream. Don’t let savioardi to absorb too much syrup because they will soften too much.
Continuam sa asezam piscoturi peste care adaugam fructele din compot si crema. Astfel vom proceda pana cand punem toate ingredientele rand pe rand, in straturi. Ultimul strat trebuie sa fie de crema.
Continue to arrange savioardi on which we’ll  put fruits from the compote and cream . We will proceed in the same manner until all the ingredients will be arranged in layers. The last layer should be cream.
Aranjam folia sau aluminiul, acoperim si partea superioara dupa care se pune la frigider pana a doua zi cand va putea fi servita. Atunci vom decora cu zahar pudra, figurine. bombonele sau ce mai vreti voi.
We will arrange the aluminum foil, we will put some foil also on the top and then we will put it in the refrigerator until the next day when it can be served. Then we decorate with powdered sugar, figurines, candies or whatever you want.
 Spor la treaba! Veti termina mai repede decat credeti 🙂
You should do this cake! You will finish faster than you think:)

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