Peste si preparate din peste / Fish

Scrumbie la cuptor cu sos de patrunjel si usturoi verde / Atlantic mackerel with parsley and young garlic sauce cooked in oven

Mi-ar placea sa locuiesc undeva langa mare. Imi place mirosul sarat, ador marea si tot ceea ce tine de ea. Nu neg faptul ca si mancarurile cu peste imi plac foarte mult.
Gatesc peste destul de des insa nu chiar atat de des cat as vrea. Prefer pestele gatit la cuptor, cu sos sau simplu, cu lamaie.
De data asta am pregatit scrumbie. Reteta o am de la Adita, matusa sotului meu, o persoana deosebita. Dar sa va spun de ce ingrediente avem nevoie:

– 4 pesti
– 2 linguri de ulei de masline
– patrunjel verde
– 4-5 fire de usturoi verde
– sare
– piper

I would like to live somewhere near the sea. I like the salty smell, I love the sea and all that it’s related to it. I don’t deny the fact that I like so much fish dishes.
I cook quite often fish but not so often as I would wish. I prefer the fish cooked in the oven, with sauce or simple, with lemon. 
This time I cooked Atlantic mackerel. This recipe is from Adita, my husband’s aunt, a wonderful person. But let me tell what ingredients we need to cook this dish:
– 4 fishes
– 2 tablespoons of olive oil
– fresh parsley
– 4-5 pieces of green garlic (young garlic)
– salt
– pepper

Am spalat si am curatat pestii. Apoi i-am asezat intr-un vas termorezistent.
Apoi am adaugat apa cat sa-i acopere, am pus uleiul, sarea, piperul. Vasul l-am pus in cuptorul preincalzit pe care la-m fixat o temperatura medie. Pestele va fi gata destul de repede, asa ca fiti atenti.

I washed and cleaned the fishes.After that I put them into a thermo resistant recipient. 
I added some water just to cover the fishes, I put the oil, salt and pepper. The recipient was put in the preheated oven which was fixed at a medium temperature. The fish will be cooked quite fast, so watch it closely. 

Cand pestele a fost gata am spalat si am tocat patrunjelul si usturoiul. Le-am pus peste pestele din vas si am amestecat cu sosul format. Apoi am pus vasul in cuptor pentru inca 10 minute.

When the fish was ready  I washed and cut finely the parsley and the garlic. I put them over the fish and I mixed slowly with the sauce that was left in the recipient. After that I put the recipient back in the oven for 10 minutes more.

Pestele se serveste alaturi de cartofi natur si sos delicios de patrunjel si usturoi. Scrumbia are un gust foarte bun in combinatie cu verdeata.

Fish will be served with boiled potatoes and the delicious sauce of parsley and garlic. Atlantic mackerel has a great taste in combination with this green stuff.

Sper sa incercati reteta aceasta minunata. Sunt sigura ca va placea multora dintre voi!

I hope you’ll try this wonderful recipe. I’m sure that many of you will like it!

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