Desert / Dessert

Prajitura Rumba / Rumba cake

 A fost o saptamana friguroasa, ciudata si care abia am asteptat sa se termine. Azi m-am trezit vesela si cu speranta ca saptamana ce urmeaza va fi mai buna si mai frumoasa.
Cele cateva raze de soare mi-au inseninat ziua chiar daca a fost frig. Am luat masina si am fost sa ma mai uit inca o data la locul unde sper ca anul viitor pe vremea asta va fi casuta noastra 🙂 Copacii din padurea ce se intinde pe dealul de langa erau glazurati cu gheata si straluceau in soarele puternic. Cat de bine mi-a facut privelistea aceea!
Dupa ce m-am intors acasa m-am gandit sa postez o reteta pe care eu o ador. Este vorba de una din prajiturile mele preferate. Poate ca multi dintre voi o stiu sub denumirea de Rumba. Este cunoscuta in mai multe variante: cu nuca, rahat, alune, fructe uscate, stafide. Eu am sa va prezint varianta cu nuca si stafide pentru ca mi se pare cea mai gustoasa.
It was a cold week, even odd that I just expected to be completed. Today I woke up happy and with hope that the coming week will be better and more beautiful.
The few rays of sunshine brighten my day even if it was cold. I took the car and I went to watch again the place where I hope this time next year will be our house:) The trees of the forest which lies on the hill near were glazed with ice and shone in the sun. How good it felt to watch the view!
After I returned home I thought I should post a recipe that I adore. It’s one of my favorite cakes. Perhaps many of you know this cake as  Rumba. It is known in several variants: with nuts, Turkish delight, nuts, dried fruit, raisins. I present you the version with nuts and raisins because I find that is the best of all.

Aveti nevoie de urmatoarele ingrediente:
– 10 albusuri
– 10 linguri de faina
– 10 linguri de zahar
– 10 g praf de copt
– vanilie
– 1 cana de nuci
– 1 cana de stafide rehidratate
– rom
– 2 foi napolitane
– 7 galbenusuri
– 250 g unt
– 250 g zahar pudra
– esenta de cafea
-150-200 g ciocolata neagra
You will need the following ingredients:
– 10 egg whites
– 10 tablespoons of flour
– 10 tablespoons of sugar
– 10 g of baking powder
– vanilla
– 1 teacup of walnuts (about 250g)
– 1 cup raisins rehydrated
– rum
– 2 sheets wafers
– 7 yolks
– 250 g butter
– 250 g powdered sugar
– coffee extract
-150 – 200 g dark chocolate

Albusurile se bat spuma impreuna cu zaharul. Cand spuma este deja tare si nu curge de pe paletele mixerului se adauga vanilia, romul, praful de copt si faina. Apoi se mixeaza pana cand obtinem o compozitie cu o consistenta cremoasa.
Egg whites will be mixed with the sugar. When the meringue is ready we will add vanilla, rum, baking powder and flour. We will mix until we’ll obtain a creamy composition.

Apoi punem nucile si stafidele rehidratate in apa minerala si rom. Amestecam cu o spatula sau cu mixerul.
Compozitia se pune intr-o tava tapetata cu hartie de copt si se baga in cuptorul preincalzit. Dureaza cam 15 minute pana se coace (intr-un cuptor clasic, la temperatura mica).
After that we will put the walnuts and the rehydrated raisins (in sparkling water and rum). We will stir with a spatula or mix with the mixer. The composition will be put in a tray in which we’ve put some baking paper first . The tray will be put in the preheated oven. It will take about 15 minutes until the spongecake is baked (in a classic oven, at low temperature).

Preparam crema care este extrem de simpla.
Intr-o cratita se pune apa la fiert. Cand apa incepe sa clocoteasca pregatim castronul (preferabil de inox) in care punem galbenusurile si zaharul pudra si le amestecam bine. Apoi castronul se pune peste cratita in care fierbe apa si se amesteca in continuu timp de 10 minute, pana cand galbenusurile vor incepe sa se deschida la culoare, moment in care vom lua castronul de pe cratita cu apa. Apoi adaugam esenta de cafea si lasam crema sa se racoreasca. Dupa 6-7 minute adaugam untul taiat bucatele si amestecam pana cand se incorporeaza in crema.
Crema se lasa la racit inainte de a umple foile.
Preparation of cream is extremely simple.
Put water to boil in a dish. When water begins to boil prepare the bowl (preferably stainless steel) in which we’ll add yolks and powdered sugar and we’ll mix them. Then place the bowl over boiling water dish and stir continuously for 10 minutes until the yolks begin to gain a lighter color. Then when we take aside the bowl from the saucepan with water. Add the coffee extract in cream and let cool. After 6-7 minutes add the chopped butter and stir until it’s incorporated in the cream.
Let the cream to cool off before you fill the cake.

Blatul va fi pus intre cele doua foi de napolitana iar crema trebuie sa fie impartita in parti egale. Apoi prajitura se pune intr-o punga si se aseaza o carte sau un obiect greu cam de aceeasi forma si dimensiune deoarece astfel crema se distribuie uniform. Se lasa pana a doua zi cand se va topi ciocolata si se va pune glazura.
Aveti grija cand taiati. Pentru impiedicarea spargerii ciocolatei bagati cutitul in apa fierbinte inainte de taierea bucatelelor.
Spongecake will be placed between the two sheets of wafer and cream should be divided into equal parts. When you finish the filling place the cake in a plastic bag and place a book or heavy object about the same shape and size on it to distribute the cream evenly. Keep it like this until the next day when you’ll melt chocolate and glaze it.
Be careful when you cut. To prevent breakage of chocolate put knife in hot water before cutting the pieces.

Pofta buna! 🙂
Bon appétit! 🙂

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