Tarta cu leurda si carne de rata/ Wild garlic and duck meat tart
M-am hotarat sa particip si eu cu o reteta de tarta la provocarea Dulce Romanie a lunii aprilie gazduita de Adina pe blogul ei “Cat’s kitchen”.
Am ales o tarta sarata cu leurda, carne si oua de rata si telemea. Nu stiu cat de rustica este dar noua ne-a placut mult de tot si chiar merita facuta! 🙂
I decided to attend with a tart recipe at Sweet Romania challenge of April hosted by Adina on her blog “Cat’s kitchen”.
I chose a salted tart with wild garlic, meat and duck eggs and cheese. I do not know how rustic this tart is but we loved it all and it really worth to bake it! 🙂
-300 ml lapte
-15 g drojdie
-1 lingurita de zahar
-faina cat cuprinde (cam 700 g)
-200 g carne de rata
-3 linguri de ulei
-1 legatura leurda
-2 cepe uscate+2 cepe verzi
-3 oua de rata
-150 g branza telemea de vaca
-2 linguri gogosar tocat
-1 legatura de marar
-paprika iute+dulce
-300 ml milk
-15 g fresh yeast
-1 teaspoon of sugar
-flour as much as needed (about 700 g)
-200 g duck meat
-3 tablespoons of sunflower oil
-1 bunch of wild garlic (20 leaves)
-2 dried onions and 2 green onions
-3 duck eggs
-150 g cow cheese (preferably feta cheese)
-2 tablespoons chopped red pepper
-1 dill
– sweet and spicy paprika
Intr-un vas am pus laptele caldut, drojdia maruntita, sarea si zaharul si am cernut cam 150 g de faina. Am acoperit vasul cu un prosop. Cand faina s-a “crapat” si laptele cu drojdie a inceput sa faca spuma, am adaugat restul de faina si am framantat. Coca obtinuta am lasat-o la dospit in vasul acoperit cu prosop.
Intre timp am facut umplutura.
In a bowl I put warm milk, crumbled yeast, salt and sugar and I spread about 150 g of flour. I covered the bowl with a towel. When flour to “cracked” and the yeast and milk began to foam, I added the remaining flour and I am kneaded. The obtained dough was left to rise in the bowl covered with towel.
Meanwhile I made ​​the filling.
Am taiat ceapa si verdeata.
I cut the onions and the greenery.
Carnea am fiert-o si am desprins-o de pe oase (puteti folosi carne pe care ati fiert-o in supa). Am taiat-o in bucatele mici.
I boiled the meat and I took it out off the bones (you can use meat that was boiled for the soup). I cut it in small pieces.
Verdeata, ceapa, gogosarul si carnea se calesc 10-15 minute intr-o tigaie cu peretii inalti.
Greenery, onion, red pepper and meat are tempered for 10-15 minutes in a pan with high walls.Â
Branza se sfarama cu o furculita si se amesteca bine cu ouale.
Cheese is minced with a fork and mixed with the three eggs.
Dupa ce umplutura s-a mai racorit, se adauga branza amestecata cu ou, mararul si condimentele. Se amesteca bine.
After the filling has cooled off, cheese with eggs, dill and the rest of the condiments will be added and will be mixed.
Aluatul se pune pe blatul de lucru uns cu ulei sau pudrat cu faina si se intinde. Apoi se pune intr-o forma de copt pudrata cu faina. Se adauga compozitia dupa care marginile tartei se aduna inspre mijlocul ei. Forma se pune in cuptorul preincalzit la 180 de grade. Se coace in cuptorul ventilat timp de 20-25 de minute.
The dough is put on the oiled or powdered with flour worktop and spread. Then put it in a powdered with  baking flour form. Add the mixture and then gather the edges toward the middle of the tart. Baking form is put in preheated oven at 180 degrees. Bake in the ventilated oven for 20-25 minutes .
Pofta buna!
Bon appétit!