Targ de Sarbatori / Holiday Market

Stelute cu martipan / Stars with marzipan

Azi vom incheia Targul de Sarbatori. Ultima reteta din aceasta sectiune este una delicioasa.
Toate retetele dedicate Sarbatorilor de iarna le veti gasi in continuare pe blog  in pagina dedicata.
Si cum nu doresc sa va retin mult pentru ca poate deja va pregatiti pentru petrecerile de Sf. Ion, am sa trec peste alte comentarii.
– 5 oua
– 3 albusuri de oua
– 100 g unt
– 100 g zahar
– 50 g cacao
– 300 g faina
– 200 g martipan
– vanilie
– 10 g praf de copt

Today I will close the Holiday Market. The last recipe from this section is a delicious one.
All the recipes posted for Winter Holidays will be found on the blog on the dedicated page.
I don’t want to retain you a long time because maybe you already prepare the parties for St. John, so I will stick to the point.
– 5 eggs
– 3 egg whites
– 100 g butter
– 100 g sugar
– 50 g cocoa
– 300 g flour
– 200 g marzipan
– vanilla
– 10 g baking powder
Ouale se pun intr-un castron cu laptele caldut si untul aflat la temperatura camerei. Se amesteca bine.
The eggs will be put into a bowl with the warm milk and melted butter (room’s temperature). We will mix them well.
Martipanul invelit in ciocolata se taie in bucati. Puteti folosi si martipan simplu. Eu numai asa am gasit.
Chocolate coated marzipan will be cut in small slices. You can use simple marzipan. I found only coated marzipan.
Se adauga toate celelalte ingrediente si se mixeaza.  In final se pune martipanul si se amesteca incet cu o spatula, pentru a incorpora.
All the other ingredients will be mixed. In the end we will add the marzipan and we mix slowly with a spatula, to incorporate the slices.
Compozitia se pune cu o lingura in forme de silicon asezate pe o tava. Aceasta se introduce in cuptorul preincalzit. Stelutele se coc la temperatura medie timp de 15-20 de minute, in functie de cuptor.
The composition will be put in silicon baking molds arranged on a tray. This tray will be introduced in the preheated oven. Little stars will be baked at medium temperature for 15-20 minutes, considering the type of oven you own.
Mie nu-mi ramane decat sa va multumesc pentru ca m-ati urmarit toata luna trecuta. Sper ca v-au placut retetele prezentate de mine! Va astept in continuare pe la mine. In curand am sa revin cu alte retete :).
I want to thank you because you followed me during the past month. I hope you liked my recipes ! I will wait you here also from now on. Soon I’ll be back with other recipes :).

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