Preparate cu amestec de carne / Mix of minced meat

Sarmalute-n foi de vita / Meat and rice stuffed grape leaves

In sfarsit a venit momentul sa va prezint si aceasta reteta. Desi am gatit acest fel de mancare saptamana trecuta abia acum ajunge sa fie postata. Pozele au calatorit impreuna cu laptopul si cu sotul meu la Roma. :))

– 1 kg carne tocata (amestec vita-porc)
– 300 g orez
– 2 linguri de ulei
– 2 cepe
– 2 gogosari
– piper
– cimbru
– foi de dafin
– sare
– 30-40 foi de vita
– 300 ml rosii pasate
Finally it’s time to present this recipe. Although I cooked this dish last week, only now it gets to be posted on the blog. These photos have traveled with the laptop and with my husband to Rome. :))

– 1 kg minced meat (pork-beef mix)
– 300 g rice
– 2 tablespoons of sunflower oil
– 2 onions
– 2 red peppers
– pepper
– savory
– bay leves
– salt
– 30-40 grape leves

– 300 ml tomato juice or minced tomatoes 

Ceapa si gogosarii se curata si se spala. Se taie bucatele si se pun intr-o cratita impreuna cu uleiul si condimentele. Se calesc impreuna 3-4 minute.
The onions and peppers are washed and peeled off. They are cut in small slices and put with the oil and the condiments into a pan. All those ingredients are tempered together.

Se adauga orezul si se amesteca in continuu pentru 3-4 minute. Apoi cratita se trage de pe foc si se lasa la racit cateva minute.

We add the rice and we mix continuously for 3-4 minutes. After that we take the pan aside and we let the composition to cool off.
Compozitia de legume si orez se pune peste amestecul de carne si se omogenizeaza.
The composition that we obtained earlier is put with the minced meat mix and is homogenized. 

Eu am folosit frunze puse in saramura la borcan. Daca folositi frunze proaspete acestea trebuie oparite in prealabil.
I used grape leaves put in brine into a jar. If you choose to use fresh grape leaves I should scald them before.

Compozitia se pune cu ajutorul unei lingurite pentru a avea sarmalute cat de cat egale ca dimensiune. Se impacheteaza ca si in imaginile de mai sus si se pun intr-un vas termorezistent.
Composition is put on the leaf with a teaspoon, so that we obtain equal “sarmalute” in the end. You have to fold them just like the ones in the images. They will be put into a thermo resistant recipient.

Deasupra se pun foile de dafin si rosiile pasate, apoi cateva frunze de vita de vie. Se adauga apa cat sa acopere putin sarmalele si se pun in cuptor. Pentru a vedea daca sunt fierte se testeaza cu o furculita. Din cauza orezului care fierbe diferit nu va pot da un timp exact. Ale mele au fiert cam 2 ore la foc domol (focul iute poate sparge sarmalele). Se servesc fierbinti sau caldute, cu smantana, ardei iute si mamaliguta.
Nu-i asa ca-s bune? Mmm!

On top we put the bay leaves and tomato juice, and after, some grape leaves. We add water (just to cover the ones on the top) and we put the recipient into the oven. To see if they are boiled you should check them with a fork. I can’t give you the time of cooking because it depends very much of what kind of rice do you use, meat etc. Mine boiled about 2 hours at moderate temperature (a higher temperature can make the “sarmalute” to split off). They are served hot or warm, with cream hot chili peppers and polenta.
They are so good, isn’t it? Mmm!

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