Conserve / Preserves

Sos picant cu mere si gogosari/Spicy sauce with apples and peppers

Nu stiu daca mai gasiti prin piete gogosari dar eu am sa va spun oricum reteta de sos picant! Este de mult timp in plan sa va povestesc despre ea. Nu stiu daca ati observat ca in ultima vreme abia mai am timp sa trec sa raspund la comentarii. Va trece si asta. Incepand cu 18 noiembrie.
Cu aceasta reteta am sa particip si la Provocarea lunii-Dulcea Romanie a carei gazda este de data aceasta Xandrinne.
Deci scrieti asa:
– 2 kg de gogosari
– 2 kg de mere
– 2 ardei iuti
– 1 lingurita de sare
I don’t know if you’ll find peppers in the markets but I’ll tell you this hot sauce recipe! I planned for a long time to tell you about it. I do not know if you noticed that lately I barely have time  to respond to your comments. But it will pass. From 18 November.
With this recipe I also participate at this month’s challenge – Sweet Romania; this time the host is Xandrinne.
You should write this:
– 2 kg of peppers
– 2 kg of apples
– 2 chili peppers 
– 1 teaspoon salt

Am spalat si am curatat gogosarii dupa care i-am tocat marunt cu robotul.
I washed and cleaned the peppers and then I chopped them with the kitchen robot.

Pasta obtinuta am pus-o intr-un vas mare.
The obtained paste was put in a large recipient.

Desi am avut si mere rosii ele nu apar in fotografii. Am vrut sa am totul verzuliu aici! 🙂
Merele au fost spalate si curatate de coaja si cotor. Ardeii iuti au fost si ei spalati si curatati de cotor si seminte.
Although I had also red apples they do not appear in photos. I wanted to have everything green here! 🙂
Apples were washed, peeled and the stub was removed. Peppers were also washed and cleaned of their stubs and seeds.

 Si acestea au fost tocate marunt cu robotul. Cel mai bun prieten al meu din aceasta toamna! 🙂

And they were chopped finely with the robot. My best friend of this fall! 🙂

Toate ingredientele au fost puse in vasul cel mare. Il punem la foc si fierbem sosul timp de 1.5-2 ore adica mai bine spus pana scade. Amestecati din cand in cand in vas ca sa nu se prinda sosul de fundul acestuia.
Dupa ce s-a fiert sosul se va pune in borcanase curate si uscate. Apoi se pun intr-o tava pe fundul careia am asezat hartie si adaugam apa. Tava se va baga in cuptor. Borcanele cu sos se vor steriliza timp de 50-60 de minute la o temperatura medie.
All the ingredients were put into the big recipient. I put it on the stove and I boiled the sauce  for 1.5-2 hours or better said until it begun to drain. Stir from time to time in bowl just to be sure that the sauce doesn’t stick to the recipient.
After the sauce was boiled we will put it in dry and clean jars. Then put them in a tray in which we put some paper and we add some water. We will put the tray in the oven and we will sterilize the jars with sauce for 50-60 minutes at medium temperature.

Borcanasele cu sos se vor lasa sa se raceasca in cuptor pana a doua zi. Apoi se pun in camara sau intr-un loc suficient de rece si unde stiti ca aveti temperatura constanta.
The jars with sauce will be left to cool off in the oven until the next day. Then put in the pantry or in a place cold enough where you know that you’ll have constant temperature.

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