Desert / Dessert

Tarta cu mere, nuci si bezea / Tart with apples, walnuts and meringue

Am facut aceasta reteta acum cateva saptamani. V-am mai povestit ca mai am inca destule retete din toamna aceasta pe care inca nu am apucat sa le postez. Dar ma straduiesc sa o fac foarte curand.

Merele au fost de la mama din gradina. Din cauza ca nu am stropit pomii cu nimic, merele au trebuit sa fie consumate rapid. Si am facut sosuri, placinte, tarte si le-am impartit cu prietenii si familia.
Tarta aceasta a avut un succes neasteptat, soacra mea declarandu-se fan incontestabil. Asa ca m-am gandit ca poate vor mai fi si alti amatori.
 Iata ce ingrediente am folosit:
– 250-300 g faina
– 5 galbenusuri
– 150 g unt
– 10 g praf de copt
-1.5 kg mere
– 100 g nuca macinata
– scortisoara pudra
– 2 linguri de ulei
– 3 linguri de zahar
– 5 albusuri
– 7 linguri de zahar
I made ​​this recipe a few weeks ago. I have told you that I still have plenty of recipes from this fall that I have not had time to post. But I’ll try to do it very soon.
Apples were from my mother’s garden. Because we didn’t spray the trees with nothing, apples had to be consumed quickly. And I made ​​sauces, pies, tarts and I shared with friends and family.
This tart had an unexpected success, my mother in law declaring herself an undeniable fan . So I thought that maybe there will be also other amateurs.
 Here are the ingredients I used:
– 250-300 g flour
– 5 yolks
– 150 g butter
– 10 g baking powder
-1.5 kg apples
– 100 g ground walnuts
– cinnamon powder
– 2 tablespoons of oil
– 3 tablespoons sugar
– 5 egg whites
– 7 tablespoons sugar
Merele se spala, se curata si se taie in bucatele. Apoi se pun intr-o cratita impreuna cu cele doua linguri de ulei, zaharul si scortisoara. Merele se calesc pana se inmoaie putin. Cand sunt gata cratita se ia de pe foc si merele se lasa sa se racoreasca.
Wash apples, peel them and cut into small pieces. Then put the apple pieces in a pan with two tablespoons of oil, sugar and cinnamon. Apples will be tempered  until they will get soften. When they are ready take the pan aside and let the apples to cool off. 
Untul moale se amesteca bine cu galbenusurile. Apoi se adauga praful de copt si in final faina. Atentie – faina se pune treptat si se framanta bine.
Soft butter will be mixed well with the yolks. Then add baking powder and finally the flour. Pay attention – put flour gradually and knead well.
Aluatul se modeleaza frumos intr-o forma de tarta. Apoi intepam din loc in loc aluatul cu o furculita.
Form the dough nicely into a tart form. Then prick the dough from place to place with a fork.
Asezam merele si le nivelam cu o lingura.
We’ll put the apples and we’ll arrange them with a tablespoon. 

Preparam apoi bezeaua. Atunci cand este gata nu trebuie sa se desprinda de pe paletele mixerului. O vom lasa la frigider timp de 10 minute.
Then prepare the meringue. When it’s ready it shouldn’t be able to drop from the mixer blades. We will leave in the refrigerator for 10 minutes.

Intre timp presaram nuca macinata peste mere si o nivelam. In final o sa punem si bezeaua.
Meanwhile we’ll sprinkle ground nuts over the apples and  we’ll level them. And finally we’ll put the meringue.

Tarta se baga in cuptorul preincalzit. Se coace la foc mediu pana cand bezeaua devine aurie.
Tart is put in the preheated oven. It will be baked at medium heat until the meringue becomes golden.

Dupa ce s-a racit, tarta se va taia frumos si usor. Feliile trebuie sa fie tare generoase la cat de gustoasa este!
After the tart cooled off, it can be cut nice and easy. Slices should be generous because it’s so tasty!

Ce mai ramane de spus? Decat…bon appétit!  🙂
What else should be said? Unless…bon appétit! 🙂

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