Desert / Dessert

Prajitura cu morcovi si ghimbir/Carrot and ginger cake

Iata ca am facut-o si pe asta! Aceasta reteta este “furata” dintr-o carte rasfoita intr-un supermarket. Cum nu ma pot lauda cu o memorie de elefant, a trebuit sa improvizez :)).
Mereu m-am intrebat cum or fi prajiturile cu morcov. Toti copiii de prin filme se strambau cand auzeau de ea. Si noi la fel pentru ca in Romania nu este prea populara. Desi, daca ma gandesc bine, exista chiar o prajitura cu suc de rosii – ceea ce nu e comun. Daca o stie cineva va rog sa mi-o spuneti si mie!
Dar sa va arat cum se face prajitura cu morcov! 🙂

Ingrediente blat (diametru 25 cm):
– 4 oua
– 5 linguri faina
– 3 linguri zahar brun
– 1 lingura ulei
– 2 linguri miere
– 10 g praf de copt
– ghimbir proaspat sau glasat
– 3 morcovi medii

Ingrediente crema:
– 250 ml smantana dulce
– 5 linguri zahar pudra
– 10 g intaritor de frisca
– scortisoara

So I did it! This recipe is “stolen”  from a book scanned in a supermarket. I’m not too proud about my “elephant” memory so I had to improvise :)).
I always wondered what kind of taste do carrot cakes have. All the kids in movies made faces when they heard about these cakes. We made the same faces because in Romania this cake is not too popular. Although, if I remember well, there is a cake with tomato juice – which it’s not quite popular. If somebody knows it please let me know!
But I should show you how the carrot cake is baked!
Ingredients for sponge cake (diameter 25 cm):
– 4 eggs
– 5 tablespoons of flour
– 3 tablespoons of brown sugar
– 1 tablespoons of sunflower oil
– 2 tablespoons of honey
– 10 g baking powder
– fresh or glazed ginger
– 3 medium carrots
Ingredients for filling:
– 250 ml sweet cream (fresh cream)
– 5 tablespoons of powdered sugar
– 10 g cornstarch
– cinnamon

Morcovii se razuiesc fin.

Carrots will be finely shredded.

Separam albusurile si se mixeaza. Apoi se adauga zaharul si se mixeaza impreuna cu acesta.

We will separate the egg whites and we mix them. After, we will add the sugar and we mix them together.

Se adauga ghimbirul si mierea si se mixeaza.

We will add the ginger and honey and we mix.

Se pun morcovii rasi si se mixeaza. Apoi vom adauga praful de copt, galbenusurile, uleiul si faina si mixam la viteza mica . Apoi crestem treptat viteza si omogenizam. Compozitia obtinuta se pune intr-o forma de blat de tort tapetata cu faina.
Tava se pune in cuptorul preincalzit. Blatul se coace la temperatura medie.

We put the shredded carrots and we mix. After that we will add baking powder, egg yolks, sunflower oil, flour and we mix at slow speed. Then we’ll increase the speed and we homogenize. The obtained composition will be put in a form, which was powdered with flour before. 
The form will put in the preheated oven. Sponge cake will be baked at medium temperature.

Blatul e copt atunci cand are aceasta culoare. Se mai poate face testul scobitorii, pentru siguranta.

Sponge cake is baked when it’s color looks like the one in the photo. We can do the toothpick’s test, to be sure.

Intr-un bol se mixeaza smantana dulce. Apoi se adauga zaharul pudra si se mixeaza in continuare la viteza mare. La final se adauga intaritorul de frisca si scortisoara. Se pune in frigider pana se raceste blatul.

In a bowl we mix fresh cream. After that we will add the powdered sugar and we mix with high speed. In the end we’ll add the cornstarch and cinnamon. We will put the bowl in the fridge until the sponge cake will be cold.

Blatul se taie in doua. Se pune crema ; in final se pudreaza cu scortisoara. Daca nu va place puteti sa o inlocuiti cu zahar pudra.

Sponge cake will be cut in two pieces. We will put the filling; in the end we will powder it with cinnamon. If you don’t like it you can replace it with powdered sugar.

Ce pot spune despre aceasta prajitura? Acei copii din filme nu stiau ce pierd – este tare buna! :))
What can I say about this cake? Those kids from movies didn’t knew what they were missing – it’s very good! :))

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