A mai trecut o zi. Craciunul e din ce in ce mai aproape. A patra surpriza a Targului de Sarbatori este…Indicii? Ne face cu ochiul prin toate magazinele. Este cu martipan, mar sau fructe uscate. Da, este
Stollen !
Cum puteam sa ratez aceasta minunata prajitura? Azi va prezint o reteta din cele multe de Stollen.
– 100 g unt
– 200 g zahar
– 250 ml lapte
– nucsoara
– vanilie
– coaja de portocala confiata
– coaja de lamaie confiata
– esenta de migdale
– 14 g drojdie
– 500 g faina
– fructe uscate inmuiate in rom (prune, ananas, caise, stafide, etc.)
Another day passed. The Christmas is closer and closer. Holidays’ Market fourth surprise is…clues? We find it in every supermarket. It has marzipan, apple or dried fruits. Yes, it’s Stollen!
– 100 g butter
– 200 g sugar
– 250 ml milk
– nutmeg
– vanilla
– confined orange peel
– confined lemon peel
– almond essence
– 14 g yeast
– 600 g flour
– dried fruits rehydrate in rum (plums, pineapple, apricots, raisins, etc.)
Intr-un bol se pune laptele caldut si toate celelalte ingrediente, cu exceptia fainei si fructelor uscate.
In a bowl we put warm milk and all the other ingredients, without flour and dried fruits.
Cand untul s-a topit se amesteca pentru a omogeniza.
When the butter is melted we mix slowly to homogenize the composition.
Adaugam jumatate din catitatea de faina, amestecam si lasam compozitia la dospit pana isi dubleaza volumul.
We’ll add half of the flour’s quantity, we mix slowly and we let the composition to rise until it will have the volume doubled.
Dupa ce aluatul a crescut se adauga restul de faina, se amesteca si in final fructele rehidratate in rom.
After the dough has rised we’ll add the rest of the flour, we mix and finally we put the re hydrated fruits in rum.
Coca se pune in tavi tapetate cu faina. Eu am gasit tavi speciale pentru stollen, cu fundul putin rotunjit. Se baga in cuptorul preincalzit si se coc la temperatura medie pana cand trec testul scobitorii.
Dupa ce se scot din cuptor se pun la racit. Optional putem adauga glazura de zahar sau zahar pudra.
The dough will be put in trays powdered with flour. I found special trays for Stollen, with rounded bottom. We put the trays in the preheated oven and we bake the Stollens at medium temperature, until they pass the tooth-pick test.After they are baked we let them to cool down. Optionally we can add icing or powdered sugar on the Stollens.
Reteta spune ca Stollen trebuie lasat cel putin 2 saptamani pentru a fi cat mai gustos. Al meu nu a reusit nici macar 2 zile sa stea…
The original recipe of Stollen says that it has to be left at least 2 weeks before it’s eaten because it becomes more tasty. Mine didn’t get this chance because it didn’t resisted not even 2 days…