Desert / Dessert

Prajitura Bruxelles/Brussels cake

Am promis zilele trecute ca am sa incerc sa va prezint mai multe retete cu fructe si legume de sezon. Nu inainte de a va povesti despre o reteta ciocolatoasa. Stiu ca multi dintre voi sunteti fani ciocolata si ca niciodata nu e prea multa 😉
I promised the other day that I will try to present more recipes with seasonal fruits and vegetables. Not before a chocolate cake recipe. I know that many of you are chocolate fans and and let’s admit that it’s never too much 😉

Iata ce ingrediente am folosit:
– 8 oua
-10 linguri faina
-9 linguri zahar
-2-3 linguri cacao 65%
-100 g ciocolata rasa
-10 g praf de copt
-100 g ciocolata cu lapte
-200 g ciocolata neagra
-2 galbenusuri
-3 linguri zahar pudra
-200-250 ml lapte
-biscuiti cacao
-1 punga glazura de ciocolata Dr. Oetker
-migdale fulgi

Here are the ingredients I used:
– 8 eggs
-10 tablespoons flour
-9 tablespoons sugar
-2 – 3 tablespoons cocoa 65%
-100 g grated chocolate 
-10 g of baking powder
The cream
-100 g milk chocolate
-200g dark chocolate
-2 yolks
-3 tablespoons powdered sugar
-200 – 250 ml milk
-cocoa biscuits
-1 bag Dr. Oetker chocolate
-almond flakes

Se rade ciocolata pe razatoarea mica.
The chocolate is grated on the small grater.

Se separa ouale. Albusurile se mixeaza pana cand devin spuma densa. Se adauga zaharul si se mixeaza din nou pana cand spuma nu mai curge de pe palete. Se adauga apoi ciocolata, cacao, galbenusurile si vanilia. Se mixeaza pana la omogenizare. In final se adauga faina si praful de copt. Dupa ce am omogenizat compozitia pregatim tava si o introducem in cuptorul preincalzit. Blatul se coace la temperatura medie 10-12 minute.
Separate eggs. Mix egg whites until they become dense foam. Add sugar and mix again until foam no longer flows from the blades. Add the chocolate, cocoa, egg yolks and vanilla. The mix until becomes homogeneous. Finally, add the flour and baking powder. After preparing the tray and  you mixed composition put it into our preheated oven. Bake the cake for 10-12 minutes at medium temperature.

Topim ciocolata deasupra unei cratite cu apa clocotita, la bain marie sau la cuptorul cu microunde. Cand ciocolata s-a topit puneti laptele si amestecati energic pana la omogenizare. Crema obtinuta va fi fluida.
Melt chocolate over a pot of boiling water, in a bain marie, or microwave oven. When chocolate has melted put the milk and stir vigorously until it’s homogeneous. The cream will be fluid.

Blatul se taie in doua si se pune jumatate din crema de ciocolata. Apoi aranjam biscuitii si punem restul de crema si a doua bucata de blat. Peste prajitura am pus o carte grea si am lasat-o in frigider pana a doua zi.
Cut the spongecake in two pieces and put half of chocolate cream. Then arrange the biscuits and we’ll put the rest of the cream and the second piece of dough. I put a heavy book on the cake and left it in the refrigerator until the next day.

A doua zi am taiat prajitura si am pus pe fiecare bucata ciocolata topita si migdale. Au fost delicioase! Si cand laudele vin de la mai multa lume tind sa-i cred 🙂
The next day I cut the cake and put on each piece melted chocolate and almonds. They were delicious! And when the praise comes from many people I tend to believe them 🙂

Bon appétit!

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