Ravioli cu ghebe si branza proaspata de capra/Ravioli with stump mushrooms and fresh goat cheese
Fiind toamna (si inca una calda si frumoasa) am gasit in magazine mai multe tipuri de ciuperci. Asa cum ma stiti, am cumparat precum un harciog, multe chestii pe care nu le-am folosit atat de repede pe cat m-as fi asteptat. Printre cele cumparate s-a strecurat si o cutie de ghebe care aproape ca s-au uscat.
Vineri am facut putina curatenie in frigider si le-am descoperit. M-am tot gandit ce pot face cu ele si pana sambata dupa-amiaza nu mi-a venit nici o idee.
Apoi mi-am adus aminte ca am vazut la Masterchef Junior SUA (nu radeti – unii dintre cei mici gatesc mult mai bine ca noi!) cum le explica Gordon Ramsay copilasilor cum sa prepare ravioli. Brusc mi-a venit ideea – sigur, ravioli cu ghebe si branza gustoasa de capra!
Being fall (and a warm and beautiful one) I found in stores several types of fungi. As you probably know me, I bought like a gopher, many things that I haven’t used so fast as I expected. Among all I slipped and bought a box of stump mushrooms which almost dried in the fridge.
Friday I cleaned the fridge and I discovered them. I’ve been thinking about what I can do with them until Saturday afternoon and I didn’t come up with any idea.
Then I remembered that I saw on Junior Masterchef U.S. (do not laugh – some of the little ones cook much better than we do!) that Gordon Ramsay explained to little children how to prepare ravioli. Suddenly I got the idea – sure, ravioli with stump mushrooms and goat cheese!
Ingrediente aluat paste:
– 2 oua
-1 lingura de ulei de masline
-500-600 g de faina
– 2 linguri de apa calda
– sare
Ingrediente umplutura ravioli:
– 150 g ghebe fierte
– 150 g branza proaspata de capra
– 2 fire de ceapa verde
– 1 buchetel de patrunjel
– sare,piper
– pentru servire : 50 g unt+ 50 ml din apa in care au fiert ravioli, patrunjel, ceapa verde, masline
Pasta dough ingredients:
– 2 eggs
-1 tablespoon olive oil
-500 – 600 g of flour
– 2 tablespoons hot water
– salt
Ingredients for ravioli filling:
– 150 g boiled stump mushrooms
– 150 g fresh goat cheese
– 2 green onions
– 1 bunch of parsley
– Salt and pepper
– For serving: 50 g butter + 50 ml of water in which ravioli boiled, parsley, green onions, olives
V-am povestit ca ghebele mele s-au uscat in frigider. Voi sa nu faceti ca mine! Le-am spalat bine si le-am pus sa se hidrateze in apa dupa care le-am fiert. Pe eticheta scria ca trebuie consumate fierte cel putin 20 minute.
Dupa ce s-au fiert le-am strecurat si apoi le-am stors bine.
I told you that my stump mushrooms dried in the refrigerator. I shouldn’t do like I did! I washed them well and put them in water to hydrate and after that I boiled them. The label said that should be eaten cooked at least 20 minutes before.
After they were cooked I slipped and then I squeezed well.
Ciupercile se paseaza impreuna cu branza, ceapa verde si patrunjelul. Am adaugat apoi sare si piper. Daca branza este sarata nu mai puneti sare.
Am pus amestecul in frigider si am inceput sa pregatesc aluatul pentru ravioli.
Mix the mushrooms with cheese, green onions and parsley with a vertical mixer. I added salt and pepper at the end. If the cheese is salted don’t put salt at the end.
I put the mix in the fridge and I begun to preparate the pasta dough.
Am cernut pe masa de lucru faina dupa care am spart doua oua si le-am pus in mica groapa pe care am format-o. Am pus apoi sare si ulei de masline si am inceput sa framant energic. Dupa catva timp am adaugat apa calduta si am framantat in continuare pentru a omogeniza ingredientele.
We sifted flour on the work table and after that I broke two eggs and put them in a small hole that I formed. I then put salt and olive oil and started to knead vigorously. After some time I’ve added warm water and continued to homogenize the ingredients.
Aluatul obtinut l-am impartit in parti egale. Una dintre bucati am pus-o intr-o punga de plastic iar pe cealalta am intins-o cu un sucitor pe masa presarata cu faina.
I divided the dough into equal parts. One of the pieces of dough was put it in a plastic bag and the other was spread with a rolling pin on the floured table.
Am pus umplutura cu ajutorul unei lingurite. Cantitatile trebuie sa fie aproximativ egale, la distante aproximativ egale. Astfel veti obtine ravioli de marime egala.
I put the filling with a teaspoon. Quantities should be approximately equal, at approximately equal distances. This way you’ll get equal sized ravioli.
A doua bucata de coca am intins-o pe masa pudrata cu faina dupa care am acoperit prima bucata si umplutura de ciuperci. Am presat usor cu o rola si am obtinut ravioli lipiti si taiati.
Raviolii se fierb al dente in apa cu sare si putin ulei de masline. Odata fierti, se scot cu o spumiera si se pun intr-o tigaie in care am topit unt. Am adaugat doua linguri din apa in care au fiert peste ravioli si untul topit. Am intors ravioli de pe-o parte pe alta timp de 2-3 minute dupa care i-am scos si i-am pus pe o farfurie calda. Am presarat patrunjel, ceapa verde si am pus cateva masline.
The second piece of dough was spread on the table dusted with flour and then I covered the first piece and the mushroom stuffing. I pressed lightly with a roll and I got pasted and cut ravioli.
Boil ravioli al dente in water with salt and some olive oil. Once boiled, I took them out with a slotted spoon and placed them in a pan in which I melted butter. I added two tablespoons of water in which they boiled over the melted butter and ravioli. I turned ravioli from one side to other for 2-3 minutes and after that I took them out and put on a hot plate. I sprinkled parsley, green onions and put some olives on the plate.
Noi am servit ravioli alaturi de cate un pahar de vin alb. Pofta buna!
We served ravioli with a glass of white wine near. Bon appétit!