Desert / Dessert

Prajitura “Lava de ciocolata” / Chocolate lava cake

Stiu ca multi dintre voi sunt fani ciocolata.
Nu stiu daca ati vazut acele poze minunate cu prajiturele din care curge ciocolata, tot felul de fructe de padure pe langa ele…Ei bine, eu am vazut. Dar nu am gustat niciodata! Si cum sunt curioasa de nu se poate (da, da-curiosity killed the cat!) nu puteam sa nu caut reteta. Alexandru a fost asa de dragut incat mi-a dat o reteta grozava si in plus, mi-a dat si cateva indicatii.

Iata ce trebuie sa folosim:
– 200 g ciocolata
– 125 g unt
– 125 g zahar
– 5 oua
– 1 lingura de faina
-50 g cacao

I know that many of you are chocolate fans. 
I don’t know if you saw that great pictures in which cakes that have chocolate flowing out of them are surrounded by all kinds of berries…Well, I saw. But I never tried them! And I’m so curious (yeah, yeah, curiosity killed the cat!) I couldn’t help myself not to look for a recipe. Alexandru was so kind to give me a great recipe and also few advices.
Here’s what we need:
– 200 g chocolate
– 125 g butter
– 125 g sugar
– 5 eggs
– 1 tablespoon of flour 
– 50 g cocoa

Batem ouale cu zaharul.

We beat the eggs with the sugar.
 Topim ciocolata si untul si le amestecam. Adaugam apoi peste oua si omogenizam. Se adauga apoi faina si cele 50 g de cacao si se amesteca bine.

Atentie – untul si ciocolata nu trebuie sa fie prea calde.
Compozitia se pune in frigider 10-15 minute.

We melt the chocolate and the butter and we mix them. We add this composition over the beaten eggs and we homogenize. We will add the flour and the 50 g of cocoa and we’ll mix.

Pay attention – chocolate and butter shouldn’t be too warm. 
The obtained composition will be put in the fridge for 10-15 minutes.

Vom folosi ramequins sau forme de silicon. Ramequins vor trebui unse cu unt si pudrate cu cacao. Apoi se pun cateva minute in frigider dupa care se vor umple 2/3.
Formele din silicon nu necesita ungere. Eu am folosit ambele tipuri.
Cuptorul se incalzeste la 180 de grade Celsius. Se baga formele si se lasa cel mult 10 minute.
Este indicat sa incercati decat cu o forma pentru inceput pentru a vedea cat de mult se coace. Timpul se ajusteaza in functie de aceasta incercare.
We will use ramequins or silicon molds. Ramequins have to be greased with butter and powdered with cocoa. Then we’ll put them in the fridge for few minutes before filling them 2/3.

Silicon molds don’t need to be greased. I used both-ramequins and silicon molds.
The oven has to be heathen at 180 Celsius degrees. The molds will be put in the oven and left there for 10 minutes at most. You should try with only one mold at the beginning to see how your oven bakes. The time will be adjusted after you take this first mold out of the oven.

Serviti cu fructe de padure, inghetata sau frisca. Neaparat calde!

Serve with berries, ice cream or whipped cream. Warm!

Verdict? Mmm, delicios! 🙂
Verdict? Mmm, delicious! 🙂

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