Targ de Sarbatori / Holiday Market

Salata vieneza / Viennese Salad

Sa nu ma intrebati de ce se numeste asa! Cautand pe Google am gasit multe variante ale salatei vieneze. Eu asa o stiu de la o buna prietena. Ea o avea de la o matusa din Arad.
E prima data cand o fac si mi s-a parut interesanta. Daca aveti probleme de digestie (asa cum am eu), gustati pentru ca e foarte buna, dar lasati pe altii sa consume mai multa. Sau faceti putina. 🙂

– 500 g carne tocata de curcan
– 3-4 castraveciori murati
– 2 oua
– 2 galbenusuri
– ulei de floarea-soarelui
– 2 linguri de mustar
– 2 cepe rosii
– sare
– piper
– cimbru

Don’t ask me why this recipe is called this way! I was looking on Google and I found many recipes called “viennese salad”. I know this recipe from one of my good friends. She has it from her aunt who lives in Arad.
It’s the first time when I cook it and I thought it’s interesting. If you have digestion problems (as I have), you should taste it because it’s very good, but you should let the others to eat more. Or you cook a little quantity :).
– 500g turkey minced meat
– 3-4 pickled cucumbers
– 2 eggs
– 2 egg yolks
– sunflower oil
– 2 tablespoons of mustard
– 2 red onions
– salt
– pepper
– savory

Se amesteca carnea cu ouale, piperul, sarea si cimbrul.

We mix meat with eggs, pepper, salt and savory.

Formati chiftelute mici pe care le asezati intr-o tava in care ati pus hartie de copt. Se baga in cuptorul preincalzit. Eu le-am lasat la temperatura medie cca 45 de minute. Le-am intors o singura data.

You form little meatballs and you put them into a tray covered with baking paper. You put the tray in the preheated oven. I left it there for almost 45 minutes and I turned the meatballs on the other side once.

Scoateti chiftelutele din cuptor si le lasati sa se raceasca. Intre timp veti prepara maioneza din 2 galbenusuri, 2 linguri de mustar si ulei de floarea soarelui. Daca nu va place maioneza de casa, puteti folosi din comert.
You take out the meatballs from the oven and you let them cool off. Meanwhile you will prepare the mayonnaise of 2 eggs, 2 teaspoons of mustard and sunflower oil. If you don’t like homemade mayonnaise you can use the one from supermarket.

Se pun maioneza, castraveciori si ceapa taiate marunt si se amesteca. Salata se va lasa timp de 2-3 ore in frigider dupa care se va servi.

We put the mayonnaise, pickled cucumbers and onions small sliced and we mix. The salad will be left for 2-3 hours in the fridge and then it will be served.

Aceasta salata o puteti servi ca si aperitiv. Este potrivita pentru mesele de Sarbatori si nu numai.
Ma intorc mai tarziu cu o reteta simpla, simpla! 🙂

This salad can be served as appetizer. It’s suitable for Holidays’ lunches, dinners and also for other occasions.

I’ll be back later with a simple, simple recipe! 🙂

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