Desert / Dessert,  Targ de Sarbatori / Holiday Market

Prajitura Flodni/Flodni cake

Probabil ca v-ati gandit ca am disparut sau ca am renuntat definitiv la blog. Nici vorba 🙂 Ma pregatesc sa revin cu forte proaspete in bucatarie. Atunci cand voi avea una – momentan renovam de zor pentru ca primavara sa ne prinda pregatiti pentru noi provocari.
Deocamdata am sa va prezint o reteta pregatita de Sarbatorile de iarna preluata de la Andrada, o doamna foarte talentata pe care o puteti gasi si la cofetaria Artizan din Tg. Mures (
Perhaps you thought I disappeared or that I gave up my blog. No way 🙂 I’m getting ready to come back with fresh forces into the kitchen. When I’ll have one – currently we’re renovating so that the spring to catch us ready for new challenges.
For now I’ll give you a recipe prepared for winter holidays taken from Andrada, a very talented lady that you can find also in her bake shop Artizan – Tg. Mures (

Pentru aluat:
600 g făină
250 g unt
2 linguri zahar pudra
1 varf de cutit sare
200 ml vin alb
4 gălbenuşuri de ou
10 g drojdie proaspată
Umplutura mac:
350 g mac măcinat
250 g zahăr
2 linguri miere
2 linguri stafide sau alte fructe uscate
4 linguri pesmet (alb) sau 4 biscuiti
250 ml apă
coajă de lămâie/portocală
Umplutura nucă:
300 g nucă măcinată
250 g zahăr
4 linguri pesmet (alb) sau 4 biscuiti
2 linguri miere
2 linguri stafide sau alte fructe uscate
250 ml apă
coajă de lămâie/portocală
Umplutura mere:
750 g mere curăţate, răzuite (eu am avut conservate la borcan 😉 )
4 linguri stafide sau alte fructe uscate
2 linguri nucă măcinată
2 linguri pesmet (alb) sau 2 biscuiti
Umplutura prune:
1 borcan dulceata groasa de prune
For the dough:
600 g flour
250 g butter
2 tablespoons powdered sugar
1 pinch of salt
200 ml white wine
4 egg yolks
10 g fresh yeast

Poppy seeds filling:
350 g ground poppy seeds
250 g sugar
2 tablespoons honey
2 tablespoons raisins or other dried fruits
4 tablespoons breadcrumbs (white) or 4 biscuits
250 ml water
lemon zest / orange
Walnuts filling:
300 g ground walnuts
250 g sugar
4 tablespoons breadcrumbs (white) or 4 biscuits
2 tablespoons honey
2 tablespoons raisins or other dried fruit
250 ml water
lemon zest / orange
Apple filling:
750 g apples peeled, grated 
4 tablespoons raisins or other dried fruit
2 tablespoons ground walnuts
2 tablespoons breadcrumbs (white) or 2 biscuits
Plums filling:
1 jar of plum thick jam  

Pentru aluat puneti toate ingredientele intr-un vas si framantati.. Va rezulta un aluat foarte moale care trebuie framantat pana devine elastic si nelipicios.Aluatul obtinut se pune intr-o folie de plastic si se baga in frigider.
For the dough put all the ingredients in a bowl and knead. It will result a very soft dough which has to be kneaded until it becomes elastic and not sticky.
The dough that was obtained will be put in a plastic wrap and left in the fridge.

Apoi am pregatit umpluturile.
Nu am avut cu ce sa macin macul. Asa ca l-am fiert in apa cu zahar si miere (300 ml de apa, 1 lingura de zahar si 1 lingura de miere).
After that I prepared the fillings.
I couldn’t ground the poppy seeds so I boiled them with sugar and honey (300 ml of water, 1 tablespoon of sugar and 1 tablespoon of honey).

In loc de pesmet am folosit biscuiti macinati.
I used ground biscuits instead of breadcrumbs.

Am ras cojile portocalelor si a lamaiei.I grated oranges’ and lemon’s peels.

In final amestecam toate ingredientele pentru umplutura cu mac. Va rezulta o compozitie parfumata si destul de tare.
In the end we will mix all the ingredients for the composition with poppy seeds. We will obtain a quite stiff and  flavored composition.

Apoi preparam umplutura cu nuca. Nucile au fost macinate grob.
Then we’ll prepare the walnut composition. Walnuts were coarse ground.

Aluatul se scoate din frigider si se imparte in cinci bucati egale. Trei dintre ele se intind si se coc pe fundul tavii acoperit cu hartie de copt. Celelalte doua bucati se pastreaza pentru mai tarziu.

Remove dough from refrigerator and divide into five equal pieces. Three of them will be put and baked on the bottom tray covered with baking paper. The other two pieces are preserved for later.

Intindem prima bucata de coca necoapta si o punem in tava peste hartia de copt. Adaugam umplutura de mac.
First piece of unbaked dough is stretched  and put in baking tray over baking paper. Add the poppy filling.

Asezam peste umplutura de mac o foaie coapta peste care adaugam umplutura de nuca.
Over the poppy seeds filling we’ll put a baked sheet of dough and we’ll add the walnuts filling.

Se adauga o alta foaie coapta dupa care se pune gemul de prune. Al meu a fost din cel fara zahar.
We’ll put another baked sheet of dough and we’ll add the plum jam. Mine was without sugar.

In final se adauga umplutura de mar si peste aceasta o foaie de aluat necoapta.
Tava se pune in cuptorul preincalzit la 180 de grade si se coace timp de 50 de minute.
Se poate taia imediat sau a doua zi (as recomanda a doua varianta pentru o taiere aproape perfecta).
In the end the apple filling will be added and we will cover it with an unbaked dough sheet.
The tray will be put in the preheated oven (at 180 Celsius degrees) and baked for 50 minutes.
It can be cut right away or the next day (I would recommend the second choice for an almost perfect cut).

Pofta buna!
Bon appétit!

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