
Rata caramelizata / Caramelized duck

Vremea din ultima perioada m-a indispus si m-a facut sa imi doresc sa hibernez. Dar a trebuit sa si traim cu ceva. Si am gasit solutia rapid. Ador mancarurile care se fac singure la cuptor! Unde mai pui ca se incalzeste toata casa, miroase minunat si in plus poti sta cu un ceai sau un pahar de vin si sa rasfoiesti o carte buna.
Asa ca am gasit solutia: o rata de la mama, niste vin si cateva ciuperci si gata masa!
The weather lately upset me and made ​​me want to hibernate. But we had to live with something. And I found a solution quite quickly. I love dishes that are cooked in the oven! Not to mention that the house warms, it smells great and also you can stay with a tea or a glass of wine and a good book in you chair.
So I found the solution: a duck from my mother’s yard, some wine and some mushrooms and the meal was ready!

Ce am folosit:
1 rata de cca 2 kg
4 linguri de miere
2 linguri de ulei
1 litru de apa
1 pahar de vin roze dulce
1 portocala
1 kg de ghebe
1.5 pahare de vin roze demisec
2 linguri de ulei
1 frunza de dafin
What I used:
a duck of about 2 kg
4 tablespoons of honey
2 tablespoons oil
1 liter of water
1 glass of fresh rosé wine
1 orange
Side dish
1 kg of honey mushrooms
1.5 glass of semi-dry rose wine 
2 tablespoons oil
1 bay leaf

Rata se spala cu multa apa calda si se lasa la scurs timp de 20-30 de minute inainte de a fi pusa in cuptor.
Se pregateste o tava cu pereti mai inalti in care se pune hartie de copt si se toarna apa. Glazura se pregateste din timp omogenizand mierea cu uleiul.
Rata este asezata in tava si unsa cu ajutorul unei pensule de silicon cu glazura pregatita anterior. In interiorul acesteia se pune portocala spalata bine si nedecojita, intepata din loc in loc. Ea are rolul de a aroma carnea dar si de a mentine cavitatea, in cazul in care doriti ca prezentarea pe platou sa fie eleganta.
Wash the duck with plenty of hot water and leave to drain for 20-30 minutes before being placed in the oven.
Prepare a tray with taller walls in which is put baking paper and add water. Meanwhile prepare the glaze homogenizing honey with oil.
Duck is placed in the tray and greased with a silicone brush with glaze prepared previously. Inside it put the orange rinsed and hulled, stung from place to place.Orange is put to flavor the meat but also to maintain the cavity, if you want to elegantly present the food.
 Apoi se acopera cu folie de aluminiu si se pune in cuptorul preincalzit, la foc mic. Vom intoarce rata de cel putin 3 ori pe fiecare parte, glazurand insa numai de doua ori, in rest stropindu-se cu sucul lasat in tava. La ultima glazurare amestecam glazura cu o parte din vin iar restul se pune in tava. Rata trebuie lasata in cuptor 3-4 ore, in functie de fragezimea carnii acesteia. In cazul in care este o rata de curte timpul va creste, ajungandu-se la 4.5-5 ore.
Then cover with aluminum foil and place in the preheated oven at low temperature. We turn duck on each side at least 3 times, but glazing only twice, but put with a spoon it’s own juice left in the tray. At the last glaze the duck with a mixed glaze with some wine.The rest of wine is placed in the tray. Duck should be left in oven 3-4 hours, depending on how soft is the meat. If the the duck is from the farm the time will increase, leading to 4.5-5 hours.

Garnitura de ghebe se prepara simplu. Ciupercile sa calesc in ulei 2-3 minute dupa care se adauga vinul si frunza de dafin. Cand zeama s-a evaporat si ciupercile sunt fierte se stinge focul si se lasa la racit timp de 2-3 minute

Pieptul de rata se taie feli. Acestea si copanele se pun pe farfurii, alaturi de cateva linguri de sos si garnitura de ghebe.
Side dish will be prepared very simple. Mushrooms will be tempered in oil for 2-3 minutes then add wine and bay leaf. When the juice has evaporated and mushrooms are boiled turn off the heat and leave to cool off for 2-3 minutes.
Cut duck breast in slices. These and drumsticks are placed on plates, with a few tablespoons of sauce and garnish of mushrooms.

Sa tot gatim asa!:)
We should cook more often this way! 😉
Bon appétit! 🙂

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