Sirop din conuri si muguri de pin/Pine buds and cones syrup
In zilele de vara nu as sta prea mult in bucatarie, la caldura. Cu toate astea cele mai bune fructe si legume le gasesc acum si sunt nevoita sa imi schimb de fiecare data planurile. Poate ca si voi faceti la fel si m-am gandit sa va impartasesc o reteta de sirop minunat de muguri si conuri de pin.
Eu am cumparat de la Olanesti, de la oamenii care vand produse traditionale in statiune. Daca nu gasiti de cumparat e o idee buna sa culegeti in drumetiile voastre de weekend.
Iata ce ingrediente va trebuie:
-1 kg conuri de pin
-500 g muguri de pin
– 2 kg de zahar
-2,5 l apa
In summer days I wouldn’t stay too long in the kitchen’s heat. Still the best fruits and vegetables are ripe now and I’m forced to change my plans every time. Maybe you do it too and I thought to share a wonderful recipe of syrup made of pine buds and young cones. I have bought some buds and cones from Olanesti (a spa town near us) from people that sell traditional products. If you don’t find to buy buds and cones maybe it’s a good idea to pick your own on your weekend hiking.
Here are the ingredients you need:
-1 kg of pine cones
-500 g pine buds
– 2 kg of sugar
-2.5 liters of water
Conurile si mugurii de pin se spala sub jet de apa rece si se pun intr-un vas mare, metalic. Se pune apa astfel incat sa fie acoperiti. Vasul se acopera cu un capac si se pune la frigider timp de 2 zile.
In acest timp mugurii si conurile vor incepe sa se macereze, aroma devenind intensa.
Pine cones and buds are washed in cold water and placed in a metallic large bowl. Then put water so that all the buds and cones to be covered. Cover the bowl with a lid and place it in the refrigerator for 2 days. Meanwhile buds and cones begin to soak, the flavor becoming intense.
Dupa cele doua zile in care au stat la frigider in apa, conurile si mugurii se vor fierbe. Eu le-am fiert pana cand s-au inmuiat. Dupa ce mugurii, conurile si apa in care au fiert s-au racit, vasul se acopera si se pune din nou la frigider pentru inca o zi.
A doua zi strecuram mugurii si conurile si le aruncam iar zeama rezultata in urma fierberii se va fierbe din nou, de data aceasta cu zahar.
Zeama impreuna cu zaharul se fierbe pana cand devine vascoasa, siropul se leaga. Atentie – siropul trebuie sa fie mai subtire decat cel pentru dulceata.
Odata fiert siropul se pune in sticle curate, ce se inchid etans, si se sterilizeaza intr-un vas cu apa, la cuptor, 30 de minute, la foc mediu.
After two days in which they stayed in the fridge in water, cones and buds will be boiled. I’ve boiled them until they softened. After the buds, cones and water boiled cooled off, the dish will be covered and placed back in refrigerator for another day. The next day take out the buds and cones and throw them and resulting broth from boiling will be boiled again, this time with sugar. Boil the broth with sugar until it becomes viscous, the syrup binds. Warning – the syrup should be thinner than the one used for jam. Once boiled, syrup is put into clean bottles that are threaded tightly and sterilized in a pot with water, in the oven, for 30 minutes over medium heat.
Serviti un pahar de sirop cu apa minerala rece, rece. Merge si o felie de lamaie daca aveti si poate putina rabdare ca siropul sa nu faca spuma cand puneti apa minerala! :))
Serve a glass of syrup with cold, cold sparkling water. It will be good if you had a slice of lemon also and a little patience when you put sparkling water so that the syrup not to form foam! :))