Rata/Duck,  Targ de Sarbatori / Holiday Market

Rata cu castane/Duck with chestnuts

In primul rand vreau sa va doresc un an mai bun decat 2012, multa sanatate si sa va realizati toate dorintele!
Cum era de asteptat, dupa toate zilele de sarbatoare, si anul acesta am strans cateva retete interesante care vi s-ar putea parea de ajutor atunci cand va apucati sa gatiti.
Pe langa retete de dulciuri am sa va prezint si doua retete care au facut furori printre invitatii mei. Una din ele este cea de rata cu castane.
First of all I want to wish you a better year than 2012, health and a lot of success in everything you do!
As expected, after the holidays, also this year I have some interesting recipes that you might like when you look for help when you’re cooking.
Besides sweets recipes I will present two recipes that made a very good impression among my guests. One of them is the duck with chestnuts.

– 1 rata (1.5-2 kg)
-500 g castane
-200 ml vin porto tawny
-foi de dafin
– 1 duck (1.5-2 kg)
-500 g chestnuts
-200 ml tawny port wine 

Eu am avut o ratoi frumos de la mama. L-am spalat si l-am curatat cu grija dupa care am desprins toata pielea si grasimea de pe el si l-am taiat in mai multe bucati. Fiecare bucata de carne a fost sarata cu sare grunjoasa dupa care au fost lasate cateva ore acoperite cu folie de plastic in frigider.
I had a nice duck raised by my mom. I washed and I carefully cleaned it and then I cut off all skin and fat on it. Then I cut it into several pieces. Each piece of meat was salted with coarse salt and then left for a few hours covered with plastic wrap in the fridge.

Dupa cele cateva ore in care carnea a stat cu sare, se scoate si se spala bine, cu multa apa. Apoi toata carnea se pune intr-un vas de fonta si se acopera cu grasimea si pielea taiate mai devreme. Se pune apa numai pana la nivelul la care se afla pielea si grasimea. Vasul se acopera si se pune la foc mic pentru 3-3.5 ore. In acest timp carnea se va fierbe si se va rumeni, astfel incat ne va fi foarte usor sa o desprindem de pe oase.
After those few hours in which the meat stood with salt, remove from the dish and rinse well with water. Then put all the meat in a cast iron pot and cover with fat and skin cut earlier.Put the water just to the point where where is skin and fat. Cover with a lid and put it on the stove on low heat for 3-3.5 hours. During this time the meat will boil and will brown, so it will be very easy to detach it from the bones.

Carnea se taie in bucatele mici si se pune intr-un vas antiaderent.
Cut meat into small pieces and place it in a non-stick dish.

In timp ce a fiert carnea am crestat castanele si le-am fiert. Apoi am scos miezul si l-am maruntit.
While I boiled meat and I also cut and cooked the chestnuts. Then I removed the core and I crumbled it.

Puneti castanele alaturi de carne si adaugati 4-5 linguri din zeama lasata in urma fierberii carnii, cuisoarele si frunzele de dafin. Puneti vasul la foc mic si amestecati continuu pana zeama s-a redus. Luati vasul de pe foc si adaugati vinul. Apoi il mai puneti inapoi pe foc amestecand continuu pana se formeaza un sos. Se stinge focul si se pastreaza vasul cald. Apoi facem un piure de cartofi in care adaugam putin unt si lapte.
Totul se serveste cald, alaturi de un vin rosu.
Place chestnuts with meat and add 4-5 tablespoons of soup left after boiling meat, cloves and bay leaves. Place the pot on the stove at low heat and stir constantly until broth has reduced. Take the pot aside and add the port wine. Then put it put back on the stove and stir until it forms a sauce. The dish is taken aside and kept warm. Then I made mashed potatoes in which I added some butter and milk.
Everything is served hot with red wine.

Pofta buna!
Bon appétit!

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