Prajitura cu scortisoara si jeleu de mere / Cinnamon and apple jelly cake
Iata ca Sarbatorile de Iarna se apropie de final. Ca in fiecare an am pregatit mai multe retete pe care abia acum reusesc sa le pun in ordine, fotorgafiile la fotografii, retetele la locul lor. Si este momentul sa incep sa va povestesc despre ce am mai gasit interesant, ce mi-a placut in mod deosebit.
Am sa incep cu o prajitura destul de interesanta ca gust si mai ales ca si textura. si spun acest lucru deoarece blatul este imbibat cu jeleu, prajitura fiind “umeda”.
Ingredientele le gasiti mai jos.
– 8 oua
– 8 linguri de zahar
– 10 linguri de faina
– 20 g zahar Vanilla Bourbon
– 10 g praf de copt
– 1 lingura de ulei
– 3 linguri de scortisoara
– 200 g unt
– 100 g dulceata de gutui
– coaja rasa a unei lamai
– 500 ml suc de mere verzi
– 20 g gelatina
So the winter holidays almost ended. Like every year I have prepared several recipes that only now I managed to put in order, photos with the photos, recipes in their files. And now it’s time to begin to tell you what I found interesting, what I liked in particular.
I will start with a cake that tastes quite interesting and has an especially texture. And I say this because the spongecake is soaked with jelly, cake being a little bit “wet”.
The ingredients can be found below.
– 8 eggs
– 8 tablespoons of sugar
– 10 tablespoons of flour
– 20 g sugar Vanilla Bourbon
– 10 g baking powder
– 1 tablespoon of oil
– 3 tablespoons cinnamon
– 200 g butter
– 100 g quince jam
– grated peel of a lemon
– 500 ml green apple juice
– 20 g gelatin
Separam albusurile si mixam la viteza mare. Adaugam apoi zaharul dupa care mixam in continuare pana obtinem o spuma tare, gen bezea.
Separate egg whites and mix at high speed. Add the sugar and continuemixing until you’ll get a hard foam, like the meringue.
Separate egg whites and mix at high speed. Add the sugar and continuemixing until you’ll get a hard foam, like the meringue.
Galbenusurile se amesteca bine. Apoi adaugam scortisoara, vanilia, uleiul si omogenizam. Vom obtine o pasta destul de groasa pe care o vom pune peste spuma din albusuri.
Mix well the egg yolks. Then add cinnamon, vanilla, oil and homogenize. We will get a quite thick paste that will put in the bowl with meringue.
In final am pus faina si praful de copt si am omogenizat. Se pune coca in tava pudrata cu faina sau in care am pus hartie de copt.
Prajitura este coapta atunci cand partea superioara a prajiturii este frumos rumenita. De asemenea recomand sa incercati si cu o scobitoare.
In the end I put the flour and the baking powder and I homogenized. Dough will be put in the flour powdered tray or in which we put baking paper.
Cake is baked when the top is nicely browned. Is also advisable to try itwith a toothpick.
Cat timp blatul a fost la copt am preparat umplutura. Desi pare atat de banala si total neatractiva rezultatul final a fost mult peste asteptarile mele. Cine s-ar fi gandit ca eterna combinatie de unt/dulceata este atat de buna intr-o prajitura? Si totusi…Nu am facut crema cu blenderul pentru a avea o consistenta omogena ci am preferat sa amestec untul moale cu dulceata deoarece imi place sa simt bucatile de gutuie. Daca va place crema omogena folositi cu incredere un blender.
While I baked the spongecake I also prepared the filling. Although the filling seems so common and totally unattractive the final result was above my expectations. Who would have thought that the eternal combination of butter / jam is so good in a cake? And yet … I didn’t use a blender to get a homogeneous consistency of my cream. I preferred to mix the soft butter with jam because I like to feel the pieces of quince. If you like the cream to be homogeneous you should use a blender.
Blatul se taie in doua. Una dintre bucati se pune in tava in care am copt blatul. Apoi se pune crema si se pune cealalta bucata de blat.
Cut the spongecake in half. One of the pieces is put in the baking pan in which we baked the spongecake. Then add the cream and put the other piece of spongecake.
Intr-o cratita am pus sucul de mere (poate fi si nectar) iar intr-o cana am pus gelatina pe care am hidratat-o cu 3 linguri de suc. Sucul l-am pus la incalzit. Atentie nu trebuie sa fie fiarba si nici sa aiba mai mult de 50 de grade altfel gelatina se va distruge.
Cand sucul din cratita este caldut adaugam gelatina hidratata si amestecam pana cand se dizolva.
Apoi se toarna caldut peste prajitura asigurandu-ne ca sucul a ajuns pe toata suprafata prajitura in egala masura. Apoi acoperim tava cu folie alimentara sau folie de aluminiu si se lasa sa se raceasca cca o ora. Apoi se pune in frigider pana a doua zi.
I put in a pan the apple juice (can be nectar) and I put in a cup the gelatin that we hydrated it with 3 tablespoons of juice. I put the pan with juice on the stove . Attention should not be boiling the juice and have no more than 50 degrees because it will destroy the gelatin.
When the juice in the pan is warm add the hydrated gelatin and stir until it will be dissolved.
When is still warm pour over cake ensuring that juice will get all over the cake came in equal measure. Then cover the tray with plastic wrap or aluminum foil and let the cake cool for about an hour. Then put it in the refrigerator until the next day.
Decorati prajitura cum doriti si taiati-o in bucatele mici. Este tare buna!
Decorate cake as you wish and cut it into small pieces. It’s delicious!
Sa aveti pofta!
Bon appétit!