Patiserie / Patisserie

Tarta cu praz si sunca/ Leek and bacon tart

In ultima perioada am lipsit cam mult. Dar va asigur ca am avut motive intemeiate. 🙂
Acum incerc sa recuperez si sa va propun niste retete simple si gustoase, numai bune de gatit in aceasta toamna friguroasa.
Pentru azi m-am gandit ca ar fi potrivita o tarta sarata cu praz si bacon.
Ingrediente (pentru 2 bucati cu diametrul de 26 cm):
– 250 ml apa
– 300 g faina
– 7g drojdie
– sare
– 50g unt
– 1 praz
– 2 rosii
– 200 g sunca
– condimente (cimbru, oregano, piper)
– 2 oua

These days I missed a lot from here. But I assure you that I had very good reasons. 🙂
Now I’m trying to recuperate the time and to post some simple and tasty recipes, good to be cooked in this cold autumn.
For today I chose a leek and bacon salty tart.
Ingredients (for 2 tarts with the diameter of 26 cm):
– 250 ml water
– 300 g flour
– 7 g yeast
– salt
– 50 g butter
– 1 leek
– 2 tomatoes
– 200 g bacon
– condiments (savory, oregano, pepper)
– 2 eggs

Se pune apa calduta impreuna cu drojdia, untul si jumatate din cantitatea de faina si se amesteca bine intr-un bol.

We put the warm water with the yeast, butter and half of flour’s quantity and we mix well in a bowl. 

Se lasa la dospit la caldura pana isi dubleaza volumul. Se adauga apoi restul de faina si se framanta bine.

We will let this composition to yeast in a warm place until it doubles its volume. We’ll add the rest of flour and we knead well. 

Impartim aluatul in doua bucati. O bucata se va intinde cu mana umeda intr-o forma antiaderenta .

We divide the composition in order to have two pieces. One piece will be stretched on a non sticky tray. To be more easier we will stretch it with the wet hand.

Se adauga prazul taiat bucatele mici si rosiile felii.

We will add the leek cut in small pieces and thin slices of tomatoes.

Se adauga sunca taiata in bucati potrivite si oul batut (impreuna cimbru, oregano si piper). Atentie – cantitatile date in reteta sunt pentru doua bucati, asa ca puneti jumatate din cantitati la o tarta si cealalata la a doua tarta.
Se introduce in cuptorul preincalzit si se coace la temperatura medie. Nu va pot da un timp minim de coacere tocmai din cauza cuptorului; fiecare cuptor coace diferit si va trebui sa verificati periodic pentru a vedea stadiul de coacere.

We will add finally the bacon cut in medium slices and one egg well mixed with a fork (mixed also with savory, oregano and pepper). Attention – the quantities from this recipe are for two tarts. Use half of the quantity for one tart and the other half for the second one.
The tray will be put into the preheated oven and the tart will be baked at medium temperature. I can’t give you a minimum time for baking this tart because of the oven; each oven bakes differently so you will have to check periodically to see the degree of baking.

Atunci cand tarta e coapta trebuie sa arate asa! 🙂

When the tart is baked it should look like this! 🙂

Asa-i ca-i simplu de facut? Mmm, si foarte gustoasa!
Zilele urmatoare am sa vin cu inca vreo doua retete simple si gustoase. In plus se apropie Haloween sau 1 noiembrie (in zona Ardealului este o sarbatoare mare numita si “Luminatia” sau “Ziua mortilor”) si va trebui sa marcam si aceasta in calendarul nostru virtual!

It’s so simple to bake this tart, isn’t it? Mmm, and it’s so tasty!

Next days I will come with two more simple and tasty recipes. Soon we will have the Halloween (in Romania, to be more precise in Transylvania, people celebrate “Death peoples’ day” or “Luminatia”) so we’ll have to mark this in our virtual calendar!

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