Placintele traditionale / Traditional minipies
A trecut o perioada destul de lunga de cand nu am mai postat nimic. Inca mai am retete de conserve pe care le-am facut si vreau sa vi le arat. Se pare insa ca timpul nu a fost de partea mea si nu am reusit sa imi duc la capat planurile.
Azi am sa povestesc putin despre o reteta foarte simpla si gustoasa. Am cumparat un aparat Moulinex Pie&Co despre care am mai vorbit putin in vara; am promis ca revin cu noi idei si iata-ma!
De data aceasta am facut niste placintele traditionale care au avut mare succes in randul musafirilor mei.
Ingrediente aluat:
200 g unt
200 g telemea
3 linguri de smantana
2 oua
450 g faina alba
250 g faina integrala
Ingrediente umplutura:
150 cas afumat
2 bucati de carnat traditional
1 ardei verde
1 ardei kapia
It’s been a pretty long time since I haven’t posted anything. I still have some preserves recipes that I wanted to show you. It seems though that the time was not on my side and I couldn’t do all the things I planned.
Today I will talk a little bit about a very simple and tasty recipe. I bought a Moulinex Pie & Co. unit about which I’ve talked a little bit this summer; I promised to return with new ideas and here I am!
This time I baked some traditional pies that have had great success among my guests.
Ingredients for dough:
200 g butter
200 g feta cheese
3 tablespoons sour cream
2 eggs
450 g all purpose flour
250 g whole wheat flour
Ingredients for filling:
150 g smoked cheese
2 pieces of traditional sausage
1 green pepper
1 kapia pepper
Azi am sa povestesc putin despre o reteta foarte simpla si gustoasa. Am cumparat un aparat Moulinex Pie&Co despre care am mai vorbit putin in vara; am promis ca revin cu noi idei si iata-ma!
De data aceasta am facut niste placintele traditionale care au avut mare succes in randul musafirilor mei.
Ingrediente aluat:
200 g unt
200 g telemea
3 linguri de smantana
2 oua
450 g faina alba
250 g faina integrala
Ingrediente umplutura:
150 cas afumat
2 bucati de carnat traditional
1 ardei verde
1 ardei kapia
It’s been a pretty long time since I haven’t posted anything. I still have some preserves recipes that I wanted to show you. It seems though that the time was not on my side and I couldn’t do all the things I planned.
Today I will talk a little bit about a very simple and tasty recipe. I bought a Moulinex Pie & Co. unit about which I’ve talked a little bit this summer; I promised to return with new ideas and here I am!
This time I baked some traditional pies that have had great success among my guests.
Ingredients for dough:
200 g butter
200 g feta cheese
3 tablespoons sour cream
2 eggs
450 g all purpose flour
250 g whole wheat flour
Ingredients for filling:
150 g smoked cheese
2 pieces of traditional sausage
1 green pepper
1 kapia pepper
Pentru pregatirea aluatului vom folosi untul moale, la temperatura camerei. Amestecam ouale cu untul, branza telemea si smantana. Apoi adaugam treptat faina si framantam bine. Vom obtine o coca elastica. Aceasta se inveleste in folie alimentara si se pune in frigider timp de 20 de minute.
To prepare dough we will use soft butter, at ambiental temperature. Mix eggs with butter, cream and cheese. Then add the flour and knead well. We will obtain an elastic dough. This will be wrapped in alimentary foil and put in the refrigerator for 20 minutes.
Intre timp am taiat in bucatele mici carnaciorii motesti Alpin (pe care noi ii apreciem extrem de mult) si ardeii.
Meanwhile we will cut the Alpin sausages into small pieces (we appreciate them very much) and the pepper.
Casul afumat de Sibiu seamana ca si consistenta cu parmezanul. Gustul insa este diferit dar foarte bun.
L-am razuit cu razatoarea Moulinex in 2 timpi si 3 miscari.
Sibiu smoked cheese looks like parmesan. The taste is different but very good. I grated it very easily with my little Moulinex grater.
Scoatem aluatul din frigider si il intindem pe masa presarata cu faina. Nu trebuie sa fie foarte subtire. Apoi il taiem cu forma speciala a aparatului pentru a forma cosuletul.
Cei ce nu au un aparat Pie&Co pot sa decupeze cu o forma rotunda si sa cresteze aluatul dupa care il pot pune la copt in forme de mini tarte.
Remove dough from refrigerator and stretch it on the table spread with flour. It shouldn’t be very thin. Then we’ll cut the little basket with the unit’s special form.
Those who do not have a Pie & Co. unit can cut with a round shape and bake the dough in mini tarts baking forms.
Punem aluatul in cuiburile incinse ale aparatului si adaugam celelalte ingrediente.
Put the dough in the Pie&Co’s hot nests and add the other ingredients.
Adaugam coca de deasupra pe fiecare cosulet. Apoi se coace timp de cateva minute. In cazul in care trebuie sa coaceti placintelele in cuptor va trebui sa asteptati pana cand se rumenesc frumos deasupra.
We will add the piece of dough on each nest. Then we will bake them for few minutes. If you need to bake the mini pies in the oven you will have to wait until they are nicely browned on top.
Sper ca v-am dat o idee buna si ca va va fi de ajutor atunci cand pregatiti masa pentru prieteni sau familie.
Pofta buna!
I hope I have given you a good idea and that it will be helpful when preparing meals for friends and family.
Enjoy your meal!