Desert / Dessert

Tarta cu pere si ciocolata/Pears and chocolate tart

Sunt ultimele zile din concediul de vara aceasta. Au trecut atat de repede cele doua saptamani! Si cand ma gandesc la faptul ca nu am reusit sa plecam decat 3 zile la Sibiu (din mai multe motive) ma apuca brusc supararea.
Un singur lucru ma mai consoleaza. Faptul ca am revazut o parte dintre prietenii pe care-i intalnim mai rar.
Si cu o astfel de ocazie am pregatit un desert delicios: tarta cu pere si ciocolata. E prima oara cand fac dar cu siguranta se repeta!
Scrieti in caietelul cu retete de ce aveti nevoie.

Pentru aluat:
– 150 g unt moale
– 2 oua
– 3 linguri de zahar
– 2 linguri de smantana
– 450 g faina
– 5 g praf de copt (1/2 pliculet)
– vanilie

Pentru umplutura:
– pere
– 300 g ciocolata
– 50 g unt
– 2 linguri de smantana
– 2 oua
These are the last days of this year’s summer annual leave. These two weeks passed so fast! And when I think that we couldn’t leave the town more than the 3 days spent in Sibiu (for several reasons) I feel sad.
But one thing comforts me. The fact that we met again some of our friends that we get to meet so rarely. And for such an occasion I prepared a delicious dessert: pears and chocolate tart. It’s the first time when I bake it but I will repeat it for sure!
Write in your little notebook what you need to bake this tart.
For dough:
– 150 g soft butter
– 2 eggs
– 3 tablespoons sugar
– 2 tablespoons sour cream
– 450 g flour
– 5 g baking powder (1/2 sachet)
– vanilla
For filling:
– pears
– 300 g chocolate
– 50 g soft butter
– 2 tablespoons sour cream
– 2 eggs

Cum facem aluatul? Foarte simplu. Amestecam ouale, untul, smantana, praful de copt si vanilia. Apoi adaugam treptat faina. Dupa ce faina este incorporata am obtinut un aluat elastic. Poate ca vi se pare un pic prea lipicios. Nu va faceti griji – asa trebuie sa fie.
How we prepare the dough? Very simple. We’ll mix the eggs, butter, sour cream, baking powder and vanilla. Then we’ll add the flour gradually. After the flour is incorporated we got an elastic dough. Maybe the dough seems a little bit too sticky. Don’t worry – it should be like this.

Coca se inveleste cu folie alimentara si se pune in frigider timp de 20 de minute.
The dough will be wrapped in alimentary plastic and it will be put in the fridge for 20 minutes. 

Intre timp o sa curatam perele de coaja si de cotor dupa care se taie in bucatele. 
Meanwhile we’ll peel off the pears and we’ll cut the stubs. Then we’ll cut the pears in small pieces.

Scoatem aluatul din frigider si-l intindem pe masa, nu inainte de a o pudra cu putina faina. Foaia obtinuta se pune in forma de tarta si se decupeaza. Se inteapa din loc in loc cu furculita dupa care asezam perele.
We’ll take the dough out of the fridge and we’ll stretch it on the table, but not before spreading some flour on it. The sheet of dough that we obtained will be put in the tart form and cut out to fit. We will sting from place to place with a fork and then we’ll put the pears.

Ciocolata se rupe in bucatele si se pune intr-un bol de inox. Ea va fi topita la bain marie. Dupa ce s-a topit, luam bolul de pe vasul cu apa in clocot si adaugam unutul si smantana si amestecam bine. La sfarsit adaugam cele doua oua si omogenizam. Crema de ciocolata este gata.
The chocolate is broken into small pieces and put in a stainless steel bowl. It will be melted in bain marie. Once melted, take the bowl from the pot with boiling water and add the butter and sour cream and mix well. Finally we’ll add the two eggs and we’ll blend. Chocolate cream is ready.

Punem crema de ciocolata peste pere si o nivelam. 
We’ll put the chocolate cream over the pears and we’ll level it.

Decorati tarta asa cum doriti voi. Eu mai aveam niste coca pe care am folosit-o pentru un “gratar”.
Puneti apoi tarta in cuptorul preincalzit. A mea s-a copt in cca 30 de minute la temperatura medie. Cum nu am o minunatie de cuptor, va recomand sa scoateti tarta cand devine aurie si sa nu va luati dupa timpul meu de coacere 🙂
Decorate the tart as you wish. I had some dough left and I used it to make a “grid”.
Then place the tart in the preheated oven. Mine was cooked in about 30 minutes at a medium temperature. And because I don’t have a wonderful oven, I recommend to remove the tart out of the oven when the tart has a nice goldish color and not take in account my time for baking 🙂 

Iata ce a iesit!
Look what we have here!

Toata lumea a spus ca a fost delicioasa. Ultima bucata a plecat in urma cu o jumatate de ora impreuna cu soacra mea. In fond cui nu i-ar placea? Reteta din care m-am inspirat este dintr-o minunata carticica de retete de dulciuri belgiene.
Pofta buna!
Everybody said that the tart was delicious. The last piece of tart left half a hour ago with my mother in law. Anyway, who wouldn’t like this tart? The original recipe that inspired this tart is from a wonderful little book of Belgian sweets. 
Bon appétit! 

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