Desert / Dessert

Prajitura cu sirop de portocale/Sponge cake with orange syrup

Stiu ca zilele acestea nimeni nu vrea sa deschida cuptorul si sa pregateasca un desert care are nevoie de coacere. Daca totusi va incumetati, va recomand o reteta simpla si foarte gustoasa-prajitura cu sirop de portocale.
I know that these days nobody wants to open the oven and prepare a dessert that needs baking. However, if you to do it, I recommend a simple recipe and very tasty – sponge cake with orange syrup.

Ingredientele de care aveti nevoie pentru acest desert:
– 5 oua
– 5 linguri de Green Sugar (indulcitor natural din stevie)
– 5 linguri de faina
– 10g praf de copt
– extract natural de vanilie
– sare
– nuca
– 400 ml suc de portocale (stors la rece)
– 1 pastaie de vanilie
– 4 linguri de Green Sugar (indulcitor natural din stevie)

The ingredients you need for this dessert :
Sponge cake:

– 5 eggs
– 5 tablespoons of Green Sugar ( from stevia natural sweetener )
– 5 tablespoons flour
– 10g baking powder
– natural vanilla extract

– salt
– walnut 
– 400 ml orange juice ( fresh squeezed)
– 1 vanilla pod 
– 4 tablespoons Sugar Green ( stevia natural sweetener )

 Se separa albusurile si se mixeaza pana cand obtinem o spuma destul de tare. Apoi se adauga indulcitorul si se mixeaza. Spuma trebuie sa nu se desprinda de pe paletele mixerului.Se adauga galbenusurile, vanilia, praful de copt, sarea dupa care se amesteca 2-3 minute. In final se pune treptat faina si nucile taiate bucati si se mixeaza pana la omogenizare.Blatul se pune intr-o tava tapetata cu hartie de copt si se pune in cuptorul preincalzit.Dupa vreo 15 minute in care blatul s-a copt la foc potrivit, scoatem tava si-l lasam sa se raceasca. Nu uitati sa incercati daca este copt cu o scobitoare.Siropul se prepara prin fierberea sucului de portocale impreuna cu pastaia de vanilie taiata si indulcitorul. Sucul de portocale a fost din cel presat la rece, in casa. Am fiert siropul timp de 10-15 minute, pana a scazut si a devenit putin vascos.  Serviti prajitura isiropata si decorata cu felii de portocale. Siropul il puteti tine la rece pentru ca prajitura sa fie mai racoroasa.Pofta buna!

Separate egg whites and mix until you get a pretty hard foam. Then add the sweetner and mix. Foam should not detach from the mixer blades.
Add the egg yolks, vanilla, baking powder,  salt and mix 2-3 minutes after that. Finally, put the flour and walnut chunks and mix until the composition gets homogeneous.
Spongecake is put in a tray lined with baking paper and place in preheated oven.
After about 15 minutes the spongecake was baked in a moderate heat, remove pan from oven and let it cool off. Be sure to try if it’s baked with a toothpick.
The syrup is prepared by boiling orange juice with vanilla pod cut in halves and sweetener . Orange juice was pressed from the fresh fruits, in house. Boil the syrup for 10-15 minutes, until it was reduced and became viscous. 
Serve the cake splashed with orange syrup anddecorated with orange slices. You can keep the syrup cold so that the cake to be fresh .
Good appetite!

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