Rulada cu banane/Cake roll with bananas
Acum cativa ani era la moda o reteta de rulada cu banana si cocos. Nu am gasit reteta si nici mama nu isi aduce aminte cum se facea. Asa ca mi-am facut propria mea varianta. Fara cocos pentru ca nu aveam prin casa.
Few years ago it was trendy to bake a cake roll with banana and coconut. I didn’t find a recipe and my mum didn’t remember how it was made. So I create my own recipe of banana cake roll. Without coconut because I didn’t had any.
Ingrediente blat:
-4 oua
-4 linguri de zahar
-3 linguri de faina
-2 linguri de cacao
-5 g praf de copt (1/2 plic de praf de copt)
Ingrediente umplutura:
-250g ricotta
-5-6 felii de ananas din compot
-2 linguri de zahar pudra
-2 banane
Ingredients for batter:
-4 tablespoons of sugar
-3 tablespoons of flour
-2tablespoons of cocoa
-5 g baking powder(1/2 sachet)
Ingredients for filling:
-250g ricotta
-5-6 slices of pineapple in light syrup
-2 tablespoons of powdered sugar
-2 bananas
Am separat albusurile si am mixat bine pana am obtinut o spuma. Apoi am adaugat zaharul si am continuat sa mixez pana cand spuma a devenit tare. A venit randul galbenusurilor si al vaniliei sa le incorporez. In final am adaugat faina, cacao si praf de copt si am mixat pana la omogenizare.
Intr-o tava am pus hartie de copt si am turnat compozitia. Am copt blatul la 150 de grade Celsius timp de 10 minute. Inainte de a scoate blatul din cuptor am incercat sa vad daca e copt cu o scobitoare, cum fac de obicei.
Apoi am rulat blatul cu ajutorul hartiei de copt si l-am lasat sa se raceasca. Inainte de a fi folosit acesta se va desprinde usor de pe hartie. Apoi se va pune crema. Rularea se face usor deoarece blatul are deja forma si elasticitatea necesara.
Crema am preparat-o la rece. Feliile de ananas le-am facut piure cu mixerul vertical. Apoi l-am amestecat cu ricotta, zaharul si vanilia. Am obtinut o crema aromata si omogena pe care am intins-o pe tot blatul. La un capat al blatului am pus bananele peste crema. Am rulat blatul usor si in final am invelit rulada obtinuta in folie. Rulada am lasat-o de pe o zi pe alta in frigider si am servit-o a doua zi cand s-a taiat foarte frumos. Se poate pudra cu zahar, decora cu frisca sau ciocolata.
I separated the egg whites and I mixed well until I obtained a foam. After that I added the sugar and I continued to mix until the foam thickened. Then I incorporated the egg yolks and vanilla. In the end I put the flour, cocoa and baking powder and I mixed until the composition became homogeneous.
In a baking tray I put some baking paper and I poured the composition. I baked the sponge cake at 150 Celsius degrees for 10 minutes. Before taking out the sponge cake I verified if it’s baked with a toothpick, as I usually do.
After that I rolled the sponge cake with the baking paper and I left it to cool off. Before using it, take the paper easily and after that put the cream. The rolling is made easily because the sponge cake has the shape and the elasticity already.
I prepared the cream without boiling. Pineapple slices were transformed in puree with a vertical mixer. I mixed the puree with ricotta, powdered sugar and vanilla. I obtained a flavorful and homogeneous filling which was spread all over the spongecake. At one end of the spongecake I put the bananas over the spread filling. I rolled easily and in the end the obtained cake roll was covered with plastic foil. I left the cake roll in the fridge until the next day when I served it and it was very nice and easy to cut. It can be served powdered with sugar or decorated with chocolate or cream.
Sper sa va placa si voua pe cat le-a placut celor care au gustat-o prima data. Pofta buna!
I hope you’ll like this cake roll as much as the ones that tasted first did. Bon appetit!