Prajitura cu lamaie si migdale / Lemon and almonds cake
OK, recunosc faptul ca tare greu imi mai vine sa deschid cuptorul zilele acestea…Si nu din cauza ca e cald ci pentru ca prefer sa ma plimb, sa simt mirosul salcamilor si sa vad trandafirii si bujorii in floare.
De Sf. Constantin si Elena, fiind sarbatorita, m-am gandit insa ca este cazul sa ii delectez pe colegii mei cu o prajitura cu lamaie si migdale. Am facut si tiramisu (pe post de tort) si briose cu merisoare si ciocolata neagra (am sa revin cu reteta atunci cand le voi face din nou).
Ingrediente blat:
– 10 oua
– 10 linguri de zahar
– 10 linguri de faina
– 100 g migdale macinate
– 3 linguri de iaurt
– 10 g praf de copt
– vanilie
– coaja de la o lamaie
Ingrediente crema:
– sucul de la o lamaie si jumatate
– 6 linguri de zahar
– 2 linguri de amidon
– 100 g unt
– coaja unei jumatati de lamaie
So the summer finally came. How I expected it! Finally I can enjoy the warmth of the sun and everything I like in nature.
OK, I admit that comes hard for me to open the oven these days … And not because it is hot but I prefer to walk, to smell the roses and acacia and see peonies in bloom.
For St. Constantine and Elena day, on 21th of May, being celebrated, I thought that it’s time to feast with my colleagues with a lemon and almond cake. I made also tiramisu (as a birthday cake) and chocolate muffins with cranberry and black chocolate (I‘ll come back with the recipe when I’ll bake them again).
Ingredients for sponge cake:
– 10 eggs
– 10 tablespoons sugar
– 10 tablespoons flour
– 100 g ground almonds
– 3 tablespoons yogurt
– 10 g baking powder
– vanilla
– peel of a lemon
Ingredients for cream:
– 6 eggs
– juice of half a lemon
– 6 tablespoons sugar
– 2 tablespoons of starch
– 100 g butter
– peel of half a lemon
Se spala bine cu un burete si razuieste coaja de lamaie.
Wash the lemon thoroughly with a sponge and grate the peel.
Am separat albusurile si le-am pus intr-un bol cu pereti inalti. Se mixeaza pana cand obtinem o spuma. Apoi adaugam zaharul si mixam in continuare pana cand obtinem o spuma densa.
We separate egg whites and put them in a bowl with high walls. We’ll mix until we get a foam. Then add the sugar and continue mixing until you get a dense meringue.
Adaugam vanilia si coaja de lamaie si mixam in continuare.
We’ll add lemon peel and vanilla and we’ll continue mixing.
Amestecam galbenusurile cu iaurtul dupa care compozitia obtinuta se pune peste spuma din albusuri si se mixeaza.
Egg yolks will be mixed with yogurt and the obtained composition will be put after that over the meringue and mixed together.
Adaugam migdalele, faina si praful de copt si mixam in continuare.
We’ ll add almonds, flour and baking powder and we’ ll continue mixing.
Compozitia obtinuta se pune intr-o tava tapetata cu hartie de copt. Tava se pune in cuptorul preincalzit. Blatul se va coace la temperatura medie. Acesta este copt atunci cand partea superioara devine aurie.
The obtained composition is put into a baking paper lined tray. Place the tray in the preheated oven. The dough will bake at medium temperature. It is baked when the top is golden.
Preparam apoi crema. Intr-o craticioara se pun ouale, sucul de lamaie, coaja de lamaie si zaharul. Se amesteca energic dupa care craticioara se va pune la foc. Se amesteca in continuu.
Dupa 5-6 minute trageti craticioara de pe foc si adaugati amidonul omogenizat cu 2 lingurite de apa. Amestecati in continuu. Apoi puneti-o inapoi pe foc si amestecati pana cand crema incepe sa se ingroase.
Crema se lasa 4-5 minute la racorit dupa care adaugam untul si amestecam bine pentru a omogeniza
Then prepare the cream. In a saucepan put the eggs, lemon juice, lemon peel and sugar. Mix vigorously and then put the pan on the stove. Stir continuously.
After 5-6 minutes take the pan aside and add cornstarch stirred with 2 tablespoons of water. Stir continuously. Then put it back on stove and stir until cream begins to thicken.
Let the cream to cool off for 4-5 minutes then add the butter and mix well to blend.
Blatul se taie in doua si se umple cu crema preparata.
Se lasa cateva ore la frigider dupa care se pudreaza si se taie in bucatele.
The dough was cut in two and filled with the prepared cream.
Leave for a few hours in the fridge and after that is powdered with sugar and cut into small pieces.
A fost o prajitura parfumata si foarte racoritoare. E foarte potrivita pentru aceasta perioada!
The cake was a so perfumed and very refreshing. It is very appropriate for this time!