Targ de Sarbatori / Holiday Market

Tarta cu banane / Banana Tart

Reteta de azi din Targul de Sarbatori a fost una dintre cele mai apreciate prajituri facute de mine. Tarta cu banane este usor de facut si gustoasa.
Poate ca ati observat ca retetele mele sunt scrise fara prea multe introduceri in ultima vreme. Timpul meu liber nu-mi permite sa incerc si retete si sa scriu posturi foarte lungi. Asa ca am facut un compromis pentru a va arata cat mai multe retete intr-un timp scurt. Uneori nici pozele nu sunt tocmai pe gustul meu pentru ca de multe ori ajung sa fac poze numai la lumina artificiala datorita faptului ca plec pe intuneric si ajung pe intuneric acasa.
Dar sa trecem la treburile noastre.

Ingrediente blat:
– 250 g margarina
– 3 linguri de zahar pudra
– esenta de vanilie
– 400 g faina

Ingrediente umplutura:
– 6 banane
– 2 oua
– 2 linguri amidon
– vanilie
– 4 linguri de zahar pudra

Ingrediente decor:
– 100 g ciocolata
– 100 g unt

Today’s recipe from Holidays Market was one of the most appreciated cakes baked by me. The tart with bananas is easy to bake and is very tasty.
Maybe you noticed that my recipes are written without too many introductions  lately. My time doesn’t allow me to try recipes and also to write long posts. So I made a compromise just to be able to show you as many recipes as I can in a short period of time. Sometimes not even the pictures are the best because most of the times I get to take pictures only with artificial light because I leave when is dark outside and I arrive when is evening.
But let’s get back to work! 🙂
Ingredients for dough:
– 250 g margarine
– 3 tablespoons of powdered sugar
– vanilla
– 400 g flour
Ingredients for filling:
– 6 bananas
– 2 eggs
– 2 tablespoons of starch
– vanilla
– 4 tablespoons of powdered sugar
Ingredients for cream:
– 100 g chocolate
– 100 g butter

Se pun margarina moale, zaharul pudra si esenta de vanilie intr-un castron si se amesteca.

We put the soft margarine, powdered sugar and vanilla in a bowl and we mix.

Se adauga faina si se framanta. Se pune apoi in frigider pentru 10 minute.

We add the flour and we knead. We put it in the fridge for 10 minutes.

Se curata bananele si se pun intr-un castron. Apoi se face un piure cu ajutorul blenderului.

We peel off the bananas and we put them in a bowl. After that we’ll make a puree with the blender.

Peste piure se adauga ouale, zaharul pudra, vanilia si amidonul. Se amesteca bine pana cand obtinem o pasta omogena.

In the same bowl where we made the puree we put the eggs, powdered sugar, vanilla and starch. We mix well until we’ll obtain a homogeneous paste.
 Se intinde aluatul intr-o forma de tarta. Apoi se pune umplutura de banane si se baga in cuptorul preincalzit. Temperatura de coacere este cea medie. Tarta este coapta atunci cand marginile sunt aurii.

Cand tarta este rece preparam crema pentru decorare din ciocolata topita si unt moale. Se poate pune cu ajutorul unei pungi pentru decorare sau se poate intinde cu un cutit sau o spatula.
Aceasta tarta se poate servi si fara crema. Si asa este foarte gustoasa.

We’ll stretch the dough in a tray for tarts. We’ll add the banana filling and we put the tray in the preheated oven.
The temperature for baking is medium. The tart is baked when the margins have a golden color.
When the tart is cold we prepare the cream used to decorate it of melted chocolate and soft butter. We put the cream on the tart with a disposable bag or even in a layer, with a knife or a spatula.
This tart can be served also without cream. Is very tasty also without cream.
 Stiu ca exista o persoana care se va bucura foarte mult ca am scris aceasta reteta. Che, sper sa-ti placa si sper ca iti va fi usor sa-ti faci singur desertul tau preferat! 🙂
I know that there is a person that will be very glad that I wrote this recipe. Che, I hope you’ll like it and that it will be easy for you to bake your favorite dessert! 🙂

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