Rulada de porc cu merisoare, piure de radacinoase si sos de merisoare/Pork roll with cranberries, celery and parsnip puree and cranberries sauce
“It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas
Ev’rywhere you go;
Take a look in the five and ten glistening once again
With candy canes and silver lanes aglow.
It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas
Toys in ev’ry store
But the prettiest sight to see is the holly that will be
On your own front door.”
Cam asta imi vine in minte cand ma uit acum pe geam. Mai e putin pana la Craciun si probabil ca deja v-ati facut planuri. Chiar daca nu plecati de acasa sunt convinsa ca aveti invitati sau cel putin familia la masa.
Eu imi stabilesc in fiecare an un meniu cat de cat echilibrat. Si cum una dintre retetele de prajituri v-am aratat-o deja, acum e randul unui fel principal.
“It’s Beginning to look a lot like Christmas
Ev’rywhere you go;
Take a look in the five and ten glistening once again
With candy canes and silver Lanes Aglow.
It’s Beginning to look a lot like Christmas
Toys in ev’ry store
But the prettiest sight to see is the holly That Will Be
On your own front door. “
This is what comes into my mind when I look out the window now. There’s a little before Christmas and perhaps you’ve already made plans. Even if you don’t leave home I’m sure that you have invited some friends or at least the family for dinner.
I set my menu every year and it’s somewhat balanced. And as one of the cake recipes was shown already on my blog, now it’s the turn of a main dish.
Ingrediente rulada de porc:
-1 kg muschi de porc
-150 g merisoare uscate
-100 ml vin rosu
-piper alb
-scortisoara (optional)
Ingrediente sos:
-150 g merisoare uscate
-250 ml vin rosu
-1 ceapa rosie mare
Ingrediente piure:
-2 pastarnaci
-1/2 telina mare
-20 g unt
Ingredients pork roll:
-1 kg pork fillet
-150 g dried cranberries
-100 ml red wine
-white pepper
-cinnamon (optional)
Ingredients for sauce:
-150 g dried cranberries
-250 ml red wine
-1 large red onion
Puree ingredients:
-2 parsnips
-1 / 2 large celery
-20 g butter
Cu 3-4 ore inainte de a prepara rulada eu am pus intr-un castron merisoarele peste care am adaugat vinul. Aceste merisoare le vom folosi pentru a umple rulada.
With 3-4 hours before preparing the roll I put cranberries in a bowl over which I added wine. These cranberries will be used to fill the roll.
Muschiul de porc se spala si se degreseaza dupa care se taie ca in fotografie. Apoi se bate bine pentru a se fragezi cu un ciocan de lemn.
Pork fillet was washed and the grease was removed, then cut as it can be seen in that picture. Then the fillet was beat well to tender with a wood hammer for schnitzel.
Dupa ce merisoarele s-au hidratat am adaugat sare, piper alb, scortisoara si cuisoare si am amestecat. Umplutura a fost pregatita imediat.
After the cranberries were hydrated I added salt, white pepper, cinnamon and cloves and I mixed. The filling was prepared immediately.
Muschiul de porc se umple cu mestecul de condimente si merisoare si se leaga cu snururi de silicon sau ata. Apoi se pune ruleaza in hartie de copt. Mie mi-au iesit doua rulade mai micute. In final se adauga apa astfel incat sa ajunga pana la jumatatea inaltimii ruladei. Tava se pune in cuptorul preincalzit si se fixeaza temperatura medie. Rulada se va intoarce peste 30 de minute si va fi gata cam intr-o ora. Inainte de a scoate tava din cuptor cu 5 minute desfaceti hartia astfel ca rulada sa se rumeneasca.
Pork fillet is filled with mixture of spices and cranberries and tied with cords of silicone or thread. Then roll in baking paper. I obtained two small rolls. Finally add water up to half of the height of roll. Put the oven tray in preheated oven and set to average temperature. Fillet will be rolled on the other side after 30 minutes and will be ready in about an hour. Before taking the roll out of the oven take the paper off so that the meat to be parched.
Pana rulada se racoreste putin aveti timp sa preparati sosul. Eu am taiat o ceapa rosie si am pus-o impreuna cu vinul, merisoarele si sarea intr-o craticioara. Am fiert amestecul timp de 15 minute, pana cand ceapa si merisoarele s-au inmuiat iar vinul s-a redus.
So until your roll cools off, you have a little time to prepare the sauce. I cut a red onion and put it together with wine, cranberries and salt in a saucepan. I boiled the mixture for 15 minutes until onions and cranberries have softened and the wine has reduced.
In acelasi timp am fiert telina si pastarnacul pentru piure. Cand acestea au fost fierte, le-am pasat cu mixerul vertical si am adaugat putin unt si sare.
Meanwhile I boiled celery and parsnips for puree. When they were cooked, I mashed them with vertical mixer and added some butter and salt.
Serviti alaturi de un pahar de vin rosu.
Serve it together with a glass of red wine.
Pofta buna!
Bon appétit!