Aperitive / Appetizers

Placinta rustica / Rustic pie

Cred ca pana acum ati observat ca imi plac mult placintele aperitiv. Asa ca nu cred ca o sa va surprinda ca am facut o noua reteta de placinta pe care am denumit-o “Placinta rustica”.
Aceasta reteta contine bureti iuti sau iutari (Lactarius piperatus). Nu va ganditi ca am fost in padure sa culeg ciuperci! Am folosit ciuperci conservate in otet cumparate. Desi mi-ar fi placut sa pot culege eu ciupercutele pe care le gatesc, trebuie sa recunosc cu mare regret ca nu sunt o cunoscatoare a ciupercilor comestibile si in plus am devenit extrem de precauta dupa ce anul trecut am suferit o intoxicatie destul de urata din cauza consumului unui tip de ciuperca despre care credeam ca stim tot.
Dar sa trecem la treaba:

 Ingrediente blat:
– 125 g margarina
– 7 g drojdie uscata
– 300 ml apa calduta
– 400 g faina
– sare
Ingrediente umplutura:
– 100 g bureti iuti
– 150 g masline negre fara sambure
– 125 g bacon (sau pastrama afumata de pui)
– 2 oua
– boia dulce
– piper

I guess you already noticed that I love the pies, especially the appetizer pies. So I don’t think that you’ll be surprised when you’ll see my new pie recipe that was named “Rustic pie”.
This recipe contains peppery milk-caps (Lactarius piperatus). Don’t think that I was in the woods to pick mushrooms! I used mushrooms pickled in vinegar that were bought. Although I would have loved to pick up mushrooms myself for my consumption, I have to admit that I’m not a person who can recognize the edible mushrooms and in addition, I became very cautious since last year when I suffered a quite ugly intoxication with inedible mushrooms (we thought we knew everything about that mushroom!).
OK, let’s get back to work:
Ingredients for dough:
– 125 g margarine
– 7 g dried yeast
– 300 ml warm water
– 400 g flour
– salt
Ingredients for filling:
– 100 g peppery milk-caps
– 150 g seedless black olives
– 125 g bacon (you can use smoked chicken pastrami instead)
– 2eggs
– sweet paprika
– pepper

Se pune margarina intr-un castron.

We put the margarine into a bowl.

Se adauga apa calduta, drojdia, sarea si se amesteca.

We’ll add the warm water, yeast, salt and we mix.

Se pune si jumatate din cantitatea de faina si amestecam bine. Acoperim castronul si asteptam sa dospeasca (compozitia isi va dubla volumul).
We will put half of flour’s quantity and we mix well. We cover the bowl and we wait to yeast (the composition will double its volume).

Intre timp pregatim umplutura.
Buretii iuti se scot din otet si se pun intr-un castron cu apa calduta timp de 10-15 minute. Apoi se scot si se spala bine.

Meanwhile we will prepare the filling.
The mushrooms will be taken out of vinegar and put into a bowl with warm water for 10-15 minutes. After that we will take them out and we will wash them with plenty of water.

Taiem buretii in bucatele mici.

We cut the mushrooms in fine pieces.   

Apoi se adauga maslinele, baconul, ouale, boia dulce, piper si se amesteca.

We’ll add olives, bacon, eggs, sweet paprika, pepper and we mix them.

Cand coca a dospit adaugam si restul de faina si amestecam. O vom lasa sa se odihneasca 10 minute.

When the dough is yeasted we will add the rest of the flour and we mix. We will let it to rest for 10 minutes.

Se intinde coca intr-o tava cu diametrul de 30 cm si se pune umplutura. Se pune in cuptorul preincalzit si se coace la temperatura medie timp de 25-30 de minute, in functie de cuptor.

The dough will be stretched on a tray with 30 cm diameter and we’ll add the filling. We will put the tray into the preheated oven and we will bake it at a medium temperature for 25-30 minutes, depending on what kind of oven you have.

Iata ce placinta a iesit:
Here is the pie that I baked:

Gustul buretilor iuti se potriveste de minune cu acel bacon afumat si maslinele negre. Este o placinta simpla, fara prea multe ingrediente dar care va va placea. Cine stie, poate veti fi niste fani ai acestui tip de placinte, ca si mine! 🙂
The peppery milk cap’s taste is wonderful with that smoked bacon and black olives. It’s a simple pie, without too many ingredients that you will love. Who knows, maybe you’ll become fans of this type of pies, as I am! 🙂

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