Carne de pui / Chicken

Pulpe de pui cu fructe si ras el hanout / Chicken quarters with fruits and ras el hanout

Sunt un fan declarat al bucatariei internationale si cred ca deja ati observat asta. Nu spun ca mancarea romaneasca nu este gustoasa ci doar ca a-ti limita orizontul culinar inseamna a te priva de gusturi, mirosuri si de ce nu, imagini minunate.
Fiecare bucatarie isi are farmecul ei. Am invatat sa nu mai judec inainte de a experimenta. Ma bucur pentru ca altfel poate nu v-as fi povestit acum despre pulpele de pui cu fructe si ras el hanout.

– 6 pulpe de pui dezosate
– 1 piersica
– 2 pere
– 1 strugure
– 4-5 prune
– caise confiate
– ghimbir confiat
– 2-3 lingurite de ras el hanout

I’m a great fan of international cuisine and I think that you already noticed that. I don’t think that Romanian food isn’t tasty but I believe that limiting your culinary horizon means to deprive yourself of tastes, smells and why not, great images.
Every cuisine has its own charm. I learned not to judge until I experience. I’m glad now because otherwise I wouldn’t have told you now about the chicken quarters with fruits and ras el hanout.
– 6 chicken quarters (without bones)
– 1 peach
– 2 pears 
– 1 grape
– 4-5 plums
– comfy apricots
– comfy ginger

– 2-3 teaspoons of ras el hanout

Spalam pulpele de pui si le punem intr-un vas termorezistent.
We wash the chicken quarters and we put them into a thermo resistant recipient. 

Taiem caisele si ghimbirul si le punem peste carne.
We cut the apricots and the ginger in small slices and we put them in the recipient with the meat.

Se taie si restul fructelor.
We cut also the other fruits.

Se pun in recipient impreuna cu ghimbirul, caisele si pulpele de pui.
The fruits will be put in the recipient with the ginger, the apricots and chicken quarters. 

Peste fructe se pune ras el hanout si apa cat sa le acopere. Punem capacul pe recipient.
Over the fruits we will put ras el hanout and we’ll add water only to cover them. We put the cover on the recipient. 

Punem recipientul in cuptorul preincalzit si il lasam acolo pana cand carnea este fiarta. Fructele ar trebui sa arate ca si in imaginea de mai sus.
We put the recipient into the preheated oven and we let it there until the meat is boiled. The fruits should look like the ones in the image. 

Puiul a fost foarte fraged si parfumat. Combinatia de fructe este una reusita deoarece sosul format are un gust dulce-acrisor si putin intepator.
The chicken was very soft and flavored. The combination of fruits was well made because the sauce that formed in the recipient it has a sweet, sour and a little bit pungent taste.

Trebuie sa recunosc faptul ca este diferit fata de tot ceea ce am incercat pana acum. Este o placere sa simti acest gust oriental. Va recomand sa incercati mancaruri gatite cu ras el hanout daca aveti ocazia sau sa le gatiti voi! Eu sigur voi mai gati si alte retete cu acest mix condiment.
I must admit that this dish is very different of all that I tasted until now. It’s a pleasure to feel this oriental taste. I recommend you to try foods cooked with ras el hanout if you have the opportunity or to cook them yourself! I will definitely cook also other recipes with this mix condiment.

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