Carne de pui / Chicken

Sarmalute din carne de pui in foi de vita de vie/ Chicken stuffed vine leaves rolls

Planuiesc de ceva timp sa va spun cum fac eu sarmalutele din carne de pui. Dar cum planurile mele au trebuit sa astepte mai mult decat era planificat, acum e putin cam cald sa mai folositi cuptoarele. Poate totusi va hotarati intr-o zi ploioasa sa faceti niste sarmale delicioase iar aceasta reteta este alegerea perfecta.
I’m planning for some time to tell you how I cook my chicken vine leaves stuffed rolls . But as my plans had to wait longer than planned, now is a bit too hot to start using your ovens. You can still be determined in a rainy day to cook some delicious vine leaves stuffed rolls and this recipe is perfect.

– foi de vita de vie (in saramura)
– 250 g orez cu bob rotund
– 4 linguri de ulei
– 6-7 fire ceapa verde
-400 ml suc dulce de rosii
– vine leaves (in brine)
– 250 g round grain rice
– 4 tablespoons oil
– 6-7 green onions
-400 ml of fresh tomato juice

Pieptul de pui se curata de piele si se spala, dupa care se taie in bucati de marime potrivita. Se toaca cu masina de tocat sau food processor, insa nu prea marunt.
Take the skin off the chicken breast, then cut into pieces of suitable size. Put the meat in the grinder or food processor and grind but not too small.

Se framanta intr-un bol carnea cu uleiul timp de 5-6 minute. Apoi se adauga ceapa verde tocata, condimentele si orezul pe care l-am inmuiat in apa timp de 10 minute.
Knead the meat in a bowl with the oil for 5-6 minutes. Then add green onions, spices and rice that I soaked in water for 10 minutes.

Ca sa vedeti cum rulez sarmalele, am facut cateva poze; e mult mai usor decat sa va explic! In fiecare sarmaluta vom pune o lingura de umplutura. Astfel sarmalele vor fi aproximativ egale.
Dupa ce ati terminat de rulat toate sarmalele, se asaza intr-o oala de lut pe care am tinut-o in apa 20 de minute.
In order to see how I stuff the vine leaves, I took some photos, it’s much easier than to explain! In each stuffed vine leave we will put a tablespoon of filling. Then the stuffed vine leaves rolls will be approximately equal.
After rolling all the stuffed vine leaves rolls, place them in a clay pot that I kept it in water for 20 minutes.

Dupa aranjarea sarmalelor punem foi de dafin si putin cimbru uscat, adaugam apa (sa nu acopere ultimul strat de sarmale) si punem capacul pe oala. Se baga in cuptorul rece si se aprinde focul.
Sarmalele se fierb la foc mic timp de 2-3 ore. Bulionul trebuie sa-l adaugati cu 30 de minute inainte de a scoate oala cu sarmale din cuptor. Astfel sarmalele vor fi potrivit de acrisoare.After arranging the stuffed vine leaves rolls  put bay leaves and a little dried thyme, add water (do not cover the last layer of stuffed vine leaves rolls with water) and put the lid on the pot. Then put the pot in the cold oven and turn it on.Stuffed vine leaves rolls will be cooked on low heat for 2-3 hours. Tomatoes juice should be added with 30 minutes before removing from oven . This way  stuffed vine leaves rolls will be very good-not too sour, not too sweet.

Serviti sarmalele cu smantana sau iaurt, mamaliguta si neaparat ardei iute.
Serve the rolls with sour cream or yogurt, polenta and chili pepper.


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