
Rulouri de curcan cu mix de nuci, alune si masline / Turkey rolls with nut mix and olives

Peste cateva zile va incepe oficial primavara. Abia astept! Sambata am avut o mostra insa vreau mai mult 🙂 Poate ca si voi vreti dar se pare ca mai avem de asteptat. Pana cand o sa savuram o salata si un gratar pregatit in aer liber mai trebuie sa asteptam cel putin o luna. Pentru ca weekendul acesta ne-am plimbat, am gatit si am dormit mai mult decat de obicei, nu am prea avut timp sa postez retetele pe care le pregatisem. Stiu ca sunt deja cateva persoane care asteapta cu interes aceasta reteta de rulouri 😉

Iata de ce vom avea nevoie:
– 1.5 kg piept de curcan
– 350 ml vin alb demisec
– 3 linguri de ulei de masline
– mix de piper
– oregano
– nuci caju, nuci simple, alune de padure, alune de pamant, migdale
– masline negre

In few days the spring will officially begin. I cannot wait! Saturday we had a sample of what we’ll have next but I want more 🙂 Maybe you want too but it seems that we will have to wait. Until we will savor a salad and a barbecue made outdoor  we will have to wait at least one month.

This weekend we walked, I cooked and we slept more than usual, so I didn’t really had time to post recipes that were prepared. I know some people that are already looking forward to see this recipe of rolls 😉
This is what we need:
– 1.5 kg turkey breast
– 350 ml semi-dry white wine
– 3 tablespoons olive oil
– mix of pepper
– oregano
– cashew nuts, walnuts, hazelnuts,peanuts, almonds
– black olives

Dezosam pieptul de curcan si-l taiem in felii mari, de grosime potrivita (2-3 cm). Apoi fragezim carnea cu un ciocan de snitele. Astfel vom obtine felii de aproximativ uniforme ce vor fi usor de rulat.
We will separate the turkey breast of bones and we cut the meat in slices, of medium thickness (2-3 cm). Then we will tender the meat with a hammer, especially made for schnitzels. This way we’ll get uniform slices that will be easy to roll. 

Se amesteca vinul cu uleiul si condimentele. Apoi se pun bucatile de carne si se acopera cu amestecul obtinut. Vasul se va acoperi si se va baga in frigider timp de 3-4 ore.
Mix wine with olive oil and spices. Then put the meat and cover with the obtained mixture. Then cover the bowl and put it in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours.

Dupa cele 3-4 ore carnea se scoate pe o farfurie intinsa. Fiecare felie de carne se umple cu mix de nuci si masline dupa care se inveleste in hartie de copt sau folie de aluminiu. Rulourile se aseaza intr-un vas termorezistent dupa care se adauga apa cat sa le acopere pana la jumatate.Se baga in cuptorul preincalzit. Rulourile se vor prepara la temperatura medie timp de 1.5 ore.

After 3-4 hours the meat will be taken out on a plate. Each slice of meat will be filled with mix of nuts and olives then wrap it in parchment paper or aluminum foil. Rolls will placed in a baking dish and then is water is added, enough to fill half of it.
The dish will be put in the preheated oven. The rolls will be cooked at medium temperature for 1.5 hours. 
Noi am servit rulourile cu niste cartofi copti in cuptor. Daca aveti pofta puteti incerca si cu niste cartofi prajiti – o data la catva timp va mai puteti rasfata 😉
We have served rolls with some baked potatoes in the oven. If you like you can try with some fries – you can  indulge yourselves once in a while 😉
Gustul rulourilor de curcan este foarte interesant. Aroma vinului si combinatia de nuci/masline va vor placea cu siguranta. Se poate servi atat ca fel principal cat si ca aperitiv rece.
Pofta buna!
Turkey rolls’ taste is very interesting. Wine aroma and the combination of nuts / olives will make love these rolls. It canbe served as a main course and as cold appetizer.
Bon appétit!

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