Carne de iepure/Rabbit

Rulada de iepure cu legume/Rabbit roll with vegetables

Nu stiu de unde va procurati voi carnea pe care o gatiti acasa dar eu pot sa va spun ca am un furnizor bun si intelegator al nevoilor mele de a schimba sortimentul des: mama. Ca de obicei, mi-a furnizat un iepure nici prea gras, nici prea slab, numai bun pentru dezosat si pregatit o minunata rulada.Anul trecut am mai pregatit o rulada de iepure dezosat cu bacon si ficatei (reteta o gasiti aici). De data aceasta am renuntat la bacon si ficatei de pui – am folosit legume si ficatul iepurelui.
I don’t know from where you procure the meat that you cook at home but I can say that I have a good supplier that understands my needs of change frequently the assortment: my Mom. As usual, she provided a rabbit not too fat or too skinny, just right for taking the bones out and to prepare a wonderful roll.
Last year I prepared a boneless rabbit roulade with bacon and chicken liver (recipe can be found here). This time I gave up bacon and chicken liver – I have used vegetables and rabbit liver.

– 1 iepure (2-3 kg)
– 1 morcov
– 1 gogosar
– 1 ardei
– 1 ceapa
– ficatul iepurelui
– oregano
– sare
– piper
– 3 linguri ulei de masline
– optional – 250 ml de vin alb

– one rabbit (2-3 kg)
– 1 carrot
– 1 red bell pepper
– 1 green pepper
– 1 onion
– rabbit liver
– oregano
– salt
– pepper
– 3 tablespoons olive oil
– optional – 250 ml white wine

Am dezosat iepurele (m-am inspirat din videoclipul acesta ) si l-am condimentat cu piper si sare dupa care l-am pus intr-un vas si l-am bagat in frigider. Am curatat apoi legumele, le-am taiat in bucati de dimensiune medie si le-am pus intr-o tigaie cu 2 linguri de ulei de masline. Am adaugat si ficatul iepurelui taiat in cubulete. Toate acestea au fost calite timp de 6-7 minute la foc mediu si apoi lasate sa se racoreasca timp de 3-5 minute.
Iepurele dezosat se scoate din frigider si se umple cu grija cu amestecul de legume si ficat. Rulada se leaga cu sfoara sau sireturi de silicon.
I deboned the rabbit (I was inspired by this video), I seasoned it with pepper and salt and after that I put it in a bowl and I put in the fridge. I cleaned the vegetables, I cut them into medium size pieces and put them in a pan with 2 tablespoons of olive oil. I added the rabbit liver cut into cubes. All of them were tempered for 6-7 minutes on medium heat and then left cool off after for 3-5 minutes.
Boneless rabbit was taken out of the fridge and carefully filled in with the mixture of vegetables and liver.
Roll is fastened with textile string or silicon strings.

Rulada se pune intr-o tava si se acopera cu apa si un pahar de vin alb (puteti renunta la el, insa gustul ruladei e cu mult mai bun cu el adaugat). Am acoperit tava cu folie de aluminiu si am pus-o in cuptorul preincalzit la 200 de grade Celsius. A durat 2 ore si jumatate pana cand rulada a fost fiarta. In ultimele 10 minute am indepartat folia de aluminiu pentru ca rulada sa capete o culoare frumoasa.
The roll is placed in a pan and covered with water and a glass of white wine (you can forget about it, but the roll’s taste is much better with it added). I covered the tray with foil and put it in preheated oven at 200 Celsius degrees. It took 2 ½ hours until the roll was cooked. In the last 10 minutes I removed the aluminum foil so that the roll to get a nice color.

Serviti rulada calduta sau rece (se taie foarte bine cand este rece), alaturi de o garnitura ce nu are gust prea pronuntat si de cateva picaturi de ulei de masline aromat cu oregano. Nu uitati de paharul de vin alb, obligatoriu langa orice fel de preparat cu iepure!
Serve the roll warm or cold (it can be cut very well when it’s cold), with a side dish that does not taste too pronounced and a few drops of olive oil, flavored with oregano. Do not forget the glass of white wine, mandatory near any dish with rabbit!

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