Salata cu eisberg, seminte de pin si creveti / Salad with eisberg lettuce, pine seeds and shrimps
Este frig, mult mai frig decat as fi crezut ca va fi in iarna asta. Cu toate astea eu ma gandesc deja la primavara. Am avut grija sa ma inconjor de flori frumoase si timpurii, de primavara, mi-am pregatit un meniu usor, am inceput sa imi fac planuri pentru anotimpul ce va veni.
Asa ca am ales sa imi bazez meniul in urmatoarea perioada pe preparate cu peste si legume. Una dintre retetele care ne-au placut in mod deosebit este cea de salata cu seminte de pin, creveti, salata eisberg si salata verde.
Veti avea nevoie de urmatoarele ingrediente :
– 300 g creveti fierti
– 1 salata eisberg
– 1 salata verde
– 3 catei de usturoi
– 150 ml de vin alb
– 2 linguri de ulei
– 2 lingurite de pasta ardei iute
– 100g seminte de pin
– sare
It is cold, more cold than I thought it would be this winter. However I already think about spring. I took care to to have near me early beautiful flowers, spring flowers, I prepared a light menu, I began to make plans for the coming season.
So I have chosen to rely on the menu for the next period on dishes that contain with fish and vegetables. One of the recipes that we especially liked is the salad with pine seeds, shrimps, lettuce and eisberg lettuce.
You will need the following ingredients:
– 300 g boiled shrimp
– eisberg lettuce
– lettuce
– 3 cloves of garlic
– 150 ml of white wine
– 2 tablespoons of oil
– 2 teaspoons hot pepper paste
– 100g pine seeds
– salt
Modul de preparare este cat se poate de simplu.
Spalam si curatam salata dupa care o taiem in bucati de marime potrivita.
Preparation is very simple.
Lettuce will be washed and cleaned and after cut into pieces of medium size.
Punem semintele de pin intr-o tigaie cu strat antiaderent si le prajim pana devin aurii. Atentie – se ard foarte usor !
We will put the pine seeds in a pan coated with teflon layer and fry them until they get goldish. Warning – they burn very easily!
In final vom prepara dressingul. Pisam cateii de usturoi si-i punem intr-un castron. Apoi adaugam vinul, ardeiul iute si uleiul si amestecam.
Finally we will prepare the dressing. We will ground the cloves and we’ll put them in a bowl. Then add wine, hot pepper paste and oil and stir gently.
Dressingul, sarea si semintele de pin se pun peste salata. Se amesteca bine. Crevetii ii punem fie deasupra, fie ii amestecam in salata. Se serveste imediat.
Dressing, salt and pine seeds will be put over the salad. Mix well. Shrimps will be put either on the cut salad or mix them in it. Serve immediately.
Este absolut delicioasa si foarte usoara.
Pofta buna !
It is absolutely delicious and very easy.
Enjoy your meal!