Rulada cu fragute/Cake roll with wild strawberries
In ultimul timp am incercat tot felul de retete de dulciuri printre care si mai multe variante de rulade. Unele dintre ele au iesit foarte gustoase, motiv pentru care m-am gandit ca merita incercate si de altii.
Rulada cu fragute este foarte parfumata si are o crema fina, usor de facut chiar si de cei ce nu se pricep prea bine sa faca dulciuri.
In the past few days I tried all kinds of dessert recipes including several types of cake rolls. Some of them were very tasty, and that’s why I thought that it would be interesting to be tried by others too.
The cake roll with wild strawberries was very flavorful and it has a soft filling, so easy to be made also by the ones that are not very skilled in baking desserts.
Ingrediente blat:
-4 oua
-5 linguri de faina
-5 g praf de copt (1/2 pachet)
-4 linguri de zahar
Ingrediente crema:
-250 g ricotta
-150 g unt moale
-2 linguri de zahar pudra
-100 g fragute
Am separat albusurile si am mixat bine pana am obtinut o spuma. Apoi am adaugat zaharul si am continuat sa mixez pana cand spuma a devenit tare. A venit randul galbenusurilor si al vaniliei sa le incorporez. In final am adaugat faina si praf de copt si am mixat pana la omogenizare.
Intr-o tava am pus hartie de copt si am turnat compozitia. Am copt blatul la 150 de grade Celsius timp de 9-10 minute. Inainte de a scoate blatul din cuptor am incercat sa vad daca e copt cu o scobitoare, ca de obicei.
Crema nu necesita fierbere. Am pus untul moale intr-un vas si am mixat pana am obtinut o spuma. Am adaugat zaharul pudra si am mixat pana la dizolvare. Apoi am adaugat ricotta pe care am scurs-o bine inainte si vanilia. Am mixat pana la omogenizare. In final am pus fragutele, amestecand usor cu o spatula de silicon.
Apoi am rulat blatul cu ajutorul hartiei de copt si l-am lasat sa se raceasca. Inainte de a fi folosit acesta se va desprinde usor de pe hartie. Apoi se va pune crema. Rularea se face usor deoarece blatul are deja forma si elasticitatea necesara.
Ingredients for sponge cake:
-5 tablespoons of flour
-5 g baking powder(1/2 pack)
-4 tablespoons of sugar
Ingredients for filling:
-250 g ricotta
-150 g soft butter
-2 tablespoons of powdered sugar
-100 g wild strawberries
I separated the egg whites and I mixed well until I obtained a foam. After that I added the sugar and I continued to mix until the foam thickened. Then I incorporated the egg yolks and vanilla. In the end I put the flour and baking powder and I mixed until the composition became homogeneous.
In a baking tray I put some baking paper and I poured the composition. I baked the sponge cake at 150 Celsius degrees for 9-10 minutes. Before taking out the sponge cake I verified if it’s baked with a toothpick, as usual.
The filling doesn’t need to be boiled. I put the soft butter in a bowl and I mixed until I obtained a foam. I added the powdered sugar and I mixed until it dissolved. I put ricotta which was very well drained and vanilla. I mixed until it became homogeneous. In the end I added the wild strawberries and I mixed slowly with a silicone spatula.
After that I rolled the sponge cake with the baking paper and I left it to cool off. Before using it, take the paper easily and after that put the cream. The rolling is made easily because the sponge cake has the shape and the elasticity already.
Sper sa va placa acest desert pufos si parfumat! Pofta buna!
I hope you’ll like this fluffy and tasty dessert! Bon appetit!