Desert / Dessert

Prajitura cu cirese / Cherry sponge cake

Zilele acestea sunt plecata intr-o minivacanta la munte.
Si pentru ca am acces la internet, am decis sa va fac o surpriza si sa postez o reteta simpla, simpla de prajitura cu cirese.
Aceasta reteta va face parte din retetele prezentate de catre Antonina in cadrul “Provocarii lunii iunie” pe blogul ei Dulcegarii Culinare. Ingredientele acestei luni sunt ciresele si menta. Eu am ales decat ciresele.
– 6 oua
– 6 linguri de zahar
– 8 linguri de faina
– 50 g unt
– 10 g praf de copt
– vanilie Bourbon
– cirese
– putina faina pentru cirese

These days I’m in a miniholiday, in the mountains.
And because I have access to the internet I decided to make you a surprise and post a simple
cake recipe  with cherries.
This recipe will be part of the recipes presented by Antonina in the Challenge of June” on her blog Dulcegarii Culinare. The ingredients for this month are cherries and mint. I chose only cherries.

– 6 eggs
6 tablespoons of sugar
– 8 tablespoons of flour
– 50 g butter

– 10 g baking powder
Bourbon Vanilla
– some flour for cherries

Separam albusurile si mixam la viteza mare. Adaugam apoi zaharul dupa care mixam in continuare pana obtinem o spuma tare, gen bezea. 
Separate egg whites and mix at high speed. Add the sugar and continue mixing until you’ll get a hard foam, like the meringue.

Adaugam vanilia si praful de copt dupa care mixam. Culoarea se va schimba putin insa va asigur ca gustul este extraordinar. 
Add the vanilla and baking powder and then mix. The color will change a bit but  the taste is great for sure.

Galbenusurile se amesteca impreuna cu cele 50 g de unt (la temperatura camerei) dupa care se adauga peste spuma de albusuri. 
Mix egg yolks with the 50 g of butter (at room’s temperature) and then add over the meringue.

Adaugam faina si mixam la viteza mica. Apoi treptat vom creste viteza de mixare. Se obtine o coca destul de cremoasa.
Add flour and mix at low speed. Then  gradually increase the speed of mixing. You‘ll get a creamy dough. 

Samburii cireselor se vor scoate.  
Cherries‘ pits will be removed. 

Inainte de a fi puse in coca, ciresele trebuie date prin faina. Astfel ne vom asigura ca nu toate ciresele se vor duce la fundul tavii. 
Before being placed in the dough, cherries must be rolled through some flour . Thus we will ensure that not all cherries will go to the  tray‘s bottom. 

Se pune coca in tava pudrata cu faina. Apoi se adauga ciresele. 
Prajitura este coapta atunci cand partea superioara a prajiturii este frumos rumenita. De asemenea recomand sa incercati si cu o scobitoare.
Dough will be put in the flour powdered tray.  Then add the cherries.
Cake is baked when the top is nicely browned. Is also advisable to try it with a toothpick.

Este o prajitura usoara, de vara. Sper sa va placa la fel de mult cat le-a placut si celor pentru care am facut-o! 
It is an easy summer cake. I hope you’ll enjoy it as much as  those for which I baked it liked!

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