Carne de pui / Chicken

Pui cu sos de piersici / Chicken with peaches sauce

Zilele trecute m-am decis sa gatesc numai cu ingredientele pe care le am in frigider. Mi-am dat seama ca de multe ori sunt luata de val si cumpar anumite chestii pe care apoi nu le folosesc si  intr-un final le arunc.
Dar ce sa gatesti rapid si gustos cu ingrediente din frigider? Si am inceput sa caut. Am scos din congelator un pui pe care mi-l daduse mama acum vreo cateva saptamani dar caruia inca nu-i venise randul din diverse motive.Am scos o sticla de vin. Apoi piersicile. Apoi untul. Si? Le-am combinat! Asadar, iata reteta.

– 1 pui de marime potrivita (se pot folosi si numai pulpe, piept, aripioare)
– 750 ml vin Grasa de Cotnari
– 2-3 frunze de salvie
– 6 piersici de marime medie
– 75 g unt

Am pus puiul intr-un vas termorezistent (cu sau fara capac) impreuna cu vinul si frunzele de salvie. L-am introdus in cuptorul preincalzit timp de cca 60 minute. La fiecare 10-15 minute se scoate vasul din cuptor si cu o lingura se toarna sos pe carne. Eu am preferat carnea putin mai rumena motiv pentru care am lasat vasul descoperit.
Dupa ce puiul este gata se scoate vasul si se lasa la racit.
Intr-o craticioara se pun untul si piersicile taiate cubulete. Peste acestea se adauga 5-6 linguri de sos lasat de pui in vasul in care a fost preparat la cuptor. Craticioara se pune pe foc amestecand sosul in continuu. Peste cateva minute piersicile vor incepe sa fiarba in sos, unt si sucul propriu. Nu lasati sa devina ca un gem. In momentul in care o parte dintre piersici sunt fierte iar celelalte sunt inca sub forma de cuburi, luati craticioara de pe foc.
Puiul si sosul se vor servi caldute. Am avut surpriza sa constat ca intr-adevar a iesit ceva deosebit si care ne-a placut foarte mult. Am servit cu acelasi tip de vin, Grasa de Cotnari, din anul 2007.

This week I decided that I will cook only with the ingredients that are already in my fridge. I realized that in most of the cases I’m taken by the wave and I buy some ingredients that I never use and after a while I throw them away. But what can I cook fast and tasty with what I have in the fridge? And I started to search for something that I really could use. I grabbed a chicken from the freezer. It was a chicken from my mum and yes, it was from the countryside. I didn’t cook it until now because of various things. I took a bottle of wine. Then the peaches. After that, the butter. And? I mixed them! So here is the recipe.
– 1 chicken (it can be used also certain parts like chicken’s breast, drumsticks, wings)
– 750 ml of demi -sweet wine ( I used Grasa de Cotnari)
– 2-3 salvia leaves ( Salvia officinalis)
– 6 medium peaches
– 75 g of butter
I put the chicken into a temperature resistant recipient (with or without cover) with the wine and the salvia leaves. I put the recipient into the preheated oven and I left it for approximatively 60 minutes. At 10-15 minutes I took out the recipient and I poured sauce on the chicken with a spoon. I didn’t use a cover for the recipient because I like the chicken well parched. 
After the 60 minutes the recipient is taken out from the oven.
We put the butter and the peaches cut into small cubes in a pan. After that we will pour 5-6 spoon of sauce that was left by the chicken into the recipient where was roasted. The pan is put on the stove. The sauce is stirred and in few minutes the peaches begin to boil in the sauce with the butter and their own juice. You shouldn’t let the peaches until they begin to look like a jam. After they started to boil we will let until only few of them are boiled and the others are still small cubes. 
The chicken and the sauce are served warm. We had a nice surprise because the taste was really surprising and we liked it. We served this dish with the same wine that was used for cooking, Grasa de Cotnari, from 2007, a very good year for Romanian wines.

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