Desert / Dessert

Rulada cu crema fina de ciocolata neagra si cafea/Cake roll with dark chocolate and coffee

Fac ce fac si tot la ingredientul meu preferat revin! Nu mai e o surpriza pentru nimeni ca sunt indragostita iremediabil de cafeaua buna, de povestile care se tes in jurul ei si de faptul ca a devenit un pretext ca sa fim alaturi de cei pe care-i iubim si pretuim.
Tot la o cafea am intalnit o persoana deosebita, care imi impartaseste pasiunea si chiar mai mult, ii stie toate secretele. Promit ca am sa-l conving sa ne spuna secretul celui mai bun cappuccino facut acasa dar si cum sa alegem cele mai potrivite tipuri de cafea, in functie de ceea ce preferam si alte lucruri inedite. Intre timp a ales ingredientele pentru unul dintre cele mai fine deserturi facute de mine pana acum-rulada cu crema fina de ciocolata neagra si cafea.
I do what I do and I keep coming back to my favorite ingredient! It’s no surprise for nobody that I’m irremediably in love with good coffee, with stories told near it and the fact that it became a pretext to be with the ones that we love and cherish. 
Also near a coffee I met a special person, who shares the same passion and even more, he knows all its secrets. I promise to convince him to tell us the secret of the best homemade cappuccino and how to choose the most suitable types of coffee, depending on what we prefer and other interesting things. Meanwhile he chose the ingredients for one of the finest desserts I ever made-cake roll with dark chocolate and coffee.

Ingrediente blat:
– 4 oua
– 3 linguri faina
– 2 linguri cacao
– 4 linguri zahar
– extract vanilie
– 5g praf de copt

Ingrediente crema:
– 200 ml cafea espresso (sau 250 ml daca doriti crema mai moale)
– 80 g ciocolata neagra
– 50 g unt
– 2 linguri zahar (optional)

Ingredients for sponge cake:
– 4 eggs
– 3 tablespoons of flour
-2 tablespoons of cocoa
– 4 tablespoons of sugar
– vanilla extract
– 5 g baking powder

Ingredients for cream:
– 200 ml of coffee – espresso (or 250 ml if you want a more liquid cream)
– 80 g dark chocolate
– 50g butter
– 2 tablespoons of sugar (optional)

Am separat albusurile si am mixat bine pana am obtinut o spuma. Apoi am adaugat zaharul si am continuat sa mixez pana cand spuma a devenit tare. A venit randul galbenusurilor si al vaniliei sa le incorporez. In final am adaugat faina, cacao si praf de copt si am mixat pana la omogenizare.
I separated the egg whites and I mixed well until I obtained a foam. After that I added the sugar and I continued to mix until the foam thickened. Then I incorporated the egg yolks and vanilla. In the end I put the flour, cocoa and baking powder and I mixed until the composition became homogeneous. 

Intr-o tava am pus hartie de copt si am turnat compozitia. Am copt blatul la 150 de grade Celsius timp de 9-10 minute. Inainte de a scoate blatul din cuptor am incercat sa vad daca e copt cu o scobitoare.
In a baking tray I put some baking paper and I poured the composition. I baked the sponge cake at 150 Celsius degrees for 9-10 minutes. Before taking out the sponge cake I verified if it’s baked with a toothpick.

Apoi am rulat blatul cu ajutorul hartiei de copt si l-am lasat sa se raceasca. Inainte de a fi folosit acesta se va desprinde usor de pe hartie. Apoi se va pune crema. Rularea se face usor deoarece blatul are deja forma si elasticitatea necesara.
After that I rolled the sponge cake with the baking paper and I left it to cool off. Before using it, take the paper easily and after that put the cream. The rolling is made easily because the sponge cake has the shape and the elasticity already. 

Pentru crema noi am ales cafea cu aroma deosebita si o ciocolata de foarte buna calitate.
Am preparat expresso dupa care am pus lichidul intr-un vas in care am adaugat si bucatele rupte de ciocolata. Am amestecat energic pana la omogenizare. La final am pus untul si am amestecat bine pentru a-l incorpora. Am preferat varianta cu o crema mai lichida si fara cele doua linguri de zahar optionale, considerand ca este suficient in ciocolata.
Am pus crema calduta peste blat si l-am rulat. Rulada am invelit-o in folie si am lasat-o pana a doua zi in frigider. Se serveste ca atare, pudrata cu zahar sau cu frisca.
For cream we chose coffee with a special flavor and a chocolate with a very good quality. 
I prepared espresso and after I put the liquid in a pot in which I added the small pieces of chocolate. I mixed very well until I got a homogeneous composition. In the end I put the butter and stirred well to incorporate it. I preferred the variant with the liquid cream and without the two optional tablespoons of sugar, because I considered that the chocolate has in off sugar. 
I put the cream warm on the sponge cake and I rolled it. The cake roll was put in aluminum and left until the next day in the fridge. It can be served as it is, dusted with powdered sugar or even with cream.

Pofta buna!
Bon apettit!

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